21st Century Wars Timeline

September 11th Terror AttacksThis timeline details the main wars that have taken place during the 21st Century


1998, 2nd August to 2003, 18th July
Second Congo War (Great War of Africa)
Fought between: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Chad, Namibia and Zimbabwe against Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi
Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Result: Stalemate
1999, 23rd September to 2009
Second Chechen War
Fought between: Chechen Republic of Ichkeria against Russia
Location: Northern Caucasus (mainly Chechnya and Dagestan)
Result: Russian victory
2001, 12th September to August 2021
Fought between: NATO, United States, United Kingdom against Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIL
Location: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya
Result: Early Allied victories, later lack of progress led to Allied withdrawal of troops
2001, 7th October to 2021, 30th August
Afghanistan War (Part of the War Against Terror)
Fought between: USA, Afghanistan, UK, Australia, France, Canada against Taliban, Al-Qaeda
Location: Afghanistan
Result: Taliban victory
2003, 20th March to 2011, 11th December
Iraq War
Fought between: USA, UK, (multi-national forces withdrawn before end of conflict) against Al-Qaeda
Location: Iraq, Syria
Result: Al-Quaeda defeated
 2004, 16th March, ongoing
War in North West Pakistan (Part of the War Against Terror)
Fought between: USA, Pakistan against Taliban, Al-Qaeda, ISIL
Location: North West Pakistan
2005, 18th December to 15th January 2010
Chadian Civil War
Fought between: Chadian Rebels against Chad government and France
Location: Chad
Result: Victory for the government of Chad
2006, 12th July to 14th August
2006 Lebanon War
Fought between: Lebanon, Palestine against Israel
Location: Lebanon, Northern Israel
Result: Stalemate and ceasefire
2008, 7th August to 2008, 16th August
Russia–Georgia war
Fought between: Georgia against Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia
Location: Georgia, South Ossetia, Abkhazia
Result: Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia victory
2008, December 28th to 2009, January 18th
Gaza War (Part of the Arab-Israeli Conflict)
Fought between: Gaza Strip against Israel
Location: Israel, Gaza Strip
Result: Israeli victory
2009, 31st January, ongoing
War in Somalia (Part of the War Against Terror) (Part of the Somalian Civil War)
Fought between: Somalia, Ethiopia against Al-Qaida, Mujahedeen
Location: Somalia, North Kenya
2009, 26th July, ongoing
War against Boko Haram
Fought between: Nigeria against terrorist group Boko Haram
Location: Northern Nigeria, Northern Cameroon, South Niger, West Chad
2010, 18th December to 2011, 14th January
Tunisian Revolution/ Jasmine Revolution (Part of the Arab Spring)
Fought between: Ben Ali government against Popular protests, demonstrations, strikes, self-immolation
Location: Tunisia
Result: Overthrow of Ben Ali and move to democracy
2011, 25th January to 2011, 11th February
Egyptian Revolution (Part of the Arab Spring)
Fought between: Hosni Mubarak government against Popular protests, demonstrations, strikes, self-immolation
Location: Egypt
Result: Fall of Mubarak government, move to democratic elections
2011, 27th January to 2012, 27th February
Yemeni Revolution (Part of the Arab Spring)
Fought between: Saleh government against Popular protests, demonstrations, strikes, self-immolation
Location: Yemen
Result: Overthrow of the Saleh government, lack of unity led to ongoing Yemen Civil War
2011, 15th February to 2011, 23rd October
First Libyan Civil War (Part of the Arab Spring)
Fought between: Pro-Gaddafi Forces against National Liberation Army, Qatar, NATO
Location: Libya
Result: Victory for National Liberation Army
2011, 15th March, ongoing
Syrian Civil War
Fought between: Bashar al-Assad government against Rebel forces including ISIS
Location: Syria
2012, 16th January, ongoing
Northern Mali Conflict
Fought between: Mali Government, France, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau. Ivory Coast, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Togo, Chad, Burundi, Gabon, South Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, China, Germany, Sweden and Estonia against the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad against Al-Quaeda
Location: Northern Mali
2012, 14th November to 2012, 21st November
Gaza War (Part of the Arab-Israeli Conflict)
Fought between: Gaza Strip against Israel
Location: Gaza Strip, Israel
Result: Ceasefire
2012, 10th December is ongoing
Central African Republic Civil War
Fought between: Central African Republic, France, South Africa against Rebel forces
Location: Central African Republic
2013, 15th December to 2020, 22nd February
South Sudanese Civil War
Fought between: South Sudan against United Nations Protection force against rebel forces
Location: South Sudan
Result: Ceasefire
began 2014, 1st January to 2017, 9th December
Iraqi Civil War
Fought between: Iraq and allies against Islamic State
Location: Iraq
Result: Iraq victory
began 2014, 6th April, ongoing
War in Ukraine/Donbas War
Fought between: Ukraine against Russia, Donetsk, Luhansk
Location: Donbas, Donetsk, Luhansk
began 2014, 16th May to 2020, 23rd October
Second Libyan Civil War
Fought between: House of Representatives against Government of National Accord
Location: Libya
Result: Permanent ceasefire agreed, formation of Government of National Unity
2015, 26th March, ongoing
Yemeni Civil War
Fought between: Various factions seeking to take control of government
Location: Yemen
2015, 24th July, ongoing
Kurdish-Turkish Conflict
Fought between: Turkey against Kurdistan region
Location: South East Turkey, Northern Syria, Northern Iraq
2018, 2nd April, ongoing
Ethiopian Civil Conflict
Fought between: Rival factions
Location: Ethiopia
2019, 5th May, ongoing
Persian Gulf Crisis
Fought between: United States and allies against Iran
Location: Persian Gulf, Iraq
2020, 5th May, ongoing
Sino Indian Border Dispute
Fought between: China and India
Location: India-China border
2022, 24th February, ongoing
Fought between: Russia and Belarus against Ukraine
Location: Ukraine


First published 2015; Updated and republished Oct 21 2021 @ 11:20 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2015 – 2021). 21st Century Wars Timeline.

1 thought on “21st Century Wars Timeline”

  1. Is there such a thing as the wars by count from the first century until the 20Th Century? I am just searching for numbers


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