Catherine of Valois Timeline 1401-1437

Catherine of ValoisBorn – 27th October 1401
Died – 3rd January 1437
Father – Charles VI of France (1368 – 1422)
Mother – Isabeau of Bavaria (1370 – 1435)
Spouse – m. 1420 King Henry V of England (1387 – 1422), m. 1427 – Owen Tudor (1400 – 1461)
Children – by Henry V – King Henry VI (1421 – 1471); by Owen Tudor –  Edmund Tudor (1430 – 1456), Jasper (1431 – 1495), Margaret (b. 1437)


1401 (27th October)
Catherine of Valois was born to King Charles VI of France and his wife Isabeau of Bavaria in the royal palace of the Hotel Saint-Pol in Paris.
1403 (18th June)
Catherine was betrothed to Charles, grandson of Louis, Duke of Bourbon.
1404 (during)
Catherine’s father, Charles VI of France was mentally ill and possibly suffered from schizophrenia. It was decided that he should retire from public life.
1404 (during)
Catherine and her sister, Marie were sent to Poissy Convent for safety during the fighting between England and France. At the convent they received a basic education.
1408 (during)
A marriage between Catherine and Prince Henry, son of Henry IV of England was discussed as part of a peace treaty between the two countries but was rejected.
1413 (November)
King Henry V suggested a marriage between himself and Catherine. However, the French rejected his dowry demands of the return of Aquitaine and a payment of two million crowns.
1415 (25th October)
Battle of Agincourt
King Henry V was victorious in this battle against the French. The French suffered heavy losses and many of the French nobility were captured.
1415 (8th December)
Catherine of Valois’ brother Louis died.
1417 (during)
Henry V invaded France and took land in Normandy.
1418 (during)
Rouen fell to the English.
1418 (2nd June)
Catherine was introduced to Henry V of England.
1420 (20th May)
Treaty of Troyes
This peace treaty between England and France included provision for the marriage of Catherine to Henry V. It also stipulated that their heir would inherit both the throne of England and France.
1420 (2nd June)
Catherine married Henry V at Troyes in France.
1420 (1st December)
Catherine and Henry, together with the French royal family made a state entry into Paris.
1421 (1st February)
Catherine and Henry travelled to England, arriving at Dover.
1421 (23rd February)
Catherine was crowned Queen of England at Westminster Abbey.
1421 (March)
Catherine and Henry embarked on a progress of England.
1421 (June)
Henry returned to France. Catherine, now pregnant, remained in England.
1421 (6th December)
A son, Henry was born to Catherine and Henry V at Windsor Castle.
1422 (May)
Catherine left her son in the care of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester and went to France to be with her husband.
1422 (30th May)
Catherine and Henry went to Paris where celebrations were held.
1422 (June)
Henry left Catherine in Paris to go and help the Duke of Burgundy fighting in the Loire valley.
1422 (31st August)
Henry V contracted dysentery and died in Vincennes. His son, Henry, aged 9 months became King Henry VI.
1422 (October)
Catherine’s father, Charles VI of France, died. He was succeeded by Catherine’s son, Henry.
1422 (7th November)
Henry V was buried in Westminster Abbey.
1423 (during)
Catherine and her son lived at Windsor Castle.
1425 (during)
There were rumours at court that Edmund Beaufort was interested in marrying Catherine.
1427 (around)
Catherine secretly married or entered into a romantic relationship with Owen Tudor who may have been the keeper of her wardrobe or her server.
1428 (during)
Some sources state that an act was passed that Catherine could not remarry without the consent of the King and council. However, no record of the act exists today. There was, however, an act that banned marriage between someone from Wales and someone from England.
1429 (6th November)
A son, Owen, may have been born to Catherine and Owen Tudor at the Palace of Westminster. If he existed he may have remained at Westminster Abbey and became a monk.
1430 (during)
A son, Edmund, was born to Catherine and Owen Tudor at Hadham, Hertfordshire.
1431 (during)
A son, Jasper, was born to Catherine and Owen Tudor at Hatfield, Hertfordshire.
1432 (during)
Catherine’s marriage to Owen Tudor was no longer secret by this time.
1432 (May)
Owen Tudor was granted the status and rights of an Englishman.
1436 (during)
Catherine, who was in poor health, retired to Bermondsey Abbey to await the birth of her child.
1437 (3rd January)
A daughter, Margaret, was born to Catherine and Owen Tudor.
1437 (3rd January)
Catherine died at Bermondsey Abbey.


Published Oct 5, 2017 @ 11:33am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2020). Catherine of Valois 1401 – 1437 Timeline. Last accessed [date]


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