English History Timeline 1500-1509

King Henry VII Henry VIII

This timeline gives a chronological listing of the main events in English history for the years 1500 – 1509

The monarchs for this period were
Henry VII to April 1509
Henry VIII from April 1509


1500 (27th January)
Thomas Langton died before he could be consecrated as Archbishop of Canterbury.
1500 (12th March)
A son, Reginald, was born to Edward IV’s niece, Margaret Pole
1500 (26th April)
Henry Deane was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury.
1500 (9th June)
King Henry VII held a meeting with Philip of Burgundy in Calais.
1500 (after 9th June)
After learning that Henry had met with Philip of Burgundy, Ferdinand of Aragon delayed sending his daughter Catherine to England.
1500 (19th June)
Henry’s son, Edmund, died at the Old Palace, Hatfield.
1500 (28th July)
Henry VII appealed to the Pope to grant a dispensation allowing Princess Margaret to marry her fourth cousin, James IV of Scotland.
1500 (15th September)
John Morton, Archbishop of Canterbury, died.
1501 (around)
A daughter, Anne, was born to Thomas Boleyn and his wife, Elizabeth Howard.
1501 (2nd October)
Catherine of Aragon arrived in England.
1501 (14th November)
Henry’s son, Arthur, married Catherine of Aragon at St Paul’s Cathedral. The ceremony was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
1501 (28th November)
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain paid the first instalment of Catherine’s dowry.
1502 (January)
Prince Arthur and Catherine made their home in Ludlow Castle in the Welsh Marches.
1502 (24th January)
A treaty of perpetual peace was agreed with Scotland to be sealed with the marriage of James IV and Princess Margaret.
1502 (late March)
Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon were taken ill with a viral infection.
1502 (2nd April)
Henry’s son, Prince Arthur, died at Ludlow Castle.
1502 (2nd April)
The death of Prince Arthur meant that Prince Henry became Duke of Cornwall.
1502 (23rd April)
A funeral service took place for Prince Arthur. He was buried in Worcester Cathedral
1502 (early May)
Having recovered from the viral infection that killed Arthur, Catherine returned to London. She was given accommodation in Durham House.
1502 (June)
The Spanish ambassador, de Puebla, suggested that Catherine could marry Prince Henry.
1502 (19th June)
Henry agreed a treaty with the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian at Aachen. Henry agreed to donate 10,000 crowns to Maximilian’s war with Turkey and in return Maximilian would no longer harbour Henry’s enemies.
1503 (January)
Elizabeth of York went to the Tower of London to prepare for the birth of her seventh child.
1503 (24th January)
Work began on the construction of Henry VII’s chapel at Westminster Abbey.
1503 (2nd February)
A daughter, Katherine, was born to Henry VII and Elizabeth of York in the Tower of London.
1503 (11th February)
Henry’s wife, Elizabeth died from complications following the birth of her daughter, Katherine.
1503 (15th February)
Henry Deane, Archbishop of Canterbury, died.
1503 (24th February)
Henry’s wife, Elizabeth of York was buried in Westminster Abbey.
1503 (Spring)
Henry was concerned for the succession with only one surviving male heir. He considered marrying Catherine of Aragon.
1503 (23rd June)
Catherine’s parents had not wanted their daughter to marry Henry VII and so arrangements went ahead for her to marry Prince Henry.
1503 (25th June)
Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon were formally betrothed.
1503 (Summer)
Isabella of Spain suggested that Henry could marry her niece, Joan, Queen of Naples.
1503 (Summer)
King Louis XII of France suggested that Henry could marry his niece, Germaine de Foix.
1503 (8th July)
Princess Margaret began her journey north to marry James IV.
1503 (8th August)
Princess Margaret married James IV of Scotland in the monastery of Holyrood House.
1503 (29th November)
William Warham became Archbishop of Canterbury.
1503 (26th December)
The Pope granted a dispensation allowing Prince Henry to marry Catherine of Aragon.
1504 (during)
Henry asked parliament for a tax to help pay for costs of the marriage of Princess Margaret.
1504 (during)
Henry introduced a new coin, the shilling. It was made of silver and worth twelve pennies.
1504 (18th February)
Prince Henry was created Prince of Wales.
1504 (March)
Many leading clerics including the Archbishop of Canterbury doubted that the Pope had the power to grant a dispensation allowing a man to marry his brother’s widow. Henry delayed marriage ceremony.
1504 (Summer)
