Jon Snow Timeline – Game of Thrones

Jon SnowFatherRhaegar Targaryen
MotherLyanna Stark
Spouse – None
Children – None

This timeline gives a chronological listing of the main events in the life of the fictitious character Jon Snow  as shown in the TV series Game of Thrones

See Also: History of Westeros Timeline


Before Season 1 Age 0
Jon Snow was born to Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen in the Tower of Joy.
Before Season 1 Age 0
Jon’s mother, Lyanna Stark, died. Before dying she asked her brother, Ned Stark to take the child and to keep his identity secret.
Before Season 1 Age 0
Ned took Jon to Winterfell where his wife had just given birth to their first son, Robb. He told his wife, Catelyn, that the child was his bastard son and was to be raised as one of the family.
Before Season 1 Age 3
A daughter, Sansa, was born to Catelyn and Ned Stark.
Before Season 1 Age 5
A daughter Arya, was born to Catelyn and Ned Stark
Before Season 1 Age 6
A son, Brandon (Bran), was born to Catelyn and Ned Stark
Before Season 1 Age 8
Theon Greyjoy, aged 11 years, was brought as hostage to live with the Stark family.
Before Season 1 Age 10
A son Rickon, was born to Catelyn and Ned Stark.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon Snow and the Stark children witnessed Ned execute a deserter from the Night’s Watch. Afterwards they discovered a litter of direwolf pups whose mother had died.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon got the smallest of the six direwolves, an albino pup, and named it Ghost.
Season 1 Age 16
A raven arrived at Winterfell carrying a message from Lysa Arryn that her husband had been killed by the Lannisters.
Season 1 Age 16
Winterfell received notification that King Robert Barratheon would visit Winterfell. Jon Snow, as a bastard, was not allowed to attend the festivities for fear of offending the royal party.
Season 1 Age 16
Robert persuaded Ned to become Hand of the King and to travel to Kings Landing. A betrothal between Robert’s son Joffrey and Sansa Stark was agreed.
Season 1 Age 16
Robb’s brother, Bran witnessed Jaime and Cersei having sex. Jaime pushed Bran off the wall hoping the fall would kill him. Bran survived but was paralysed.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon made the decision to join the Night’s Watch.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon Snow gave Arya a sword as a parting gift. She gave it the name Needle.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon left Winterfell to journey north to the Wall. As he parted from Ned, Ned promised that the next time they met he would tell Jon about his mother. Ned, Sansa and Arya then travelled to Kings Landing with Robert Baratheon.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon Snow, accompanied by his uncle, Benjen and Tyrion Lannister who wanted to see the Wall, reached their destination. Jon Snow soon realised that being a member of the Night’s Watch was not as he had imagined.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon, was annoyed that his uncle Benjen would not allow him to go beyond the wall with the ranging party.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon received word that Bran had regained consciousness. Feeling cheered by the news Jon began helping some of the new recruits to learn to fight. He also became very protective of Samwell Tarly.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon was annoyed that he wasn’t selected to be a ranger but was instead appointed personal steward to the Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. Sam told Jon that he believed Mormont was grooming him to be a future Lord Commander.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon’s direwolf brought him a severed hand which led to the discovery of two bodies of Night’s Watch men. Later, one of the men rose and attacked Lord Mormont. Jon managed to save Mormont and was rewarded by being given a Valyrian steel sword named Longclaw.
Season 1 Age 16
Jon learned that Ned Stark had been executed and that Robb had called out the Stark bannermen. He wanted to ride South to join Robb but was persuaded to stay at Castle Black by Sam and his friends.
Season 2 Age 17
Jon Snow was one of a party of Night’s Watch led by Jeor Mormont that went north of the wall to try to find Benjen Stark who had not returned from his ranging expedition.
Season 2 Age 17
The party stayed at the home of Craster and Jon took an instant dislike to the man. His attitude earned him a reprimand from Jeor Mormont.
Season 2 Age 17
Samwell Tarley asked Jon to help him save Gilly who was pregnant with Craster’s child. He explained that she was petrified that the child will be a boy  and be taken away. Jon Snow followed Craster and saw him leave a newborn child in the woods to be collected by a white walker. Craster spotted him and knocked him out. He then told the rangers to leave his home.
