English History Timeline 1210-1219

English History 1210 - King John Henry III

This timeline gives a chronological listing of the main events in English history 1210 – 1219

The monarchs for this period were:

King John to October 1216
King Henry III from October 1216


1210 (June)
King John went to Ireland to receive homage from the Irish chieftans.
1210 (July)
John took Carrickfergus Castle in Ireland.
1210 (22nd July)
A daughter, Joan, was born to King John and Isabella of Angouleme.
1210 (November)
John demanded that all Jews should pay money to the crown. Those that refused were imprisoned.
1211 (June)
King John went to Wales in an attempt to defeat the Welsh prince Llywelyn the Great. He built a castle at Aberystwyth and occupied Ceredigion.
1212 (during)
King John reached an agreement with William of Scotland. William’s son, Alexander was sent to England as hostage.
1212 (June)
The Welsh destroyed John’s newly created castle at Aberystwyth.
1212 (10th July)
A large fire destroyed much of London.
1212 (November)
After a long-standing dispute with the Pope over the appointment of Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury, John gave in and agreed the appointment.
1213 (Easter)
King John gave coins to the poor beginning the tradition of distributing Maundy money on the Thursday before Easter.
1213 (30th May)
Battle of Damme
The English destroyed a French fleet off the port of Damme.
1213 (3rd June)
King John and Llywelyn the Great of Wales reached agreement.
1213 (20th July)
The Pope lifted the excommunication served on King John in 1209 for John’s refusal to appoint Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury.
1213 (November)
John met with his barons to try to reach agreement.
1214 (exact date unknown)
A daughter, Isabella, was born to John and Isabella.
1214 (2nd February)
John went to France to deal with a new conflict with King Philip.
1214 (during)
John founded a new Cistercian abbey at Beaulieu in Hampshire.
1214 (29th June)
The Interdict on England was lifted by the Pope.
1214 (27th July)
Battle of Bouvines
John’s army of German and Flemish soldiers was defeated by Philip of France.
1214 (18th September)
Treaty of Chinon
This treaty was signed by John and Philip of France and ended hostilities between the two countries.
1214 (15th October)
John returned to England where he was facing a rebellion from his barons.
1214 (4th December)
Llywelyn the Great of Wales broke the agreement with England and captured Shrewsbury.
1215 (during)
A daughter, Eleanor, was born to John and Isabella.
1215 (January)
John met with his barons in London.
1215 (4th March)
To get the Pope on his side against his barons, John swore an oath to go on Crusade.
1215 (27th May)
The barons took control of London.
1215 (15th June)
King John met a deputation of barons and Stephen Langton at Runnymede. John was forced to sign a charter, Magna Carta, which met the barons’ complaints against the King. The charter contained 61 clauses many of which still stand today, most notably the clause that every man has the right to trial by his peers.
1215 (13th September)
John complained to the Pope that he had signed Magna Carta under duress. The Pope then declared that it was void.
1215 (October)
The Baron’s War
War broke out between the barons and the King after John repudiated Magna Carta.
1215 (October)
The Baron’s War
King John took Rochester Castle.
1216 (February)
French reinforcements arrived to help the barons. The barons had promised that Philip’s son Louis would be King of England once John was overthrown.
1216 (21st May)
Prince Louis landed in Kent and re-took Rochester Castle.
1216 (June)
Prince Louis of France took Winchester.
1216 (18th October)
King John died at Newark Castle Lincolnshire. He was succeeded by his son, Henry aged 9 years, who became King Henry III. William the Marshall was nominated regent for the King.
1216 (28th October)
King Henry III was crowned at Gloucester.
1216 (12th November)
William Marshall issued a Charter of Liberties, based on Magna Carta, designed to make peace with the barons.
1217 (20th May)
Rout of Lincoln
Prince Louis of France put Lincoln Castle to siege. A relieving force led by William the Marshall defeated Louis’ force and forced it to flee.
1217 (24th August)
Battle of Sandwich
Ships carrying reinforcements for Louis of France was defeated by the King’s fleet.
1217 (Autumn)
Louis of France left England.
1217 (12th September)
An agreement was reached with France which ended hostilities between the two countries.
1218 (March)
Treaty of Worcester
This treaty recognised Llywelyn the Great as regent of South Wales.
1219 (14th May)
Following the death of the regent William Marshall, Stephen Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury, took over much of the governance of the country. He was assisted by the Justicar, Hubert de Burgh.


First published 2016; updated and republished Aug 26 2022 @ 2:04 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for English History 1210-1219:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2016 – 2022). English History 1210 – 1219. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/english-history-1210-1219. Last accessed [date]


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