Sansa Stark Timeline – Game of Thrones

Sansa Stark

FatherEddard (Ned) Stark
MotherCatelyn Stark
SpousesTyrion Lannister, Ramsay Bolton
Siblings – Robb, Arya, Bran, Rickon
Children – None

This timeline gives a chronological listing of the main events in the life of the fictitious character, Sansa Stark, as shown in the TV series Game of Thrones.

See Also: History of Westeros Timeline


Before Season 1 Age 0
Sansa Stark was born to Ned and Catelyn Stark.
Before Season 1 Age 2
Sansa’s sister, Arya, was born to Ned and Catelyn Stark.
Before Season 1 Age 3
Sansa’s brother, Brandon, known as Bran, was born to Ned and Catelyn Stark.
Before Season 1 Age 5
Theon Greyjoy, age 8 came to live with the Stark family after Ned took him as hostage following the Greyjoy Rebellion.
Before Season 1 Age 9
Sansa’s brother, Rickon, was born to Ned and Catelyn Stark.
Season 1 Age 13
After watching their father execute a deserter from the Nightswatch, the family found a litter of five direwolf pups. Sansa named her direwolf Lady.
Season 1 Age 13
King Robert Baratheon and his family arrived at Winterfell. Robert persuaded Ned Stark to accept the post of Hand of the King. Ned reluctantly accepted. It was also agreed that Sansa would be betrothed to Robert’s eldest son, Joffrey.
Season 1 Age 13
Sansa’s brother, Bran witnessed Jaime and Cersei Lannister having sex after climbing to the top of a tower. Jamie pushed Bran off the tower hoping the fall would kill him. Bran survived but was paralysed and had no memory of what had happened.
Season 1 Age 13
Sansa and her sister Arya went with their father to Kings Landing.
Season 1 Age 13
Sansa was out walking with Joffrey when they came across Arya playfighting with Mycah. Joffrey taunted Mycah and Arya struck him with her wooden sword. Joffrey was furious and drew his sword. At this act of aggression Arya’s direwolf, Nymeria, attacked Joffrey and bit his arm. Arya and Mycah ran and Arya sent her direwolf away.
Season 1 Age 13
The children were called before King Robert to explain what had happened. Joffrey said that the attack was unprovoked, while Arya stated what had really happened. Sansa didn’t want to upset Joffrey and so said that she was not sure what had happened. Cersei ordered for Nymeria to be killed but when the direwolf could not be found Cersei ordered Sansa’s direwolf should be killed instead. Sansa was furious with Arya and her father for allowing the death of her direwolf.
Season 1 Age 13
Sansa’s father gave her a doll to try to make up for the loss of her direwolf but this only made her more angry since she no longer played with dolls.
Season 1 Age 13
Sansa Stark attended the Hand’s Tournament. She saw Sandor Clegane known as the Hound, for the first time. Petyr Baelish, known as Littlefinger, told her that his brother Gregor had burned his face. Ser Loras Tyrell gave Sansa a flower before defeating Gregor Clegane known as The Mountain.
Season 1 Age 13
Joffrey gave Sansa a pendant as an apology for the death of her direwolf.
Season 1 Age 13
Sansa was very angry when her father told her that she was going to return to Winterfell and that her engagement to Joffrey would be broken.
Season 1 Age 13
King Robert died. Sansa’s father attempted to reveal the truth about Joffrey’s parentage but was betrayed by Littlefinger and arrested.
Season 1 Age 13
Cersei agreed to be lenient with Sansa’s father on condition that she wrote to Robb telling him not to avenge his father’s death.
Season 1 Age 13
After agreeing to admit his guilt, Ned told a packed public square that he was guilty of treason. Joffrey then demanded his immediate execution by beheading. Sansa screamed and tried to run to her father but was restrained to stop her doing so.
Season 1 Age 13
Joffrey forced Sansa Stark to look at the severed head of her father. After telling Joffrey that maybe her brother Robb will take his head, Joffrey told Meryn Trant to strike her. The blow drew blood.
Season 2 Age 14
Sansa was given a handmaiden, Shae. She was able to confide in her.
Season 2 Age 14
At Joffrey’s name day celebration, Sansa persuaded Joffrey to spare the life of Dontos Holland.
Season 2 Age 14
