Jaime Lannister Timeline – Game of Thrones

Jaime Lannister

Father – Tywin Lannister
Mother – Joanna Lannister
SiblingsCersei, Tyrion
Spouse – None
ChildrenJoffrey, Myrcella, Tommen (by Cersei Lannister)

This timeline gives  a chronological listing of the main events in the life of the fictitious character, Jaime Lannister as shown in the TV series Game of Thrones

See Also: History of Westeros Timeline


Before Season 1 Age 0
Jaime Lannister was born to Ser Tywin Lannister and Lady Joanna at Casterly Rock soon after his twin sister Cersei.
Before Season 1 Age 6
Jaime and Cersei were very close and even shared a bed. However when it was discovered that they were intimate with each other they were made to sleep in separate rooms.
Before Season 1 Age 6
Jaime Lannister had trouble learning to read. His father, Tywin forced him to practice for four hours a day until he managed to read. He resented this very much.
Before Season 1 Age 7
Jaime’s mother, Joanna, died giving birth to his brother Tyrion who suffered from dwarfism.
Before Season 1 Age 7
Unlike his sister, Jaime treated Tyrion kindly. He stepped in on one occasion to stop Cersei from hurting baby Tyrion.
Before Season 1 Age 7
Tywin Lannister arranged for Jaime’s sister, Cersei, to marry Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.
Before Season 1 Age 11
Jaime’s sister was distraught when she learned that King Aerys II had rejected the marriage proposal between her and Rhaegar Targaryon and had married his son to Elia Martell of Dorne.
Before Season 1 Age 15
Jaime Lannister visited Kings Landing from Casterly Rock and was seduced by his sister Cersei. She persuaded him to join the Kingsguard so that he could remain at Kings Landing near her and would not be allowed to marry.
Before Season 1 Age 15
Jaime Lannister was formally appointed a member of the Kingsguard at the tournament held at Harrenhal.
Before Season 1 Age 15
When Tywin Lannister discovered that Jaime had joined the Kingsguard, he resigned as Hand of the King and took Cersei back to Casterly Rock.
Before Season 1 Age 18
Robert’s Rebellion
Robert Baratheon rose up against the Mad King Aerys Targaryen.
Before Season 1 Age 18
The Battle of the Trident
At this battle, the forces of Robert Baratheon, Jon Arryn and Hoster Tully fought the forces of Rhaegar Targaryan, Lewyn Martell, Barriston Selmhy and Jonothor Darry. The battle was a decisive victory for Robert. Rhaegar Targaryen, Jonothor Darry and Lewyn Martell were killed.
Before Season 1 Age 18
Robert Baratheon’s intended bride, Lyanna Stark, died. It was believed that Rhaegar Targaryan was responsible for her death.
Before Season 1 Age 18
Even though Jaime Lannister warned against letting his father’s army enter Kings Landing, Aerys Targaeryan allowed them into the city. Once inside the gates, the Lannister army sacked the city. King Aerys shut himself in the Red Keep with Jaime Lannister. After Aerys ordered Jaime to burn the city and its people with wildfire he stabbed the king in the back killing him. The action earned Jaime the title ‘Kingslayer’.
Before Season 1 Age 18
Robert Baratheon became King of Westeros. He appointed Jon Arryn as Hand of the King. He also allowed Jaime to remain a member of the Kingsguard.
Before Season 1 Age 18
Robert reached an agreement with Tywin Lannister and sealed the alliance by agreeing to marry his daughter Cersei.
Before Season 1 Age 19
Jaime’s sister Cersei married King Robert Baratheon.
Before Season 1 Age 19
Cersei hated her husband Robert because he was still in love with Lyanna Stark, and turned her affections back to Jaime.
Before Season 1 Age 25
Cersei gave birth to a son, Joffrey. The child was fathered by Jaime but this was kept secret and Robert believed the child was his son.
Before Season 1 Age 27
Cersei gave birth to a daughter, Myrcella. This child was also fathered by Jaime but kept secret and  Robert believed the child was his daughter.
Before Season 1 Age 31
Cersei gave birth to a second son, Tommen. He was also fathered by Jaime but but this was only known by Jaime and Cersei. Robert believed the child was his son.