Catherine of Aragon was taken ill with a mystery illness which kept her confined to bed.
1505 (during)
Henry VII sent an envoy to Spain to report on the suitability of Joan of Naples as a bride.
1505 (January)
Henry was having doubts about the marriage of Catherine of Aragon and Prince Henry.
1505 (June)
Henry’s envoy returned from Spain and reported that Joan of Naples had no income of her own and was financed ty Ferdinand of Aragon. Henry was furious that he had not been given this information by Ferdinand himself.
1505 (27th June)
Henry ordered Prince Henry to formally protest against marrying Catherine of Aragon. The Prince stated that the treaty had been made when he was a minor and was therefore not valid.
1505 (late June)
The Spanish ambassador was concerned about Catherine of Aragon’s welfare but was also reluctant to ask Henry to give her more money since he did not want to be out of favour with the King of England.
1505 (August)
Henry was annoyed when English merchants reported that they no longer enjoyed privileges in Spain.
1505 (12th October)
Ferdinand of Spain agreed a treaty with France at Blois.
1505 (mid October)
Henry began negotiations with Philip of Burgundy for a possible marriage between Prince Henry and Philips daughter, Eleanor.
1505 (late October)
Henry refused to allow the marriage of Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon to go ahead. He also refused to allow Catherine to return to Spain because he did not want to repay the part of her dowry already paid.
1505 (November)
Catherine of Aragon was facing financial hardship and asked de Puebla to speak to Henry on her behalf. Henry told the Spanish ambassador that Catherine should join the court and her house be disbanded to save money.
1505 (24th November)
Ferdinand of Spain sent copies of the dispensation allowing the marriage of Prince Henry and Catherine. He hoped this would improve his daughter’s situation.
1506 (15th January)
Philip of Burgundy and his wife, Juana, Catherine’s sister, were shipwrecked in the Channel and landed at Melcombe Regis.
1506 (31st January)
Henry met Philip of Burgundy at Windsor where they discussed peace terms. No mention was made of Catherine of Aragon’s delayed marriage to Prince Henry.
1506 (9th February)
Henry and Philip of Burgundy concluded a peace treaty at Windsor.
1506 (10th February)
Celebrations were held at Windsor for the peace treaty. Catherine of Aragon was present at the celebrations and had a reunion with her sister.
1506 (15th February)
Henry and Philip of Burgundy discussed possible marriages between Prince Henry and Philip’s daughter Eleanor, between Princess Mary and Philip’s son, Charles and between Henry VII and Philip’s sister Margaret of Savoy.
1506 (after 15th February)
The Spanish ambassador, de Puebla, wrote to Ferdinand of Aragon telling him of Henry’s betrayal.
1506 (16th March)
Philip of Burgundy handed Edmund de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, to English authorities in Calais. He was sent back to England and imprisoned in the Tower of London.
1506 (Late March)
Margaret of Savoy declined the offer to marry Henry VII stating that he was old enough to be her father.
1506 (23rd April)
Philip of Burgundy and Juana of Aragon left England for Spain.
1506 (late April)
Henry VII declared that there would be no further discussions regarding a marriage between Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon until the remainder of her dowry was paid.
1506 (late April)
Catherine of Aragon wrote to her father, Ferdinand of Aragon, begging him to offer some assistance. She also stated that the Spanish ambassador had been of no help to her.
1506 (30th April)
A new trade deal was concluded between England and the Netherlands. The terms of the treaty meant that more cloth could be exported without incurring tariff payments.
1506 (Summer)
Catherine of Aragon was taken ill with a fever.
1506 (25th September)
Philip of Burgundy died. His son Charles became the Duke of Burgundy and the Low Countries.
1506 (Autumn)
Prince Henry began to spend more time with Catherine of Aragon. Henry VII was furious when he found out and sent Catherine to live at Fulham Palace.
1507 (March)
Henry gave Ferdinand of Spain an ultimatum to pay Catherine’s dowry within 6 months.
1507 (19th May)
Ferdinand of Spain made Catherine of Aragon Spanish ambassador. The appointment put her in a better position.
1507 (October)
Henry was concerned that he had received no money from Ferdinand of Spain and, not wanting to have to repay the first part of Catherine’s dowry, he extended the deadline for payment to March 1508.
1507 (21st December)
