English History Timeline 1200-1209

English History 1200-1210 King John

This timeline gives a chronological listing of the main events in English History 1200-1209.

The monarch for this period was King John


1200 (early)
John had his childless marriage to Isabella of Gloucester annulled.
1200 (22nd May)
Treaty of Le Goulet
This was an agreement between King John of England and King Philip of France. Philip gained The Vexin and Evreux.
1200 (24th August)
John married Isabella of Angouleme, the 12 year old daughter of the Count of Angouleme, who had been previously betrothed to Hugh IX, Count of Lusignan.
1200 (8th October)
Isabella of Angouleme was crowned Queen of England at Westminster Abbey.
1201 (11th July)
King John received the submission of Llewellyn ap Iorwerth of Wales in exchange for John’s recognition of Llewellyn as leader of Wales.
1202 (30th April)
Hugh de Lusignan, who had been betrothed to Isabella of Angouleme, complained to Philip of France that John had no right to marry Isabella. Philip summoned John to appear before his court in France but John ignored the request. Philip then declared that John’s lands in France should be forfeited and gave many of them to Arthur of Brittany, John’s nephew.
1202 (1st August)
Arthur of Brittany had put Mirabeau Castle where John’s mother Eleanor was in residence, under siege. John launched a mission to relieve the siege and free his mother. Arthur of Brittany was captured and imprisoned in Falaise Castle.
1203 (3rd April)
Arthur of Brittany was murdered, possibly on the orders of King John.
1203 (3rd April)
Brittany and Maine joined forces against King John.
1203 (December)
John returned to England.
1204 (during)
John founded a new Cistercian abbey at Beaulieu in Hampshire.
1204 (24th June)
Philip II of France took control of Normandy. The Channel Islands declared themselves to be independent from Normandy and self-governing provinces of England.
1205 (March)
John wanted to raise money to fight Philip of France and regain his lands in France but the barons refused to support him.
1205 (13th July)
Hubert Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury, died.
1205 (11th December)
John nominated John de Gray, Bishop of Norwich, as the new Archbishop of Canterbury.
1206 (7th June)
John went to Aquitaine to defend his lands.
1206 (December)
Pope Innocent III overturned John’s nomination of John de Gray for Archbishop of Canterbury and appointed Stephen Langton to the post. John refused to agree the nomination and was threatened with excommunication by the Pope.
1207 (during)
A tax on income was introduced. The income tax was very unpopular.
1207 (August)
The Pope told John that if he did not accept Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury he would serve an interdict on England. This would mean that no church services except baptism and funerals could be held.
1207 (1st October)
A son, Henry, was born to John and Isabella at Winchester Castle.
1207 (28th August)
The borough of Liverpool was established.
1208 (24th March)
As John had not accepted Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury, an interdict was served on England. In retaliation John confiscated all church property and many clerics exiled themselves abroad.
1209 (5th January)
A son, Richard, was born to John and Isabella at Winchester Castle.
1209 (November)
King John was excommunicated by Pope Innocent III for failing to install Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury.


First published 2016; updated and republished Jul 21 @ 00:05 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for English History 1200-1209:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2016 – 2022). English History 1200 – 1209. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/english-history-1200-1209. Last accessed [date]


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