Season 1 Age 41
Jaime helped Cersei murder Jon Arryn, Hand of the King, because he had discovered that Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen were Jamie’s children.
Season 1 Age 41
Jaime accompanied Cersei, Robert and the royal family when they rode north from King’s Landing. They were going to Winterfell so that Robert could make Ned Stark his new Hand of the King. To seal the deal, Robert  proposed a marriage between Joffrey and Sansa Stark.
Season 1 Age 41
Jaime and Cersei were making love in a tower at Winterfell when they were seen by Bran Stark. Jamie pushed him out of the window hoping he would die. Jaime and Cersei were dismayed when he lived but thankful that he was unconscious.
Season 1 Age 41
The royal party accompanied by Ned, Sansa and Arya Stark left Winterfell and began the journey south to Kings Landing where Ned would take up his new role as Hand of the King.
Season 1 Age 41
Cersei was fearful when news arrived at Kings Landing that Bran Stark had woken up but Jaime told her not to worry.
Season 1 Age 41
Jaime found it demeaning that he was made to stand guard outside King Robert’s door while he liaised with a number of women.
Season 1 Age 41
After hearing that Ned Stark’s wife, Catelyn had captured his brother, Tyrion, Jaime Lannister confronted Ned and they began fighting. Jaime was annoyed when a Lannister guard speared Ned through the leg rendering him unable to continue the fight.
Season 1 Age 41
Jaime Lannister was sent north with the Lannister army to lay siege to Riverrun, Catelyn Stark’s family home, in retaliation for the capture of Tyrion.
Season 1 Age 41
Robert Baratheon died from injuries sustained while hunting. Jaime’s son, Joffrey, became king and his  sister Cersei became regent.
Season 1 Age 41
Ned Stark was imprisoned as a traitor for sending word to Stannis Baratheon that he was the rightful king since Joffrey was Jaime and Cersei’s son.
Season 1 Age 41
Ned Stark’s son, Robb, marched south at the head of an army of Stark bannermen to free his father.
Season 1 Age 41
Robb Stark won battle after battle and captured Jaime. He intended to exchange Jaime for his father and sisters.
Season 1 Age 41
Robb Stark learned that his father had been executed by Joffrey.
Season 2 Age 42
Jaime Lannister remained a prisoner of the Stark army.
Season 2 Age 42
Jaime managed to escape captivity after murdering Alton Lannister and Torrhen Karstark.
Season 2 Age 42
Jaime was recaptured and Rickard Karstark demanded Jaime be executed for killing his son. Catelyn asked Rickard to wait until Robb returned.
Season 2 Age 42
Catelyn Stark released Jaime Lannister into the care of Brienne of Tarth. Brienne was told to return Jaime to Kings Landing and exchange him for her daughters.
Season 2 Age 42
Jaime and Brienne began the journey to Kings Landing. Jaime was surprised by Brienne’s swordmanship after she fought off a group of Stark soldiers.
Season 3 Age 43
Further along the road to Kings Landing,  Jaime told Brienne to kill a traveller but she refused.
Season 3 Age 43
Jaime managed to take Brienne’s sword while they were crossing a bridge. They fought until they were discovered by a group of Roose Bolton’s men led by Locke and taken captive.
Season 3 Age 43
Jaime persuaded Locke’s men not to rape Brienne by persuading them that the island she comes from is full of sapphires and that her father will pay a good reward.
Season 3 Age 43
Jaime tried to gain his freedom from Locke by offering Locke money. Locke offered Jaime food and he sat at a table. Locke then cut off Jaime’s right hand.
Season 3 Age 43
Locke took Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth to Harrenhal. Along the way Jaime became feverish and fell from his horse.
Season 3 Age 43
Jaime and Brienne reached Harrenhal. Roose Bolton was not happy that Jaime’s hand had been cut off. Jaime learned of the Battle of Blackwater Bay and how his father had fought off the forces of Stannis Baratheon.
Season 3 Age 43
The ex-Maester Qyburn tended to Jaime’s stump. He had to cut away rotten flesh before binding it up.
Season 3 Age 43
Brienne and Jaime shared a bath. Jaime told Brienne about the murder of Aerys Targaeryan.