Princess Mary was betrothed to Maximilian’s grandson, Charles. It was agreed that they would marry when Charles was 15 years old.
1508 (February)
Henry was taken ill and confined to bed for a while.
1508 (22nd February)
The new Spanish ambassador, Fuensalida, arrived. He brought a bill of exchange to pay the remaining amount of Catherine’s dowry.
1508 (March)
Henry announced that because Catherine of Aragon had sold some of the jewels and plate she had brought with her to England that her dowry payment was incomplete. He re-opened negotiations for Prince Henry to marry Eleanor of Austria.
1508 (early Summer)
Negotiations for the marriage of Prince Henry and Eleanor of Austria broke down.
1508 (July)
Henry was taken ill again, he had lost weight, had a nasty cough and could not walk unaided.
1508 (late Summer)
Ferdinand of Spain wrote to Henry demanding either the return of his daughter or for the marriage to Prince Henry to go ahead. Henry was furious and broke off Catherine’s allowance.
1509 (January)
A deputation of nobles had an audience with Henry. They knew that he was ill and wanted to know that the succession would pass to Prince Henry without incident. They urged Henry to allow the marriage of Prince Henry and Catherine of Aragon to go ahead.
1509 (24th March)
Henry collapsed and was taken to his bed.
1509 (late March)
Henry summoned his chaplains, Thomas Wolsey and John Fisher, to his bedside. Henry requested that the two men say ten thousand masses between them. He agreed to pay 6 pence per mass.
1509 (31st March)
Henry dictated his will.
1509 (10th April)
Henry issued a proclamation that cancelled all bonds worth less than fifteen pounds and granted an amnesty to all criminals.
1509 (20th April)
Prince Henry was summoned to his father’s bedside.
1509 (21st April)
Henry died from tuberculosis at Richmond Palace. He was succeeded by his son, Henry who became King Henry VIII.
1509 (22nd April)
Henry VIII was financially secure – his father had left around 1 million pounds in the treasury. The new King modelled himself on his predecessor Henry V and swore to continue Henry V’s war with France.
1509 (23rd April)
To gain popularity and to show the people that he would be a different ruler to his father Henry imprisoned his father’s financial advisers, Edmund Dudley, Richard Empson and Henry Stafford for imposing a tyranny of taxation on England. Henry also took up residence in the Tower of London where he would stay until after his coronation.
1509 (25th April)
As was the custom on the accession of new monarchs, Henry VIII freed all prisoners except those accused of serious crimes or murder.
1509 (late April)
Henry’s grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, took control and formed a new council. Members of the council included Thomas Howard, Thomas Ruthall, William Wareham Archbishop of Canterbury, Henry Marnay, Richard Fox
1509 (June)
Henry’s grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, died. Before she died she told Henry to listen to the advice of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester.
1509 (early June)
Henry visited Catherine of Aragon in her private chambers and proposed to her.
1509 (11th June)
Henry married Catherine of Aragon in the church of Greenwich Palace. The service was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, William Warham.
1509 (23rd June)
Henry and Catherine took part in a special Coronation procession. Henry wore a cloth of gold tunic with a red velvet robe. Catherine wore an embroidered gown of white satin and a coronet of rich stones on her head.
1509 (24th June)
Henry was crowned King Henry VIII and Catherine was crowned Queen at Westminster Abbey. Henry sat in Edward I’s coronation chair to receive the crown of Edward the Confessor. The service was conducted by William Warham, Archbishop of Canterbury. After the ceremony a coronation banquet was held at Westminster Hall. The streets of London were decorated with tapestries and cloth of gold and food and drink were set out on trestle tables for the people.
1509 (late June)
As King, Henry took no part in the government of the country and would only attend to necessary state matters at a time that suited him, generally after he had hunted or played sport.
1509 (August)
Catherine of Aragon announced that she was pregnant.
1509 (November)
Henry appointed Thomas Wolsey as King’s almoner.


Published Oct 3, 2017 @ 11:05 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2020). English History 1500 – 1509. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/english-history-1500-1509. Last accessed [date]

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