Lucrezia Tornabuoni Timeline 1427-1482

Lucrezia Tornabuoni

Born – 22nd June 1427
Died – 25th March 1482
Father – Francesco di Simone Tornabuoni (d. 1436)
Mother – Nanna di Niccolo di Luigi Guicciardini (d. 1446)
SpousePiero de Medici Sr (m. 1444)
Children – Maria (c1444 – 1474), Bianca (1445 – 1505), Lucrezia (1447–1493), Lorenzo (1449–1492), Giuliano (1453–1478)


1427 (22nd June)
Lucrezia Tornabuoni was born to Francesco di Simone Tornabuoni and Nanna di Niccolo di Luigi Guicciardini in Florence Italy.
1428 (22nd December)
Lucrezia’s brother, Giovanni, was born to Francesco di Simone Tornabuoni and Nanna di Niccolo di Luigi Guicciardini in Florence Italy. He would become a Florentine banker.
1435 (around)
Lucrezia was given a good education which included Latin, Greek, mathematics and literature.
1444 (3rd June)
Lucrezia Tornabuoni married Piero de Medici, son of Florentine banker Cosimo de Medici.
1444 (around)
A daughter Maria was born to Piero and possibly Lucrezia or another woman. The exact date of Maria’s birth is not known but given that her sister Bianca was born in September 1445, Maria was either conceived out of wedlock or she was Piero’s illegitimate daughter. She was raised by Lucrezia as her own child.
1445 (10th September)
A daughter Bianca was born to Lucrezia and Piero de Medici.
1448 (14th February)
A daughter Lucrezia was born to Lucrezia and Piero de Medici. She was known as Nannina.
1449 (1st January)
A son Lorenzo was born to Lucrezia and Piero de Medici.
1450 (during)
Piero’s half-brother Carlo, became canon of Florence Cathedral.
1453 (25th March)
A son Giuliano was born to Lucrezia and Piero de Medici.
1454 (during)
Piero’s brother, Giovanni, became Prior of Florence.
1454 (9th April)
Peace of Lodi
This was a peace agreement between Milan, Naples and Florence.
1454 (30th August)
Italic League
This was an extension of the Peace of Lodi. Signed in Venice it agreed a peace between Florence, Milan, Naples, Venice and the Papal States.
1455 (during)
Pope Pius II visited Florence.
1459 (during)
Lucrezia’s daughter, Bianca, married Guglielmo de’ Pazzi. It was hoped the marriage would reduce the animosity between the families, but it had little effect.
1459 (late Spring)
Benozzo Gozzoli began work on a mural ‘Journey of the Magi’ in the Magi Chapel of the Palazzo Medici showing the three wise men making their way to see the infant Jesus. Many members of the Medici family, including Lucrezia’s husband Piero and their sons Lorenzo and Giuliano, are depicted in the painting which took two years to complete.
1461 (during)
Piero de Medici was appointed Gonfaloniere of Justice.
1461 (during)
Lucrezia arranged the marriage of her daughter, Lucrezia, known as Nannina, to Bernardo Rucellai. Although married, Nannina remained with her parents until 1466.
1464 (1st August)
Lucrezia’s father-in-law, Cosimo de Medici, died at his country house at Careggi. He was buried in the Church of San Lorenzo. Piero succeeded as head of the Medici family. Due to her husband’s poor health, Lucrezia acted as his adviser and undertook diplomatic missions in his name.
1464 (Autumn)
Piero de Medici examined the accounts of the Medici bank and called in many loans. This unpopular move alienated many people and increased the numbers opposed to the power of the Medici.
1466 (August)
Piero’s opponents, led by Luca Pitti, conspired to stage an armed coup, remove Piero from power and restore democracy. However, the plot was uncovered and the attempted coup failed.
1467 (during)
Piero de Medici had given support to Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan. This upset the state of Venice who declared war on Florence.
1467 (25th July)
Battle of Molinella
This was a battle fought between the forces of Venice, supported by Florentine opponents to the Medici and the forces of Florence supported by Milan, Aragon and Bologna. The battle was inconclusive.