Season 3 Age 43
Roose Bolton told Jaime that he would be allowed to return to Kings Landing but that Brienne would remain at Harrenhal.
Season 3 Age 43
After he learned that Brienne would be used for the men’s entertainment at Harrenhal, Jaime insisted on going back to the Castle. He helped to rescue Brienne from the Bear Pit and then insisted that she be taken to Kings Landing with him.
Season 3 Age 43
Jaime visited Cersei as soon as he returned to Kings Landing. However, she was visibly disturbed by his stump.
Season 4 Age 44
Tywin Lannister told Jaime that he should return to Casterly Rock and rule as Lord. Jaime refused the offer which displeased his father.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime was given a golden prosthetic hand to cover his stump. Cersei had asked Qyburn to make it so that she did not have to look at Jaime’s stump.
Season 4 Age 44
Cersei rejected Jaime’s advances saying that he should not have left her.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime had intended to honour his promise to Catelyn Stark and return Sansa to Winterfell. However, when the news that Catelyn and Robb Stark had been murdered at the Red Wedding, Jaime decided Sansa was safer remaining in the capital.
Season 4 Age 44
Tyrion suggested that Jaime use Bronn to teach him how to fight with his left hand. The two met by the beach to practice.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime Lannister attended the wedding of Joffrey to Margaery Tyrell. He held his son as he lay dying.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime comforted Cersei in the crypt by the corpse of their son and they made love.
Season 4 Age 44
Cersei was grief stricken and blamed Tyrion and Sansa for Joffrey’s murder. She ordered Jaime to go and find Sansa who was missing. Jaime did not answer her so she callously dismissed him. Tyrion was imprisoned to await trial.
Season 4 Age 44
During a practice sword-fighting lesson, Bronn told Jaime that Tyrion was not guilty of Joffrey’s murder. He told Jaime to go and visit his brother.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime visited Tyrion and was convinced that Tyrion did not murder Joffrey.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime tried to convince Cersei of Tyrion’s innocence but she refused to listen. Cersei was also angry that Jaime would not break his oath to Catelyn Stark and kill Sansa.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime met with Brienne. He gave her his Valyrian steel sword and his armour and told her to find Sansa and take her to safety. He instructed Podrick Payne to go with Brienne as her squire.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime Lannister attended the coronation of Tommen who succeeded his brother, Joffrey, as King.
Season 4 Age 44
News reached Kings Landing that Daenerys Targaryen had conquered Meereen. Cersei stated her belief that she was no threat to Westeros.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime told his father that if Tyrion’s life was spared then he would leave the Kingsguard and go to Casterly Rock. Tywin agreed that when found guilty Tyrion would be sent to the Night’s Watch.
Season 4 Age 44
During his trial, Tyrion was so angry that he demanded a trial by combat. Bronn had been promised Lollys Stokeworth as a bride on condition that he did not stand as champion for Tyrion. However, Oberyn Martell agreed to be Tyrion’s champion.
Season 4 Age 44
Jamie was saddened to see Tyrion sentenced to death after Martell was defeated by the Mountain.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime told Cersei that he was disgusted by her attempt to have Tyrion executed. He then allowed himself to be seduced by his sister.
Season 4 Age 44
Jaime helped Tyrion to escape and arranged for Varys to take him to Essos. Before leaving, Tyrion killed his father by shooting him with a crossbow.
Season 5 Age 45
Jaime and Cersei Lannister attended their father’s funeral. Jaime told Cersei that they could harness their father’s power but Cersei merely blamed Tyrion for their father’s death and told Jaime that it was partly his fault for releasing Tyrion.
Season 5 Age 45
After receiving a box that contained a veiled threat to Myrcella, Jaime Lannister agreed to go to Dorne to rescue her. Bronn agreed to accompany him.
Season 5 Age 45
Jaime Lannister told Bronn that if he ever saw Tyrion again he would kill him for murdering their father.
Season 5 Age 45
Jaime and Bronn arrived in Dorne where they managed to defeat a party of Dornish soldiers.
Season 5 Age 45
Jaime and Bronn dressed as Dornish soldiers and made their way to the Palace.