Season 2 Age 17
Jon was allowed to join Qhorin Halfhand’s mission to take out Mance Rayder’s lookouts.
Season 2 Age 17
Jon Snow was unable to execute the wildling lookout Ygritte and took her captive instead. Ygritte escaped and ran off. Although Jon recaptured her he had lost Qhorin and they had to sleep outside. Ygritte used very sexual behaviour towards Jon but he resisted her advances.
Season 2 Age 17
Ygritte tricked Jon and led him into an ambush which saw him taken prisoner by the wildlings.
Season 2 Age 17
Qhorin Halfhand had also been taken prisoner and he persuaded Jon to kill him and become a spy with the wildlings.
Season 3 Age 18
Jon Snow had been led to the wildling camp where he met Mance Rayder. He managed to persuade Mance that he had truly defected from the Nights Watch and wanted to join the wildlings.
Season 3 Age 18
Jon began to march south with the wildlings. He was fascinated by the giants and also by Orell, the warg.
Season 3 Age 18
At the Fist of the First Men, Jon and the wildlings discovered that the Night’s Watch stationed there had all been slaughtered.
Season 3 Age 18
Jon Snow was chosen as one of a party of wildlings led by Tormund Giantsbane to climb the Wall and attack Castle Black from the south, weakening it so that Mance Rayder could attack from the north.
Season 3 Age 18
Jon Snow was forced to truthfully answer questions about Castle Black and the Night’s Watch but he exaggerated the numbers.
Season 3 Age 18
Yrgritte led Jon to a cave where they made love.
Season 3 Age 18
Jon and the Wildlings climbed the ice wall and Jon saved Ygritte when she slipped. Once over the wall they made their way south.
Tormund Giantsbane’s party attacked a horse breeder’s home. Jon made a noise so the man could escape. After the man was captured Jon was ordered to kill the man but was unable to carry out the killing.
Season 3 Age 18
Bran, Hodor, Meera and Jojen were sheltering in a nearby tower. Bran warged into his direwolf to help Jon who was fighting with the warg, Orell. As he weakened, Orell warged into his eagle and attacked Jon Snow who then took a horse and rode away. Ygritte fired three arrows at Jon which left him badly injured.
Season 3 Age 18
Jon reached Castle Black.
Season 4 Age 19
Jon Snow survived his injuries and was summoned to explain his desertion before Alliser Thorne and Maestor Aemon. Jon told of how he had contrived with Qhorin Halfhand to become a spy in the wildling camp. He then explained the wildlings’ plan to capture Castle Black. Jon was allowed to live.
Season 4 Age 19
Jon Snow learned of the death of Robb and Catelyn at the Red Wedding. He decided that he had to stay with the Night’s Watch rather than avenge their deaths.
Season 4 Age 19
A young boy, Olly, arrived at Castle Black telling of how the wildlings had raided his village and killed everyone. Jon agreed with Alliser Thorne that they could not send men south but had to keep every man on the wall.
Season 4 Age 19
The Night’s Watch learned that a number of their men had mutinied at Craster’s Keep. Jon persuaded Alliser Thorne that the mutineers had to be killed before they revealed to the wildlings that the Wall was badly undermanned.
Season 4 Age 19
Jon Snow called for volunteers to join his mission to eliminate the mutineers. One of the volunteers was Locke, a man sent by Ramsay Bolton to kill Jon.
Season 4 Age 19
Snow and his volunteers attacked Crasters Keep. Jon did not know that the mutineers had Bran, Hodor, Meera and Jojen captive. Bran knew of Locke’s treachery and warged into Hodor and killed the assassin.
Season 4 Age 19
Jon Snow returned to Castle Black. He disagreed with Thorne over defence strategies for the coming attack by Mance Rayder.
Season 4 Age 19
Jon Snow and the Night’s Watch learned that Mole’s Town had been attacked by the wildlings south of the wall.
Season 4 Age 19
A horn blow alerted Jon to a large fire north of the Wall. They prepared for the imminent attack by Mance Rayder. A second horn blow from the south signalled an attack on Castle Black by Tormund’s party of wildlings.
