Arya Stark Timeline – Game of Thrones

Arya StarkFatherEddard (Ned) Stark
MotherCatelyn Stark
Siblings – Robb, Sansa, Bran, Tommen
Spouse – None
Children – None

This timeline gives a chronological listing of the main events in the life of the fictitious character, Arya Stark, as shown in the TV series Game of Thrones

See Also: History of Westeros Timeline


Before Season 1 Age 0
Arya Stark, was born to Ned and Catelyn Stark. She was the couple’s third child, Robb and Sansa Stark had been born earlier.
Before Season 1 Age 1
Arya’s brother, Brandon, known as Bran, was born to Ned and Catelyn Stark.
Before Season 1 Age 5
Arya’s brother, Rickon, was born to Ned and Catelyn Stark.
Season 1 Age 11
After watching their father execute a deserter from the Nightswatch, the Stark family found a litter of five direwolf pups. Each child had one of the pups. Arya called her direwolf Nymeria.
Season 1 Age 11
Robert Baratheon arrived at Winterfell and persuaded Ned Stark to become Hand of the King. The appointment was to be sealed with the marriage of Robert’s eldest son, Joffrey, to Sansa. Ned reluctantly accepted.
Season 1 Age 11
Arya’s sister, Sansa, was delighted that she was betrothed to Robert’s eldest son, Joffrey. Arya was not jealous preferring fighting and weapons to sewing, love and marriage
Season 1 Age 11
Arya’s brother, Bran witnessed Jaime and Cersei having sex. Jaime pushed Bran off the wall hoping the fall would kill him. Bran survived but was paralysed.
Season 1 Age 11
Arya Stark went with her father and sister to Kings Landing with Robert Baratheon. Before leaving Arya was given a sword by Jon Snow and she named it Needle.
Season 1 Age 11
Arya was practising sword fighting with Mycah, the butcher’s son, when Sansa and Joffrey came across them. Joffrey taunted Mycah and cut him with his sword. Arya then attacked Joffrey with her wooden sword. When Joffrey threatened Arya with his sword Arya’s direwolf, Nymeria attacked Joffrey. Arya then drove Nymeria away. Under questioning Sansa does not tell the full story and took Joffrey’s side. It is decided that Nymeria should be killed but as Nymeria has been sent away Ned was forced to kill Sansa’s direwolf instead.
Season 1 Age 11
When Ned discovered that Arya had a sword he hired Syrio Forel to teach her how to use it properly. Part of Arya’s training involved trying to catch cats which gave her a good knowledge of the dungeons and passages in the Red Keep.
Season 1 Age 11
While in the dungeons below the Red Keep Arya overheard Illyrio Mopatis talking to Varys about a future war between the Starks and the Lannisters.
Season 1 Age 11
Arya met Yoren, a recruiter for the Night’s Watch.
Season 1 Age 11
After visiting Robert’s bastard daughter, Arya’s father, Ned, was ambushed by Jaime Lannister who wanted revenge for the fact that Ned’s wife, Catelyn had taken Tyrion Lannister captive. Ned was badly injured in his leg.
Season 1 Age 11
Robert Baratheon persuaded Ned to stay on as Hand of the King
Season 1 Age 11
Arya and Sansa were told by their father that they would be returned to Winterfell. Arya was upset because she did not want to stop her lessons with Syrio.
Season 1 Age 11
After Robert’s death Cersei had Ned imprisoned for treason. When the guards came to take Arya she was with Syrio who told her to run away. She retrieved her sword then ran on to the streets killing a stableboy who tried to stop her.
Season 1 Age 11
Arya Stark was living on the streets of King’s Landing. She joined a crowd going to witness the trial of her father. When Joffrey ordered Ned’s execution she was grabbed by Yoren who told her she must be disguised as a boy. He gave her the name ‘Arry.
Season 1 Age 11
Arya, together with Hot Pie, Lommy Greenhands and Gendry leave King’s Landing to travel north to the Wall. They are also taking three murderers who are locked in a cage.
Season 2 Age 12
Arya continued to travel north with Yoren and the Night’s Watch recruits.
Season 2 Age 12
Arya Stark became close to Gendry and told him her true identity.