Season 5 Age 45
Jaime Lannister found Myrcella and tried to persuade her to leave with him but she refused.
Season 5 Age 45
Jaime and Bronn were attacked by Ellaria Sand’s daughters, known as the Sand Snakes. During the fight Prince Doran’s bodyguard arrived and stopped the fight. All involved were arrested.
Season 5 Age 45
Jaime was visited by Myrcella who refused to leave Dorne stating her wish to marry Prince Trystane.
Season 5 Age 45
Jaime Lannister was summoned before Prince Doran and questioned about his actions. Jaime told Doran that he was concerned for Myrcella’s safety. Doran stated that despite the death of Prince Oberyn he wanted the alliance with the Iron Throne to stand. He stated that Trystane should go with them to Kings Landing and be given a place on the Small Council. Jaime agreed to this request.
Season 5 Age 45
Jaime, Bronn, Trystane and Myrcella said goodbye to Prince Doran and boarded a ship for Kings Landing. Ellaria Sand kissed Myrcella on the lips before she left. Unbeknown to anyone, Ellaria Sand had poison on her lips.
Season 5 Age 45
Myrcella told Jaime that she knew he was her father and was happy before dying in his arms.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime returned to Kings Landing with Myrcella’s body.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime Lannister wrote a letter to Prince Doran demanding the death of Ellaria and her daughters for the murder of Myrcella.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime spoke to Tommen and learned that while he had been away Cersei had been arrested by the High Sparrow, leader of the religious sect, the Sparrows.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime was furious with the High Sparrow and frustrated that he could not kill him because he was so well protected.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime and Cersei tried to attend a Small Council meeting but were told that they no longer had the right to sit on the council.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime Lannister took an army to the Great Sept to free Margaery and Loras. However, the High Sparrow announced the release of Margaery due to an alliance between the Crown and the Faith.
Season 6 Age 46
Tommen dismissed Jamie from the Kingsguard and told him to take an army to Riverrun to fight Brynden Tully (the Blackfish).
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime arrived at Riverrun and joined the Frey army. He was critical of their tactics so far.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime Lannister spoke to Brynden Tully but quickly realised that the Blackfish had no interest in negotiating.
Season 6 Age 46
Brienne arrived at Riverrun seeking an alliance with the Blackfish to fight the Boltons and free Sansa. Jaime agreed that if Brienne could make a deal he would allow the Tully army to go north unharmed. Brienne failed to make the deal.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime spoke to Edmure Tully and offered to send him, Roslin Frey and their son to Casterly Rock. Edmure agreed the deal and surrendered.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime Lannister was upset when Brynden Tully was killed but relieved to see Brienne and Podrick leaving in a boat.
Season 6 Age 46
Jaime returned to Kings Landing and was horrified to see the Great Sept destroyed. He entered the Red Keep where he was shocked to see Cersei being crowned by Qyburn.
Season 7 Age 47
Jaime told Cersei that they were losing the war but she refused to listen.
Season 7 Age 47
Jaime was unhappy that Cersei had made an alliance with Euron Greyjoy but was relieved that she turned down Greyjoy’s proposal.
Season 7 Age 47
Jaime Lannister tried to persuade Randyll Tarly to break his oath to Olenna Tyrell and join the Lannisters. He succeeded after promising to name Tarly Warden of the South.
Season 7 Age 47
Euron Greyjoy returned to Kings Landing with Ellaria and Tyene. Jaime was angry that Cersei agreed to marry Euron Greyjoy at the end of the war.
Season 7 Age 47
Jaime spent the night with Cersei but was shocked when she opened the door to her servant not caring that Jaime was in her bed.
Season 7 Age 47
Cersei killed Ellaria with the same poison she used on Myrcella. She told Tyene that she could remain imprisoned.
Season 7 Age 47
Jaime Lannister left Kings Landing to make an assault on Highgarden. After defeating the Tyrell army, Jaime visited Olenna Tyrell. Jaime then gave Olenna a glass of poisoned wine and told her to drink it. Olenna told Jaime that she had poisoned Joffrey and stated that Cersei was little better than her son.