Season 4 Age 19
Jon took charge of the defence of the Wall after Janos Slynt fled downstairs. When he learned that Alliser Thorne had been badly injured he left the Wall and ran to the defence of Castle Black. He ordered that his direwolf Ghost be released to join the fighting. After killing many wildlings Jon noticed Ygritte pointing her bow at him. Before he could say anything Olly shot Ygritte. She died in Jon’s arms.
Season 4 Age 19
Jon Snow decided to leave Castle Black and try to reach Mance Rayder and negotiate with him. He reached Mance and began talking but before they could reach an agreement the army of Stannis Baratheon arrived. At Jon’s insistence Mance was taken prisoner rather than killed.
Season 5 Age 20
Stannis asked Jon if he would consider taking the north from the Boltons. He instructed Jon Snow to persuade Mance Rayder to bend the knee to him and in return Stannis would free the wildlings.
Season 5 Age 20
Mance Rayder refused to pay homage to Stannis and was burned at the stake. Jon was unable to watch him suffer and shot him through the heart with an arrow.
Season 5 Age 20
Stannis told Jon that he could be Lord of Winterfell if he would help to drive out the Boltons. Jon declined the offer.
Season 5 Age 20
Jon was voted to be leader of the Night’s Watch when Maester Aemon cast his vote for Jon.
Season 5 Age 20
Janos Slynt refused to obey Jon’s order to repair Greyguard Castle. Jon executed him by beheading him immediately.
Season 5 Age 20
Melisandre tried to persuade Jon to help defeat the Boltons. When he refused she attempted to seduce him but he declined her invitation.
Season 5 Age 20
Jon Snow decided to allow the wildlings to pass through the Wall and live in the North in return for their loyalty. His idea was not well received particularly by Olly and Alliser Thorne.
Season 5 Age 20
Tormund told Jon that many of the wildlings would have gone to Hardhome. Jon knew that if they were killed by the white walkers then they would become white walkers themselves. He decided to go to Hardhome, bring them south and allow them to settle in the North.
Season 5 Age 20
Jon and Tormund sailed at the head of a party of Night’s Watch to Hardhome. They met with wildling leaders and some agreed to Jon’s plan. As they prepared to leave they were attacked by an army of wights. Many wildlings were killed but others managed to escape with Jon and Tormund. As they left Jon saw the Night’s King appear and summon the dead to rise.
Season 5 Age 20
Jon and the surviving wildlings returned to the Wall and the wildlings were allowed to pass through.
Season 5 Age 20
Sam asked Jon if he could go to Oldtown and train as a maester. Jon reluctantly agreed and Sam left with Gilly and her baby.
Season 5 Age 20
Melisandre arrived at Castle Black having fled the Battle of Winterfell where Stannis was killed.
Season 5 Age 20
Olly summoned Jon Snow saying that his uncle Benjen had been found. Jon went outside but was assassinated by members of the Night’s Watch including Allisor Thorne and Olly.
Season 6 Age 21
Davos and a few other Night’s Watch loyal to Jon moved his body to a locked room. Melisandre used her magic to make Jon come back to life.
Season 6 Age 21
Jon went outside to show himself to the Night’s Watch. Those that killed him were hanged.
Season 6 Age 21
Jon declared that as he had already died his time with the Night’s Watch was over. He gave control to his friend Edd.
Season 6 Age 21
Sansa, Brienne and Podrick Payne arrived at Castle Black and Jon was reunited with his sister.
Season 6 Age 21
Jon Snow received a letter from Ramsay Bolton telling him that he had Rickon Stark in captivity. Jon decided he had to fight Ramsay Bolton for Winterfell and the release of his brother. He mustered an army but it was far inferior to that of Ramsay Bolton.
Season 6 Age 21
The two armies faced each other and Ramsay brought out Rickon Stark. He told Rickon to run to Jon. At the same time Jon rode toward Rickon but just before Jon could reach his brother Ramsay shot Rickon with an arrow in the back and killed him.
Season 6 Age 21
Jon Snow was isolated on the battlefield and his men had to come forward to defend him. Ramsay Bolton then split his army and surrounded Jon’s army and began cutting them down. Jon was buried beneath the press of men but managed to climb upwards and survive. As all seemed lost the army of House Arryn led by Petyr Baelish and Sansa arrived and Bolton was defeated.