Following Robb’s victory at the Battle of Oxcross, Joffrey ordered that Sansa be stripped and beaten.
Season 2 Age 14
Sansa Stark accompanied the Lannister family to the port to say goodbye to Mycella who was leaving for Dorne to be married. On the way back to Kings Landing Joffrey was struck by excrement thrown by someone in the crowd. Joffrey demanded that his guards kill everyone present prompting a riot. In the confusion Sansa was separated from the Lannisters and dragged away. She was almost raped but was saved by Sandor Clegane.
Season 2 Age 14
Sansa told Shae that she hated Joffrey, but Shae warned her never to repeat this again.
Season 2 Age 14
Sansa Stark was horrified to discover that her period had started because this meant that she could now bear children. She tried to remove the bedsheets and destroy the evidence but was discovered by The Hound.
Season 2 Age 14
Sansa was brought before Cersei who talked to her of motherhood.
Season 2 Age 14
During the Battle of Blackwater, Sansa showed herself to be braver than Cersei as she spent time keeping the people calm and optimistic while Cersei just drank wine.
Season 2 Age 14
Sansa Stark returned to her chamber where she discovered the Hound hiding. He offered to take her north but she refused hoping that since Stannis was winning the battle she would be restored to her family.
Season 2 Age 14
Reinforcements by Tywin Lannister and House Tyrell meant that the Lannisters won the Battle of Blackwater.
Season 2 Age 14
Sansa attended the ceremony where Joffrey rewarded those who took part in the Battle of Blackwater. Tywin Lannister was appointed Hand of the King to replace the injured Tyrion. Petyr Baelish was created Lord of Harrenhal while Loras Tyrell was granted a wish. He requested that Joffrey marry his sister, Margaery. Joffrey accepted.
Season 2 Age 14
Sansa was happy that she would not have to marry Joffrey but was warned by Petyr Baelish that her situation could be worse since she could become Joffrey’s plaything. He told Sansa that he would help her return home.
Season 3 Age 15
Sansa Stark was sitting by the dock with Shae. Petyr Baelish asked to speak to her and told her he could secretly take her away if she wished.
Season 3 Age 15
Sansa was invited to lunch by Margaery and Olenna Tyrell. They asked her about Joffrey and Sansa told them that he was a monster.
Season 3 Age 15
Margaery came to talk to Sansa while she was praying and suggested that she could marry Loras Tyrell.
Season 3 Age 15
Cersei discovered the plan to marry Sansa to Loras. Tywin Lannister decided that Cersei should marry Loras while Tyrion should marry Sansa Stark.
Season 3 Age 15
Sansa Stark was married to Tyrion Lannister, a marriage neither party wanted. During the Wedding Feast Tyrion sat and got drunk which embarrassed Sansa. Joffrey then offered to come to Sansa after Tyrion passed out from alcohol. Tyrion quickly took Sansa away from Joffrey after threatening him.
Season 3 Age 15
Sansa Stark was devastated to learn of the death of her mother and Robb at the Red Wedding and also that the event had been orchestrated by the Lannisters.
Season 4 Age 16
Sansa was very depressed by the death of her mother and brother and refused to eat.
Season 4 Age 16
After praying in the Godswood, Sansa was followed by Dontos Holland who gave her a necklace as a gift for her saving his life.
Season 4 Age 16
Sansa Stark attended the wedding breakfast of Joffrey and Margaery. Joffrey upset Sansa when he declared that the sword he was given as a gift from his father will remind him of Ned’s beheading. After taunting Tyrion and Sansa with a staged pageant of the War of the Five Kings with each King played by a dwarf, Joffrey ordered Tyrion to be his cupbearer. Olenna Tyrell put poison into the cup which she had taken from the necklace given to Sansa by Dontos Holland. Joffrey drank from the cup and then fell to the ground and died. The event is known as the Purple Wedding from the colour of Joffrey’s face.
Season 4 Age 16
Dontos Holland appeared and took Sansa away telling her that if she was found guilty of killing Joffrey she would be killed. He took Sansa to a waiting ship that had been commissioned by Petyr Baelish. Baelish then killed Dontos.