Season 7 Age 47
Jamie returned to Kings Landing and told Cersei that Danaerys was impossible to beat. He also told his sister that it was Olenna Tyrell who had killed Joffrey. Cersei was furious that Olenna did not die a painful death. Although she knew that she could not beat the dragons, Cersei refused to surrender saying that she would rather fight to the death.
Season 7 Age 47
Jamie relayed to Cersei Daenerys’ request that they form a truce and  fight the army of the dead.
Season 7 Age 47
Cersei told Jaime that she was pregnant and that their child would be heir to the Iron Throne.
Season 7 Age 47
Jaime went with Cersei to meet Daenerys and Jon Snow at the Dragon Pit. Cersei refused to believe in the army of the dead until a captured wight was let out of a crate and charged at her. Daenerys explained to the group that the army of the dead was around 100,000 strong and that the wights could only be killed with fire or dragonglass. Euron Greyjoy withdrew his support and stated that he would return to the Iron Islands. Cersei was angry when she learned that Jon Snow had allied the North with Daenerys and stormed off. Tyrion persuaded her to return and she reluctantly agreed to the alliance.
Season 7 Age 47
Cersei told Jaime that she had no intention of moving the Lannister army north. She said that Euron leaving was staged and that he had gone to get the Golden Company, an expensive but experienced company of sellswords.
Season 7 Age 47
Jaime told Cersei that he would honour the agreement made at the Dragon Pit and left the room. He refused to return even when Cersei said she would have him killed as a traitor.
Season 8 Age 48
Jaime Lannister reached Winterfell. Full of remorse he set about apologising to those he had wronged in the past. Brienne spoke for him and it was agreed that he could join their ranks.
Season 8 Age 48
Jaime Lannister found Bran under the Weirwood tree and apologised for pushing him from the tower. Bran was nonchalant and told Jaime that there may not be a future anyway.
Season 8 Age 48
Jaime sought out Brienne and asked to serve under her command. She agreed.
Season 8 Age 48
On the eve of the battle Jaime knighted Brienne.
Season 8 Age 48
Jaime Lannister fought alongside Brienne during the Battle for Winterfell. He survived the battle and joined the survivors in paying respects to those that died.
Season 8 Age 48
During the celebrations for defeating the Night King, Jamie, Brienne, Tyrion and Podrick enjoyed a truth drinking game until Tyrion declared Brienne a virgin and she got up and left. Jaime followed her and the two had sex and spent the night together.
Season 8 Age 48
Jaime and Tyrion were in a room talking when Bronn appeared with a crossbow. He explained that Cersei had offered him the Riverlands if he killed them both. Tyrion told Bronn that when the war was won he would give him the far greater prize of The Reach. Bronn left.
Season 8 Age 48
News reached Winterfell of the conflict in Kings Landing. Jaime was torn by his love for Brienne and his loyalty to Cersei and left Winterfell to ride south. Brienne was left in tears.
Season 8 Age 48
Jaime Lannister was captured as he made his way to King’s Landing and was imprisoned. He was freed by Tyrion after promising to ring the city bells which would signal a surrender. He then told Jaime that he would make sure that there was a boat waiting for him on the beach so that he could escape.
Season 8 Age 48
Jaime made his way from Dragonstone to King’s Landing but did not get through the city gates before they were closed. This meant that he had to take a long secret route to get to through.
Season 8 Age 48
After the outskirts of the city had been destroyed and the Lannister army had surrendered, the city bells finally began to ring. Tyrion and Jon Snow looked very relieved. However, Daenerys then flew off on Drogon and began destroying the city.
Season 8 Age 48
Jaime found the boat that had been left for him on the beach. However, Euron Greyjoy then came out of the sea and after taunting Jaime the two began to fight. Euron stabbed Jaime in the side but Jaime rallied and killed Euron.
Season 8 Age 48
Jaime then decided not to leave by boat but instead returned to the Red Keep to find Cersei. Jaime led Cersei into the tunnels to make their escape but all the exits were blocked. The two died together as the building fell on top of them.


First published 2019; updated and republished Jul 24 2022 @ 12:11 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2019 – 2022). Game of Thrones – Jaime Lannister. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/game-of-thrones-jaime-lannister. Last accessed [date]


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