Theon Greyjoy Timeline – Game of Thrones

Theon Greyjoy Game of Thrones

Father – Balon Greyjoy
Mother – Alannys Harlaw
Siblings – Rodrik, Maron, Yara
Spouse – None
Children – None

This timeline gives a chronological listing of the main events in the life of the fictitious character Theon Greyjoy as shown in the TV series Game of Thrones

See Also: History of Westeros Timeline


Before Season 1 Age 0
Theon Greyjoy was born the youngest son of Balon and Alannys Greyjoy at Pyke in the Iron Islands. He was affectionately known by the family as Little Theon.
Before Season 1 Age 8
Greyjoy Rebellion – Balon Greyjoy declared himself King of the Iron Islands in a bid to breakaway from the Seven Kingdoms and the rule of Robert Barratheon.
Before Season 1 Age 8
Theon’s elder brother Rodrik was killed in the battle for the castle of Seagard.
Before Season 1 Age 8
Theon’s elder brother Maron was killed in the fighting on Pyke after a tower collapsed on him.
Before Season 1 Age 8
After his father was defeated for rebelling against the Crown, Theon was taken as hostage by Ned Stark. He was raised with Ned’s own children, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Jon Snow, Ned Stark’s bastard son (later revealed to be the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen).
Before Season 1 Age 12
Rickon Stark, was born to Ned and Catelyn Stark.
Season 1 Age 17
Theon was present when Ned Stark executed a deserter from the Nightswatch. On the journey home the party found a dead direwolf and a litter of six direwolf pups, one for each of Ned’s children.
Season 1 Age 17
Robert Baratheon arrived at Winterfell and persuaded Ned Stark to become Hand of the King. Ned reluctantly accepted the post.
Season 1 Age 17
Bran Stark witnessed Jamie and Cersei having sex. Jamie pushed Bran off the wall hoping the fall would kill him. Bran survived but was paralysed.
Season 1 Age 17
Ned, Sansa and Arya Stark left Winterfell for Kings Landing where Ned would take up position as Hand of the King.
Season 1 Age 17
Following the attempted assassination of Bran, Catelyn Stark discovered that the Lannister’s were behind the attempt. She left Winterfell, accompanied by Rodrik Cassel, to warn Ned that he may be in danger. She left Robb in charge of Winterfell.
Season 1 Age 17
While out riding Bran was attacked by a group of wildlings. The wildlings were fought off by Robb and Theon Greyjoy and all were killed except Osha who was taken prisoner.
Season 1 Age 17
Theon Greyjoy was sad to see the prostitute Ros leaving Winterfell for Kings Landing.
Season 1 Age 17
After hearing the news of Ned Stark’s imprisonment, Robb called out the family bannermen and rode south. Theon went with him.
Season 1 Age 17
Theon Greyjoy joined others in proclaiming Robb Stark the King in the North.
Season 1 Age 17
Theon fought by Robb’s side in the Battle of the Whispering Wood which saw the Lannisters defeated and Jaime Lannister taken prisoner.
Season 2 Age 18
Robb Stark sent Theon Greyjoy to negotiate an alliance with Balon Greyjoy and secure a fleet of ships.
Season 2 Age 18
Theon was unhappy to find no welcome party for his arrival in the Iron Islands.
Season 2 Age 18
Theon accepted a horseback ride from a young woman, not realising that it is his sister, Yara. He was angry when he realised her identity.
Season 2 Age 18
Balon Greyjoy was angry with Theon for becoming like the Starks and forgetting that he was Iron born. Eager to please his father Theon joined his attack on the North.
Season 2 Age 18
Instead of raiding fishing villages, as directed by his father, Theon Greyjoy decided to take Winterfell. He placed Torrhen’s Square was under siege in order to lure men away from Winterfell, then attacked the Stark family home.
Season 2 Age 18
Theon forced Bran Stark to tell the people of Winterfell that he had surrendered the castle to Theon. A captive Rodrik Cassel was brought back to Winterfell where he called Theon a traitor and spat at him. Theon then horrifically executed Rodrik Cassel.
Season 2 Age 18
Osha persuaded Theon Greyjoy that she was not loyal to the Starks and served herself. After seducing Theon she left him sleeping, killed a guard and then, with Hodor, Bran and Rickon left Winterfell.