Season 2 Age 12
Arya began to make a mental list of those she wanted to take revenge on. She recited the list every night before going to bed.
Season 2 Age 12
A number of King’s armed guards, known as goldcloaks, led by Armory Lorch approached the group. Arya was concerned they were looking for her but they were actually looking for Gendry. A fight broke out and Yoren was killed. Arya saved the three murderers from death when their cart caught fire.
Season 2 Age 12
Arya’s sword, needle, was stolen by one of Armory Lorch’s men, Polliver who then used it to kill Lommy.
Season 2 Age 12
Arya Stark protected Gendry by telling Armory Lorch that Lommy was Gendry because he was wearing his helmet.
Season 2 Age 12
Armory Lorch took Arya and the rest of the captives to Harrenhal where they were given to Ser Gregor Clegane.
Season 2 Age 12
Arya became cup bearer for Tywin Lannister.
Season 2 Age 12
One of the prisoners Arya saved from the burning cart, Jaqen H’ghar, told Arya that because she saved three lives she can choose three people to be killed. She immediately chose the Tickler, who tortured those in captivity.
Season 2 Age 12
Arya managed to escape from Harrenhal with Jaqen’s help. She had named him as the third person to be killed saying that she would take it back if he helped her escape.
Season 2 Age 12
After escaping Jaqen appeared and offered to take Arya to Braavos to train with the Faceless Men. Arya declined the offer but accepted a coin from Jaqen and memorised the words ‘Valar Morghulis’ which she should use if she changed her mind.
Season 3 Age 13
After being captured by the Brotherhood Without Banners, Arya, Hot Pie and Gendry were in a local inn when Sandor Clegane was also brought in. Clegane revealed Arya’s true identity. Hot Pie decided to stay at the inn.
Season 3 Age 13
Arya, Gendry and Sandor Clegane were taken to the Brotherhood Without Banners headquarters in the Riverlands.
Season 3 Age 13
Arya accused Sandor Clegane of the murder of Mycah and Sandor was given trial by combat. After he killed Beric Dondarrion he was set free. The Red Priest, Thoros of Myr then brought Dondarrion back to life.
Season 3 Age 13
Arya became angry when the Brotherhood Without Banners sold Gendry to Melisandre.
Season 3 Age 13
After escaping from the Brotherhood Arya was captured by Sandor Clegane who decided to take her to her mother and brother, Robb, at the Twins where her uncle was to be married.
Season 3 Age 13
When Arya and Clegane reached The Twins they tried to enter disguised as pig farmers they were told that the wedding was over. Realising something was wrong Arya tried to enter the castle but Clegane hit her to stop her going inside.
Season 3 Age 13
Arya and Clegane came across a group of men round a campfire describing the massacre of Arya’s mother and brother. She stabbed one of the men in the neck and Clegane killed the other three.
Season 4 Age 14
Sandor Clegane had decided to take Arya to her aunt Lysa at The Eyrie. On the journey they stopped at an inn and Arya recognised Polliver in a group of men. Polliver recognised Clegane and a fight ensued. Arya killed Polliver and took back her sword Needle.
Season 4 Age 14
Arya and Clegane were set upon by Biter and Rorge, the two prisoners who were in the wooden cart with jaqen H’ghar. Arya killed Rorge and Sandor Clegane killed Biter but not before he was bitten in the neck.
Season 4 Age 14
Sandor would not let Arya cauterise the wound on his neck so she cleaned it and stitched it up.
Season 4 Age 14
When Arya and Clegane reach The Eyrie they are told that Lysa Arryn died three days earlier.
Season 4 Age 14
Arya and Clegane were found by Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne. Brienne asked Arya to go with them but she refused. Brienne and Sandor Clegane fought and Brienne wounded Clegane. While the fight was going on Arya hid until Brienne and Podrick had left. She then found Clegane badly wounded. After refusing his pleas to be killed she took his money and left him.
Season 4 Age 14
Arya found a ship, The Titan’s Daughter and, after learning it was going to Braavos, gave the captain, Ternesio Terys, the coin she was given by Jaqen H’ghar and said ‘Valar Morghullis’ which bought her a cabin on the ship.