1469 (February)
Lucrezia arranged for her eldest son, Lorenzo, to marry Clarice Orsini daughter of Iacapo Orsini, a member of the nobility.
1469 (4th June)
Lorenzo de Medici married Clarice Orsini in Florence.
1469 (2nd December)
Lucrezia’s husband, Piero de Medici, died of gout and lung disease. He was buried in the Church of San Lorenzo.
1469 (2nd December)
Lucrezia’s eldest son, Lorenzo, became head of the family. He ruled Florence with the help of his younger brother Giuliano but Lucrezia acted as adviser. Lorenzo was given the nickname the Magnificent because of his political acumen and patronage of the arts.
1470 (4th August)
Lucrezia’s granddaughter and namesake, Lucrezia de Medici was born to Clarice and Lorenzo de Medici in Florence.
1472 (during)
Lorenzo had become the most important person in Florence. However, he had mostly attained the position through bribes and strategic marriages. Lorenzo’s methods meant that he also made enemies of those noble families who despised his position.
1472 (15th February)
Lucrezia’s grandson and heir of the Medici family, Piero, was born to Lorenzo and Claric in Florence.
1473 (during)
The Pazzi bank gained control of the Papal accounts after helping the Pope to acquire the town of Imola.
1473 (during)
Lucrezia’s granddaughter, Maddalena de Medici was born to Lorenzo and Clarice in Florence.
1475 (11th December)
Lucrezia’s grandson, Giovanni was born to Lorenzo and Clarice in Florence.
1475 (around)
Lucrezia was a writer of stories, plays and poetry. She now used these to educate her grandchildren.
1476 (25th December)
Lucrezia’s granddaughter, Luisa was born to Lorenzo and Clarice in Florence.
1477 (during)
Lucrezia made many personal investments including the purchase of a public baths near Volterra. Her investments gave her a personal income. She was also known for her charitable works which included providing dowries for poor women so they could marry.
1478 (April)
Pazzi Conspiracy
Members of the Pazzi family, supported by Francesco Salviati, Archbishop of Pisa and indirectly by Pope Sixtus IV, planned to simultaneously murder Lorenzo and Giuliano de Medici. Francesco Salviati would overthrow the Signoria (government of Florence) paving the way for the Pazzi family to take control of Florence. They initially planned to lure Lorenzo to Rome where he would be killed while at the same time Giuliano would be killed in Florence. When Lorenzo declined an invitation to Rome it was decided that the murders would be done at a banquet held by Lorenzo. However, Giuliano did not attend the banquet and sent apologies that he was ill. The conspirators decided that they had no choice but to commit the deed in the Cathedral during the Easter Service.
1478 (26th April)
Pazzi Conspiracy
During the Easter service Lorenzo and Giuliano were attacked by Members of the Pazzi family. Lorenzo was injured but managed to get to the safety of the sacristy. Giuliano died after being struck on the head by Bernardo Bandini dei Baroncelli and stabbed 19 times by Francesco de Pazzi.
1478 (26th April)
Francesco de Pazzi and Archbishop Francesco Salviati were hanged. Jacopo de Medici escaped.
1478 (30th April)
Jacopo de Medici was captured and hanged.
1478 (May)
Pope Sixtus IV excommunicated Lorenzo de Medici and placed Florence under interdict for executing an Archbishop. He also persuaded Ferdinand I of Naples to attack Florence on behalf of the Pope. However, Lorenzo managed to persuade Ferdinand to help him make peace with the Pope.
1479 (12th March)
Lucrezia’s grandson, Giuliano, was born to Lorenzo and Clarice in Florence.
1482 (25th March)
Lucrezia Tornabuoni died in Florence after a long illness.


Published Oct 31, 2019 @ 2:00 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2019 – 2020). Lucrezia Tornabuoni 1427 – 1482. Last accessed [date]


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