Season 6 Age 21
Ramsay Bolton retreated to Winterfell where he agreed to one to one combat with Jon. Jon quickly disarmed Bolton and had him locked in the cells. Sansa later killed him by setting his hounds on him.
Season 6 Age 21
Jon sent Melisandre away after it was revealed that she had burned Stannis’s daughter Shireen.
Season 6 Age 21
The Northern lords met to discuss their next move. During the proceedings Lyanna Mormont declared Jon Snow the new King in the North. Sansa was shocked believing that she should have had that honour.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon ordered all men and women to be equipped with weapons and trained in their use. He also stated that dragonglass was the most important material and that it had to be found in large quantities.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon and Sansa disagreed over punishment for those that had fought against the Starks. They further disagreed when Jon Snow decided to accept Daenerys Targaryen’s invitation to go to Dragonstone but Jon was insistent he would go and left Winterfell in Sansa’s charge.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon and Davos Seaworth reached Dragonstone. They soon realised that Daenerys had them under house arrest because Jon refused to bend the knee to her. Daenerys did agree to allow them to mine dragonglass and forge it into weapons.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon took Daenerys into a cave to show her the dragonglass. While in the cave he also showed her some cave paintings which showed men and children of the forest fighting together against the Night King.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon asked Daenerys to form an alliance with him but she refused saying she would help the north once he had bent the knee to her.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon was walking on the cliffs when Daenerys returned from fighting the Lannisters riding on her dragon. The dragon went very close to Jon and allowed him to stroke his face.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon managed to convince Daenerys that the threat from beyond the Wall was real. She agreed to let Jon go back to the North so that he could capture a wight in order to persuade Cersei that they all need to work together to defeat the army of the dead.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon went beyond the Wall at the head of a party that included Davos Seaworth, Gendry, Jorah Mormont, The Hound and Beric Dondarrion.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon’s party beyond the Wall were attacked by a dead polar bear before managing to capture one of the wights. They were then attacked by a huge army of the dead. Jon sent Gendry back to the Wall to send a raven to Daenerys to come to their aid. Jon and company were on the verge of being overpowered when Daenerys arrived riding on the back of Drogon and accompanied by her two other dragons. Daenerys landed and all except Jon managed to climb on the dragon’s back.  After Daenerys’ dragon Viserion was killed with an ice javelin Jon told her to go. Left alone Jon was saved by Benjen Stark who gave him a horse which took him back to the Wall.
Season 7 Age 22
After a touching moment between Jon and Daenerys, Jon Snow swore allegiance to Daenerys.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion and their allies met with Cersei, Jaime, Euron Greyjoy an Brienne of Tarth. Sandor Clegane opened the box containing the wight and the dead corpse ran towards Cersei. Jon then demonstrated that it could be killed with fire or dragonglass. Cersei agreed to a truce to fight the army of the dead, but Jon could not swear fealty to Cersei and talks broke down. After intervention from Tyrion the talks resumed and Cersei agreed to help them defeat the white walkers and wights.
Season 7 Age 22
Jon persuaded Daenerys to sail to the North with the rest of the party rather than fly on Drogon. While on the journey Jon and Daenerys spent the night together.
Season 8 Age 23
Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Brienne, Ser Jorah, Sandor Clegane and those that had met with Cersei in the South returned to Winterfell.
Season 8
Jon and Daenerys rode off on the two dragons to a waterfall where they spend some time together.
Season 8 Age 23
Prompted by Bran, Sam told Jon Snow that he was really Aegon Targaryen and the real heir to the Iron Throne.
Season 8 Age 23
Jon was delighted when Beric Dondarrion, Tormund, Dolorous Edd and the party that had been left on the wall, reached Winterfell. After a joyous reunion the parties met to discuss tactics for the upcoming battle. Bran stated that the Night King would come for him and that he would position himself in the Godswood. Theon offered to go with him and defend him.
Season 8 Age 23
As the dead approached Winterfell, Jon told Daenarys his true identity. She was not pleased to hear that Jon was the true heir to the Iron Throne.