Season 5 Age 15
Arya reached Braavos and was directed to the House of Black and White by Terys. She was first denied admission but then encountered Jaqen H’ghar who told her that she had to become no one.
Season 5 Age 15
Inside the House of Black and White Arya met the Waif who asked her who she was but hit her when she stated ‘no one’.
Season 5 Age 15
Jaqen H’ghar told Arya that she was wearing Arya Stark’s clothes and using Arya’s sword so she was not no one.
Season 5 Age 15
Arya Stark threw her clothes and possessions into the river but hid her sword rather than throwing it away.
Season 5 Age 15
Arya then had to learn to lie convincingly.
Season 5 Age 15
Arya was given the task of disguising herself as a shellfish seller and learn about the Thin Man who was a target for assassination. While doing so Arya Stark saw Ser Meryn Trant, the man that killed her dancing teacher Syrio Forel and savagely killed him. Her punishment from Jaqen H’ghar was to become blind.
Season 6 Age 16
Arya was blinded and wandered the streets of Braavos begging. She was frequently set upon by the Waif who beat her with a stick. The Waif had given Arya a stick but she was initially unable to fight back.
Season 6 Age 16
Jaqen H’ghar told Arya that she could return to the House of Black and White. The Waif continued to stick fight with Arya who eventually managed to cope with blindness.
Season 6 Age 16
Jaqen H’ghar told Arya to drink the water from the well. When she did she got her sight back.
Season 6 Age 16
Arya Stark was given another mission; to kill the actress Lady Crane who was performing in the play ‘The Bloody Hand’. Arya poisoned her drink but then after talking to the actress Arya knocked the cup over before she could drink the poison. Arya’s action was witnessed by the Waif.
Season 6 Age 16
The Waif reported Arya’s action to Jaqen H’ghar who agreed that she should kill Arya.
Season 6 Age 16
After retrieving her sword, Needle, from its hiding place Arya bought passage to Westeros but was then attacked and stabbed in the stomach by the Waif. She escaped by throwing herself off a bridge into the river.
Season 6 Age 16
Arya went to Lady Crane who treated her injuries and put her to bed. On waking Arya realised that the Waif had killed Lady Crane. Arya then ran through the streets of Braavos pursued by the Waif. After luring the Waif into a darkened room Arya killed her.
Season 6 Age 16
Arya Stark returned to the House of Black and White with the Waif’s face. Jaqen told her that she was no one to which Arya replied that she was Arya Stark of Winterfell.
Season 6 Age 16
Having left Braavos, Arya Stark travelled to the Twins in Westeros. Disguised as a servant girl she killed Lothar Frey and Black Walder Rivers and baked them into a pie which she then served to Walder Frey. She then revealed her identity and killed Walder Frey.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya Stark took on the likeness of Walder Frey and called all his family together. She then served all the male members of the family poisoned wine.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya began travelling South to Kings Landing.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya Stark learned from Hot Pie that Winterfell was in the hands of Jon Snow who had been made King of the North. She decided to go North. On the way she encountered a pack of wolves led by her direwolf, Nymeria. She asked Nymeria to go with her but the direwolf walked away.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya returned to Winterfell and was reunited with Sansa and Bran.
Season 7 Age 17
Bran gave Arya the valyrian steel dagger that he had been given by Littlefinger.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya Stark asked Brienne of Tarth to be her sparring partner. Arya showed off what a skilled fighter she had become to the amazement of Sansa and Littlefinger.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya Stark was unhappy with Sansa for not defending Jon Snow. Arya accused Sansa of wanting to be Queen of Winterfell.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya was suspicious of Littlefinger and watched what he was doing around Winterfell. After seeing him receive an old raven’s message she broke into his room and found the message. It read “Robb, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt. Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robert’s brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me very well and provide me with every comfort. I beg you: come to King’s Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark.” It was then revealed that Littlefinger wanted Arya to find the note, possibly to turn her against Sansa.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya Stark confronted Sansa about the note she had found. She found it difficult to accept Sansa’s explanation that she had had no choice but to write it. Arya then revealed that she had seen Ned Stark killed and remembered every detail of that day.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya caught Sansa in her room going through her things. Sansa had found her bag of faces and was clearly frightened of Arya. They argued again about their pasts and it was clear that they had both suffered extreme violence and seen awful sights. Arya walked away from Sansa.