Season 2 Age 18
When he discovered that Bran and Rickon had escaped, Theon ordered a hunting party to search for them.
Season 2 Age 18
Unbeknown to Theon, Osha had taken Bran, Rickon, Hodor and the boys’ direwolves away from Winterfell. They passed the shepherd’s cottage but Bran refused to ask them for help because he was worried that it might put the family in danger. Osha then doubled back and they all hid in the crypts below the castle.
Season 2 Age 18
Unable to find Bran and Rickon, Theon did not want to lose face with his men so killed the two orphan boys living at the farm and burnt their bodies. He then claimed they were the bodies of Bran and Rickon.
Season 2 Age 18
Theon’s sister Yara arrived at Winterfell and told Theon that Winterfell was impossible to hold and that he should abandon it and return to the Iron Islands. Theon refused.
Season 2 Age 18
Robb Stark was furious when he learnt that he had been betrayed by Theon Greyjoy. He agreed to let Roose Bolton’s son, Ramsay retake Winterfell on condition that his brothers Bran and Rickon were brought out alive and that Theon was brought to him for execution.
Season 2 Age 18
Ramsay Bolton reached Winterfell. He killed Theon’s iron born men and took Theon prisoner before leaving Winterfell in ruins.
Season 3 Age 19
Ramsay Bolton did not take Theon Greyjoy to Robb Stark as promised but instead imprisoned him at the Dreadfort and had him systematically tortured.
Season 3 Age 19
Ramsay Bolton posed as a friend to Theon and freed him. He told Theon that his sister was waiting for him in the East. Soon afterwards, Theon was pursued by men on horseback and was captured. He was then ‘rescued’ by Ramsay Bolton who killed his captors. Theon was dismayed when he realised that he had not been rescued but returned to his cell.
Season 3 Age 19
Theon realised that his so-called friend was actually his captor. Ramsay Bolton then began systematicly torturing Theon himself. He re-named him Reek.
Season 3 Age 19
Theon Greyjoy allowed himself to be seduced by two beautiful women, Myranda and Violet. He was then discovered by Ramsay Bolton who ordered him restrained before castrating him..
Season 4 Age 20
Theon (Reek) had been worn down by torture and now served Ramsay Bolton.
Season 4 Age 20
Roose Bolton was angry with Ramsay for mutilating a valuable hostage. Reek told the Boltons that he had not murdered the Stark boys and thought they may be at Castle Black.
Season 4 Age 20
Yara Greyjoy arrived to free Theon. She was very shocked at the change in her brother. Theon feared it was another trick by Ramsay and refused to leave. Yara realised she could not rescue her brother and left.
Season 4 Age 20
Ramsay Bolton told Reek that he was to help Ramsay gain control of Moat Cailin. As instructed Reek, posing as Theon Greyjoy, approached the castle door and gained entry. He told the iron born men inside that if they surrendered the castle they could go free. After submitting, Ramsay Bolton entered and massacred them.
Season 5 Age 21
The Boltons had been made Wardens of the North and now lived in Winterfell. Reek was present when Sansa Stark arrived to marry Ramsay Bolton as arranged by Petyr Baelish.
Season 5 Age 21
Ramsay Bolton told Reek that he would walk Sansa down the aisle and give her away.
Season 5 Age 21
After Ramsay Bolton married Sansa Stark, Theon escorted them to their room. Ramsay then ordered Theon to watch as he brutally raped Sansa.
Season 5 Age 21
Sansa asked Reek to place a candle in the Tower window as a signal to Brienne of Tarth. However, Theon was too frightened and instead told Ramsay of Sansa’s plan.
Season 5 Age 21
Sansa Stark was wandering around Winterfell when she was approached by Myranda, Ramsay Bolton’s lover and taken to see the kennels where Theon Greyjoy was asleep in a cage. He told her not to call him Theon.
Season 5 Age 21
During a heated discussion Theon told Sansa that Bran and Rickon were both still alive.
Season 5 Age 21
