English History Timeline 1190-1199

English History 1190-1199 - King Richard I King John

English History 1190 – 1199

The monarchs for this period were:
Richard I to April 1199
John from April 1199


1190 (6th February)
Following King Richard’s pledge to go on Crusade, there was much ill-feeling towards those who were not Christian and a number of Jews were massacred in Norwich.
1190 (7th March)
More Jews were killed at Stamford Fair.
1190 (16th March)
Jews in York Castle were set upon by an angry mob. Around 150 were killed.
1190 (18th March)
A number of Jews were murdered at Bury St Edmunds.
1190 (4th July)
King Richard left England to embark on the Third Crusade with King Philip of France. He left his Chancellor, William Longchamp, and his Chief Justicar Hugh de Puiset in control of England.
1190 (After July)
William Longchamp arrested Hugh de Puiset on a charge of Praemunire (acting above the authority granted to him) and then acted as sole Regent of England.
1190 (19th November)
Baldwin of Exeter, Archbishop of Canterbury, died.
1191 (12th May)
In Cyprus, King Richard I married Berengaria of Navarre. He left her shortly afterwards to continue on Crusade.
1191 (12th July)
Siege of Acre
King Richard of England and Philip of France won this siege.
1191 (7th September)
Battle of Arsuf
Richard defeated Saladin.
1191 (October)
In England, Richard’s younger brother, John, managed to overthrow William Longchamp and took control of England.
1192 (5th August)
Battle of Jaffa
Richard scored a decisive victory over Saladin.
1192 (2nd September)
Treaty of Jaffa
This agreement between Richard I and Saladin agreed that Christians should be allowed to visit Jerusalem freely.
1192 (October)
Richard left the Holy Land and began the journey back to England.
1192 (11th December)
Richard was captured by Leopold V of Austria and held for ransom.
1193 (28th March)
Richard was transferred to the custody of Holy Roman Emperor, Henry VI. He was placed in Trifels Castle. A ransom of 150,000 marks was demanded for the release of the English King. This was a huge sum of money, at least double the annual income of the Crown.
1193 (29th May)
Hubert Walter was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury.
1194 (4th February)
Richard was released from captivity after the ransom was paid.
1194 (10th February)
Henry Marshall became Bishop of Exeter.
1194 (12th March)
Richard returned to England. His brother, John, who had taken control of the country took refuge in Nottingham Castle. On hearing of his brother’s actions Richard lay siege to Nottingham Castle.
1194 (17th April)
In order to show that he was the true King of England Richard was crowned for the second time.
1194 (12th May)
Having secured his position in England Richard left England to go and reclaim land in Normandy that had been taken by Philip II while Richard had been held captive.
1194 (3rd July)
Battle of Freteval
Richard won victory in this battle and was able to reclaim his lands in Normandy.
1195 (during)
Treaty of Louviers
This treaty secured peace between England and France. France was given control of the strip of land known as the Vexin.
1195 (3rd March)
Hugh de Puiset, former regent of England, died.
1196 (Spring)
William FitzOsbern led a popular uprising of the poor against the rich. He was captured and executed on the orders of Hubert Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury. This event may have been the inspiration for the legend of Robin Hood who took from the rich to give to the poor.
1196 (during)
The ell was introduced as a standard measure for cloth.
1197 (January)
William Longchamp, Chancellor of England, died.
1198 (June)
The treaty with France, agreed in 1195, broke down when English troops re-occupyed the Vexin.
1198 (27th September)
Battle of Gisors
This battle saw the English victorious over the French.
1199 (26th March)
Richard was shot by a crossbowman while walking round the castle of Chalus which he had placed under siege. The bolt was removed but the wound became infected.
1199 (6th April)
Richard died from the infected crossbow wound. He was succeeded by his younger brother, John.
1199 (27th May)
John was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey.
1199 (4th September)
John’s sister, Joan, Queen of Sicily, died.


First published 2016; updated and re-published June 23 2022 @ 10:47 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for English History 1190-1199:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2016 – 2022). English History 1190 – 1199.

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