Season 8 Age 23
During the Battle of Winterfell, Jon and Danaerys rode the two dragons and cut down swathes of dead with dragon fire. However, the temperature plummeted and a violent snowstorm erupted making it impossible for the two to see the battle below. The freezing temperature also put out the fires that had been lit.
Season 8 Age 23
After seeing the Night King survive dragon fire, Jon then rushed at him with his sword but the Night King simply raised the dead. Luckily for Jon, Dany had spotted his situation and turned her dragon to burn the dead allowing Jon to escape. However, he became trapped by the Night King’s dead dragon and could not re-join the battle.
Season 8 Age 23
The Night King approached Bran and raised his spear. From nowhere Arya Stark rushed the Night King from behind and stabbed him with her valerian steel dagger. He fell to the ground, dead. As he was eliminated the army of the dead disintegrated.
Season 8 Age 23
As leader of the North Jon Snow led the cremation of those that had died in the Battle for Winterfell.
Season 8 Age 23
During the celebrations to mark the defeat of the Night King, Jon found himself alone with Daenerys. Daenerys told Jon that she loved him and asked him to keep his true identity a secret. He stated that he had to tell his siblings.
Season 8 Age 23
Tactics were discussed on how to defeat Cersei. Sansa requested that any attack be delayed so that the men have time to rest and march to battle refreshed. Daenerys angrily explained that she had lost her dragon and much of her army for helping in the defeat of the Night King and was not prepared to wait. Jon backed her plan.
Season 8 Age 23
Jon Snow prepared to march south to Kings Landing. He asked Tormund, who was returning north of the wall, to take care of his direwolf, Ghost. He also said farewell to Sam and Gilly who revealed she was pregnant with Sam’s child.
Season 8 Age 23
Varys met Jon Snow as he arrived by boat to Dragonstone and told him that Daenerys had isolated herself and was refusing to eat. He then told Jon Snow that he would make a better ruler than Daenerys but Jon refused the role.
Season 8 Age 23
Varys was arrested by Grey Worm and brought to the beach before Daenerys, Tyrion and Jon. Tyrion admitted to betraying Varys before Daenerys ordered Varys be killed by dragonfire.
Season 8 Age 23
Jon tried to persuade Daenerys that he was not interested in the throne. He told her that he was loyal to her and loved her.
Season 8 Age 23
The two sides lined up outside the city walls. The battle for King’s Landing began when Daenerys, riding on the back of Drogon, destroyed the Iron Fleet. She then burnt a hole in the walls of King’s Landing and set the Golden Company on fire. Next she destroyed all ballista scorpions on the ramparts.
Season 8 Age 23
Daenerys’ army led by Jon Snow, Grey Worm and Davos fought inside the city and came face to face with the main Lannister army. After a pause the Lannister army laid down their weapons.
Season 8 Age 23
The city bells began to ring signalling victory and Tyrion and Jon Snow looked very relieved. However Daenerys then flew off on Drogon and began destroying the city.
Season 8 Age 23
Following Daenerys’ lead, Grey Worm began killing the Lannister soldiers that had surrendered. Jon tried to get his men to retreat but they had followed Grey Worm. He put his sword away and walked away from the battle.
Season 8 Age 23
After the battle Jon walked through the rubble dismayed at the destruction and slaughter of innocent people. Arya warned him that he would always be a threat to Daenerys.
Season 8 Age 23
Jon Snow visited Tyrion who had been imprisoned by Daenerys for setting Jaime Lannister free. They spoke of the future and Tyrion voiced his concerns and told Jon that it was his duty to deal with Daenerys. Jon repeated Maester Aemon’s words that ‘Love is the death of duty’.
Season 8 Age 23
Jon spoke to Daenerys and tried to convince her that the war was over. She told Jon that she had to free everyone and build a new world. Realising she would never change Jon stabbed her in the heart and she died. Jon was imprisoned by the Unsullied army for murdering Daenerys.
Season 8 Age 23
Weeks later after it had been decided that Bran should be King of the Seven Kingdoms, Jon was released from prison and sent to lead the Night’s Watch.


First published 2017; updated and republished Aug 9 2022 @ 12:38 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2022). Jon Snow – Game of Thrones . Last accessed [date]


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