Sansa tried to plan an escape and managed to place a lighted candle in the tower. However she was then intercepted by Myranda. After an argument Theon pushed Myranda off the battlements to her death. Theon and Sansa then jumped off the castle walls into the snow.
Season 6 Age 22
Sansa and Theon tried to run away from Winterfell but were found by Bolton’s men. However, Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne arrived and killed Bolton’s men. Brienne again offered her service to Sansa who accepted.
Season 6 Age 22
Theon Greyjoy and Sansa Stark parted company because Theon feared Jon Snow would not forgive him for his treachery. Sansa, Brienne and Podrick Payne travelled to Castle Black while Theon returned to the Iron Islands.
Season 6 Age 22
Theon returned to the Iron Islands and was reunited with his sister. He learned that his father had been murdered by Euron Greyjoy. Yara accused him of returning to become King of Pyke.
Season 6 Age 22
Theon spoke in favour of his sister, Yara, becoming Queen of Pyke. However, the iron born were persuaded that Euron would be a better ruler and elected him King.
Season 6 Age 22
Yara and Theon Greyjoy left the Iron Islands and went to pledge allegiance to Daenerys Targaryen.
Season 6 (age 22)
Theon and Yara Greyjoy arrived in Meereen. However, Tyrion questioned Theon’s loyalty saying he knew that Theon had killed Bran and Rickon Stark. Theon revealed that the Stark boys were alive but admitted he had committed crimes which he had paid for. He pledged allegiance to Daenerys and promised her ships if she helped defeat Euron and make Yara Queen of the Iron Islands.
Season 6 (age 22)
Daenerys agreed to Theon and Yara’s terms. Soon afterwards they left for Westeros.
Season 7 Age 23
Daenerys held a meeting with her supporters, Ellaria Sand and her daughters, Olenna Tyrell and Yara and Theon Greyjoy at Dragonstone. Ellaria Sand and her daughters, and Yara and Theon agreed to sail their fleet to Dorne and then accompany the Dornish army back to lay siege to Kings Landing.
Season 7 Age 23
Theon and Yara’s fleet was ambushed by Euron Greyjoy before it reached Dorne. Euron took Yara hostage. Theon, fearful of being tortured by Euron, did not help his sister.
Season 7 Age 23
Theon managed to return to Dragonstone. As he landed on the beach he saw Jon Snow and asked after Sansa. Jon Snow angrily told Theon that the only reason he would not kill him was because he saved Sansa.
Season 7 Age 23
Theon hoped that Daenerys would help rescue Yara but learned that she had left Dragonstone to fight the Lannister army.
Season 7 Age 23
After defeating Harrag, Theon won the respect of the remaining iron born and persuaded them to rescue Yara..
Season 8 Age 24
While Euron Greyjoy was with Cersei, Theon and the iron born murdered Yara’s captors and freed her.
Season 8 Age 24
Yara was determined to return to the Iron Islands and take the throne. Theon chose not to go with her but to go North instead.
Season 8 Age 24
Theon reached Winterfell and asked Sansa to let him fight for the North. Sansa gladly accepted.
Season 8 Age 24
The commanders met to discuss tactics for the upcoming battle. Bran stated that the Night King would come for him and said that he would position himself in the Godswood as bait. He said that if the Night King was killed then his army would be destroyed. Theon offered to go to the weirwood with him and defend him.
Season 8 Age 24
When the battle began, Theon managed to protect Bran from the army of the dead. Bran flew off as the three-eyed raven and soared above the army of the dead.
Season 8 Age 24
The Night King approached Bran and Theon charged at him with his sword. The Night King retaliated and stabbed Theon through the heart killing him. The Knight King then raised his spear and walked towards Bran Stark. From nowhere Arya rushed the Night King from behind and stabbed him with her valerian steel dagger. He fell to the ground, dead. As he was eliminated the army of the dead disintegrated.


Published Aug 17 2022 @ 6:36 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2022). Theon Greyjoy – Game of Thrones. Last accessed [date]


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