Season 7 Age 17
Arya Stark was brought before Sansa by the Winterfell guards. Petyr Baelish had told Sansa that Arya wanted to kill her and become Lady of Winterfell. However, the two sisters had seen through Baelish’s plan and Arya smiled as Baelish was accused of murder and treason. At Sansa’s command Arya stabbed Baelish in the throat with the dagger he had given to Bran.
Season 8 Age 18
Arya was delighted to see Jon Snow when he returned to Winterfell.
Season 8 Age 18
With plans being made for the upcoming battle, Arya gave Gendry a blueprint for a weapon that she wanted made.
Season 8 Age 18
On the eve of the battle, Arya sought out Gendry and seduced him stating that she wanted to know what sex was like before she died.
Season 8 Age 18
During the battle Arya fought well with her new weapon. She also saved Sandor Clegane from death with a well placed arrow. She became isolated from the main battle and found herself in the library where she used the skills learned on Braavos to out-manoeuvre the dead and escape. However, she then found herself pursued by numerous dead. She was saved by Sandor Clegane who carried her to safety and Beric Dondarrion who was mortally wounded protecting her.
Season 8 Age 18
The Night King approached Bran and raised his spear. From nowhere Arya Stark rushed the Night King from behind and stabbed him with her valerian steel dagger. He fell to the ground, dead. As he was eliminated the army of the dead disintegrated.
Season 8 Age 18
After the battle, Arya joined the other survivors to pay respects to those that had died.
Season 8 Age 18
While everyone else was celebrating the victory over the Night King, Arya Stark was practising shooting her bow. Gendry found her and after telling her that he had been made Lord of Storm’s End he proposed marriage. Arya turned him down saying that she would never be a lady.
Season 8 Age 18
Arya met with Jon, Bran and Sansa under the Weirwood tree. After swearing them to secrecy, Jon revealed his true identity.
Season 8 Age 18
Soon afterwards, Arya Stark left Winterfell to ride South. She joined Sandor Clegane who was also riding south.
Season 8 Age 18
Arya and Sandor Clegane managed to enter King’s Landing just before the gates were closed and made their way to the Red Keep.
Season 8 Age 18
Battle began when Daenerys, riding on the back of her dragon, Drogon, destroyed the Iron Fleet. She then burnt a hole in the walls of King’s Landing and set the Golden Company on fire. Next, she destroyed all balista scorpions on the ramparts.
Season 8 Age 18
The city bells began to ring signalling surrender, however Daenerys continued destroying the city.
Season 8 Age 18
Arya and Sandor reached the Red Keep. It was obvious that Cersei had lost and Sandor told Arya that Cersei would die anyway and that she should not sacrifice herself. Arya thanked him and walked away.
Season 8 Age 18
Arya Stark left the Red Keep and urged people to follow her and leave the city. She fell to the ground many times as she was hit by falling rubble but managed to survive. She came across the white horse of the commander of the Golden Company which had survived. Arya then rode the horse out of King’s Landing.
Season 8 Age 18
After the battle Arya walked through the rubble, dismayed by the needless destruction and deaths of innocent people.
Season 8 Age 18
Arya warned Jon Snow that he would always be a threat to Daenerys.
Season 8 Age 18
Jon spoke to Daenerys and tried to convince her that the war was over. She told Jon that she had to free everyone and build a new world. Realising she would never change Jon stabbed her in the heart and she died.
Season 8 Age 18
Weeks later, Arya Stark joined the leaders of the surviving great houses to decide who would rule the Seven Kingdoms. Tyrion suggested that Bran should take over as King and that henceforth the ruler should be voted for by the great houses. Sansa requested that the North should be free and she would be the Lady of the North. Arya declared her intention to leave Westeros and explore the land to the West.
Season 8 Age 18
Arya with a crew of sailors set sail to go on her voyage of discovery.


First published 2016, updated and republished June 30 2022 @ 2:32 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2016 – 2022). Arya Stark – Game of Thrones. Last accessed [date]


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