Contessina de Bardi Timeline 1390-1473

Contessina de Bardi

Born – 27th September 1390
Died – October 1473
Father – Alessandro di Sozzo de’Bardi
Mother – Cammilla Pannocchieschi
SpouseCosimo de Medici (1389 – 1464)
ChildrenPiero (1416 – 1469), Giovanni (1421 – 1463)


1390 (27th September)
Contessina de Bardi was born to Alessandro di Sozzo de’Bardi and Cammilla Pannocchieschi in Florence.
1415 (around)
Contessina de Bardi married Cosimo de Medici. The marriage was arranged by their parents and the couple lived with Cosimo’s parents in Florence.
1415 (during)
Cosimo de Medici was nominated Priori, a member of the Signoria (government) of Florence.
1416 (19th September)
A son, Piero, was born to Contessina and Cosimo in Florence.
1420 (around)
The Medici Bank gained the Papal accounts.
1421 (3rd June)
A son, Giovanni, was born to Cosimo and Contessina in Florence.
1429 (20th February)
Cosimo’s father, Giovanni de Medici died. Cosimo became head of the family and the Medici Bank.
1430 (around)
A son, Carlo, was born illegitimately to Cosimo and a slave woman named Maddalena in Florence. Contessina agreed to raise the child.
1433 (September)
Contessina’s husband, Cosimo, was exiled after being accused of rising above his station. He left Florence and travelled to Padua and Florence taking the Medici bank with him. The loss of the Medici bank affected the economy of Florence and after a year, he was invited to return. Contessina and her children remained in Florence while Cosimo was exiled.
1444 (3rd June)
Contessina’s son, Piero, married Lucrezia Tornabuoni.
1445 (10th September)
Contessina’s granddaughter, Bianca, was born to Piero and Lucrezia Medici.
1448 (14th February)
Contessina’s granddaughter, Lucrezia, known as Nannina, was born to Piero and Lucrezia Medici.
1449 (1st January)
Contessina’s grandson Lorenzo was born to Piero and Lucrezia Medici.
1450 (25th March)
Francesco Sforza became Duke of Milan. Sforza had served Florence and Venice during the late 1430s and he and Cosimo shared a mutual desire for peace.
1450 (during)
Cosimo’s illegitimate son, Carlo, became canon of Florence Cathedral.
1445 (10th September)
Contessina’s grandson, Giuliano, was born to Piero and Lucrezia Medici.
1454 (during)
Contessina’s son, Giovanni, became Prior of Florence.
1455 (during)
Pope Pius II visited Florence.
1459 (late Spring)
Benozzo Gozzoli began work on a mural ‘Journey of the Magi’ in the Magi Chapel of the Palazzo Medici showing the three wise men making their way to see the infant Jesus. Many members of the Medici family, including Contessina’s grandson Lorenzo, are depicted in the painting which took two years to complete.
1464 (1st August)
Cosimo de Medici died at his country house at Careggi. He was buried in the Church of San Lorenzo. His son, Piero succeeded him as head of the Medici family.
1464 (August)
Contessina lived with her son, Piero and his family.
1473 (October)
Contessina de Bardi died. The exact date of her death is not known.


Published May 30, 2020 @ 11:30 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020). Contessina de Bardi 1390 – 1473. Last accessed [date]


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