Season 4 Age 16
Petyr Baelish told Sansa to adopt the identity of his niece Alayne and took her to The Eyrie, the home of her aunt and cousin. Sansa learned that Baelish had married Lysa Arryn.
Season 4 Age 16
Sansa was annoyed by Robert Arryn after he knocked down a snow castle she had built. Petyr Baelish found Sansa sitting in the snow and kissed her. The kiss was witnessed by Lysa Arryn.
Season 4 Age 16
Lysa Arryn called Sansa Stark to explain the kiss and threatened her with death. Petyr Baelish pushed Lysa Arryn through the moon door and she fell to her death.
Season 4 Age 16
Summoned before Lord Yohn Royce, Lady Anya Waynwood and Ser Vance Corbray to explain the details of Lysa Arryn’s death, Sansa Stark described her death as suicide caused by jealousy.
Season 5 Age 17
Petyr Baelish took Sansa on a journey. They stopped for lunch at an inn where Brienne of Tarth approached Sansa and offered her service. Sansa declined her offer.
Season 5 Age 17
Sansa and Petyr Baelish continued their journey and Sansa realised that she was to be married to Ramsay Bolton. Although she was reluctant to make the marriage Baelish convinced her to go ahead with the marriage by telling her that she would be Lady of Winterfell.
Season 5 Age 17
Petyr Baelish left Winterfell.
Season 5 Age 17
Sansa Stark was wandering around Winterfell when she was approached by Myranda, Ramsay Bolton’s lover and taken to see the kennels where she finds Theon Greyjoy sleeping in a cage. He told her not to call him Theon.
Season 5 Age 17
Sansa dined with Ramsay and Roose Bolton. Roose announced his wife’s pregnancy.
Season 5 Age 17
Sansa married Ramsay Bolton who then raped her on their wedding night.
Season 5 Age 17
During a heated discussion Theon told Sansa that Bran and Rickon were both still alive.
Season 5 Age 17
Sansa tried to plan an escape but was intercepted by Myranda. After an argument Theon pushed Myranda off the battlements to her death. Theon and Sansa then jumped off the castle walls into the snow.
Season 6 Age 18
Sansa and Theon were found by Bolton’s men but Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne arrived and killed Bolton’s men. Brienne again offered her service to Sansa who accepted.
Season 6 Age 18
Theon and Sansa parted company because Theon feared Jon Snow would not forgive him for his treachery. Sansa, Brienne and Podrick Payne travelled to Castle Black.
Season 6 Age 18
Sansa Stark and Jon Snow were reunited but Jon declared his reluctance to fight for Winterfell.
Season 6 Age 18
A message arrived from Winterfell. Ramsay Bolton had murdered his father and taken Rickon Stark prisoner. Jon declared he would secure his half-brother’s freedom.
Season 6 Age 18
Sansa and Brienne met with Petyr Baelish. Sansa told Baelish of her anger at his arranging such a marriage for her. Baelish offered her armed help but she refused his offer.
Season 6 Age 18
Sansa Stark and Jon Snow went before Lyanna Mormont to ask for armed help to defeat Ramsay Bolton. She eventually agreed to help. Sansa insisted that they should secure more promises of help from other families but Jon favoured attacking Winterfell immediately.
Season 6 Age 18
Sansa wrote a letter to Petyr Baelish asking for help and sent it by raven.
Season 6 Age 18
Sansa and Jon met Ramsay Bolton before the battle to parly. Bolton presented them with the head of Rickon’s direwolf, Shaggydog, to prove that he had Rickon prisoner.
Season 6 Age 18
Before the battle Ramsay released Rickon telling him to run to his brother and sister. Ramsay then shot Rickon through the heart with an arrow killing him instantly.
Season 6 Age 18
The Battle of the Bastards went badly for Jon Snow and his army was surrounded when reinforcements from Petyr Baelish and House Arryn arrived and won the battle.
Season 6 Age 18
After the battle Sansa told Jon that Baelish could not be trusted.
Season 6 Age 18
Petyr Baelish tried to kiss Sansa in the Godswood but Sansa turned away.
Season 6 Age 18
A raven arrived from the Citadel announcing that Winter had arrived.
Season 6 Age 18
The Northern families met to discuss the situation and prompted by Lyanna Mormont declared Jon Snow King in the North.
Season 7 Age 19
Sansa Stark disagreed with Jon Snow over punishment for those that had fought against the Starks.
Season 7 Age 19
Sansa Stark was given control of Winterfell and the North after Jon decided to accept Daenerys’ invitation to go to Dragonstone. She began organising the storing of supplies ready for the long winter.
Season 7 Age 19
Sansa and Arya were reunited when Arya returned to Winterfell. Sansa was dumbfounded by the change in Arya especially after seeing her sparring with Brienne.
Season 7 Age 19
Sansa and Arya disagreed over the fact that Sansa did not defend Jon but rather allowed the Vale bannerman to intimate that maybe she should be Queen.
Season 7 Age 19
Sansa and Arya remained distrustful of each other. Sansa was upset when Arya showed her the message she had found and tried to convince Arya that it was written under duress.
Season 7 Age 19
Sansa Stark received an invitation to go to King’s Landing. She was persuaded by Petyr Baelish to send Brienne in her stead. Brienne was concerned that she was being manipulated by Baelish but Sansa insisted she go.
Season 7 Age 19
Petyr Baelish continued to try to drive a wedge between Sansa and Arya and told Sansa that Arya wanted her dead and to become Lady of Winterfell. Arya was brought to the Great Hall by Winterfell guards. Sansa then stated “You stand on trial for murder and treason. How do you plead Lord Baelish?” She then accused him of the murder of Jon Arryn, Lysa Arryn and her father Ned Stark with evidence from Bran who had witnessed Baelish. Sansa then gave the order for Arya to kill him.
Season 8 Age 20
Sansa welcomed Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Brienne, Ser Jorah, Sandor Clegane and those that had met with Cersei in the South as they returned to Winterfell. Sansa was not happy that Jon had sworn allegiance to Daenerys.
Season 8 Age 20
Sansa apologised to Tyrion for leaving him on the day that Joffrey was poisoned. They shared pleasantries.
Season 8 Age 20
Daenerys sought Sansa out and spoke to her saying they had much in common. Sansa asked for assurance that the North would remain independent but Daenerys did not answer.
Season 8 Age 20
During the Battle for Winterfell Sansa remained in the Crypt with the women, children and those that could not fight. She and Tyrion spoke like old friends. After the dead entered the Crypt, Sansa and Tyrion found themselves together behind a tombstone for a while.
Season 8 Age 20
Sansa Stark attended the cremation of those that had died in the Battle for Winterfell.
Season 8 Age 20
Sansa attended the celebration to mark the victory over the Night King. She shared a few words with Sandor Clegane. She told him that everything that had happened to her had made her who she is today.
Season 8 Age 20
Sansa met with Jon, Bran and Arya under the Weirwood tree. Jon revealed his true identity after swearing the two girls to secrecy.
Season 8 Age 20
Tactics were discussed on how to defeat Cersei. Sansa requested that any attack be delayed so that the men had time to rest and march to battle refreshed. Daenerys angrily explained that she had lost her dragon and much of her army for helping in the defeat of the Night King and was not prepared to wait. Jon Snow backed her plan.
Season 8 Age 20
Tyrion tried to convince Sansa that Daenerys was the best choice to rule Westeros. Sansa then told Tyrion that there was a better choice.
Season 8 Age 20
Sansa Stark learned of the destruction of Kings Landing and the death of Daenerys Targaryen and travelled South. At a meeting of the leaders of the great houses it was decided that Bran should be King of the Seven Kingdoms. All leaders agreed except Sansa who insisted that the North remain a free land. Bran granted her request.
Season 8 Age 20
When she returned to the North, Sansa Stark was crowned Queen of the North.


First published 2016; updated and republished June 6 2022 @ 11:12 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2016 – 2022). Sansa Stark – Game of Thrones.


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