War on Terror 2001-Present Day Timeline

War on TerrorThis timeline details the main events in the War on Terror from 2001 – present day

2001 (11th September)
9/11 Attack
Four aeroplanes were hijacked by members of Al Qaeda. Two were crashed into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York, one was crashed into the Pentagon in Washington and the fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after the hijackers were overpowered by passengers. A total of 2,993 people were killed in the attack.
2001 (12th September)
US President George W Bush declared war on the perpetrators of the 9-11 attacks.
2001 (12th September)
The United Nations condemned the September 11th attacks.
2001 (20th September)
The term ‘War on Terror’ was first used by George W Bush.
2001 (1st October)
38 people were killed and 60 injured after a car bomb exploded in Srinagar.
2001 (7th October)
Operation Enduring Freedom
This was a series of American and British air strikes on Kabul, Jalalabad and Kandahar in Afghanistan. The air strikes targeted Taliban strongholds.
2001 (13th November)
The Taliban had been removed from the Afghanistan capital, Kabul.
2001 (6th – 17th December)
Battle of Tora Bora
Al-Qaeda leader and architect of the 9-11 attacks, Osama Bin Laden, was almost captured during this battle, but escaped to Pakistan.
2001 (7th December)
The Taliban lost control of Kandahar, Afghanistan.
2001 (11th December)
Zacarias Moussaoui was charged with conspiring with Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda to plan the 9-11 attacks.
2001 (22nd December)
Hamid Karzai was appointed head of the government in Afghanistan.
2001 (22nd December)
Richard Reid, a British citizen and follower of Osama bin Laden, who intended to blow up a plane bound for Miami with explosives packed into his shoe, was arrested.
2002 (January)
The United States opened the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.
2002 (21st February)
A video was released showing the execution of journalist Daniel Pearl by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
2002 (11th April)
Ghriba Synagogue Attack
19 people were killed and more than 30 injured after Al-Quaeda bombed the Ghriba Synagogue in Tunisia.
2002 (14th May)
India tourist bus attack
31 people were killed and 47 injured after an attack on a tourist bus in India by members of Islamist terror group, Lashkar-e-Taiba.
2002 (13th June)
Elections were held in Afghanistan and Hamid Karzai was elected president.
2002 (12th October)
Bali Bomb Attack
A bomb exploded on the island of Bali killed 202 people and injuring 209. The explosion was carried out by Muslim extremists linked to al-Qaeda.
2002 (26th November)
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) began drone strikes on Al-Quaeda targets in Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
2002 (28th November)
Mombasa Attacks
Al-Quaeda terrorists carried out attacks on Mombasa, Kenya. A truck full of explosives crashed into the Paradise Hotel killing 13 and injuring 80 people. meanwhile an Arikia Boeing Israeli plane was fired at. It returned to Israel unharmed.
2003 (11th February)
A tape recording of Osama bin Laden calling on Iraqis to carry out suicide bombings against US forces is interpreted as evidence of a link between Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.
2003 (20th March)
Iraq War began
United States, British, Australian and Polish troops invaded Iraq following reports that the country were making weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq, called for a Jihad against the United States.
2003 (16th May)
Casablanca Bombings
A series of suicide bombings took place in Casablanca, Morocco killing 33 people. The bombers had links to al-Qaeda.
2003 (5th August)
Marriot Hotel Bomb, Jakarta
A car bomb outside the Marriot Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia exploded killing 12 and injuring 150. The bomb was planted by militants loyal to al-Qaeda.
2003 (19th August)
UN HQ Attack in Baghdad
A truck loaded with explosives was driven into the UN headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq. 23 people were killed and 100 wounded.
2003 (15th, 20th November)
Istanbul Attacks
Four truck bombs exploded in Istanbul, Turkey at the British consulate and HSBC headquarters killing 57 and injuring 700. The bombings were carried out by al-Qaeda.
2003 (13th December)
Saddam Hussein was captured by US forces.
2004 (27th February)
Philippines SuperFerry 14 Attack
Terrorist group ASG bombed the SuperFerry 14 in the Philippines. 116 people lost their lives.
2004 (11th March)
Madrid Train Bombings
Ten bombs exploded on trains bound for Madrid killing 190 people and injuring 2000. The attacks were carried out by local extremists sympathetic to al-Qaeda. 193 people were killed and more than 2,000 injured.
2004 (16th March)
War began in north-west Pakistan between the government and militant groups including al-Qaeda, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the Taliban.
2004 (4th April – 1st May)
Battle of Fallujah
This was a failed United States operation to remove extremists from Fallujah.
2004 (6th April – 10th April)
Battle of Ramadi
This battle saw the forces of the United States defeat Iraqi militants.
2004 (29th May)
Khobar Attack
A terror attack in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, killed 22 and injured 25 people.
2004 (18th June)
The United States began a series of drone attacks on Taliban and al-Qaeda targets in north-west Pakistan.
2004 (1st – 3rd September)
Belsan School Attack
34 terrorists lay siege to a school in Beslan, Ossetia, Russia taking 1,100 pupils and teachers hostage. Russian forces stormed the school ending the siege. 334 people including 186 children were killed.
2004 (9th September)
Australian Embassy, Jakarta Attack
A car bomb exploded outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia killing 8 people and injuring 150. The attack was carried out by an Islamic extremist group linked to al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
2004 (9th October)
Hamid Karzai was re-elected president of Afghanistan.
2004 (7th November – 23rd December)
Second Battle of Fallujah
This battle saw the forces of Iraq, United Kingdom and United States defeat al-Qaeda and Iraqi insurgents.
2004 (8th – 16th November)
Battle of Mosul
This battle saw the coalition forces hold Mosul against an attack by insurgents.
2005 (July – December)
Operation Sayeed
US forces pushed Al-Quaeda out of Western Iraq.
2005 (7th July)
London Bombings
Four suicide bombers targeted the London Underground and a double-decker bus killing 52 people and injuring 700. The attackers were Islamic extremists sympathetic to al-Qaeda.
2005 (23rd July)
Operation Marlborough
3 potential suicide bombers were killed by British and US forces in Baghdad.
2005 (1st – 18th September)
Battle of Tal Afar
US forces pushed Al-Quaeda out of Tal Afar.
2005 (1st October)
Bali Bombings
Three explosions in Bali, Indonesia, killed 20 people and injured more than 100. The attacks were carried out by an extremist group sympathetic to al-Qaeda.
2006 (4th June)
Islamic extremists moved into Somalia.
2006 (7th June)
United States airstrikes killed al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq.
2006 (17th June – 15th November)
Second Battle of Ramadi
United States and Iraq forces managed to drive members of al-Qaeda in Iraq our of Ramadi.
2006 (20th July)
War in Somalia
War began in Somalia when Ethiopian troops, backed by the United States, went to Somalia to support the Somali government against the Islamic extremists that had taken over part of the country.
2006 (15th October)
Al-Qaeda in Iraq was reformed as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
2006 (30th December)
Saddam Hussein was hanged at Camp Justice, Baghdad.
2007 (10th January)
George W Bush announced that the United States would be sending 20,000 troops to Iraq to protect local people.
2007 (11th April)
Algiers Bombings
Two car bombs exploded in the Algerian capital, Algiers killing 33 people and injuring 162. The attacks were carried out by an Algerian al-Qaeda group.
2007 (20th May – 7th September)
Lebanon Conflict
This was an armed conflict between the forces of Lebanon and Islamist extremists. The four month conflict resulted in victory for the Lebanon.
2007 (1st October)
Diyala Campaign
US fores removed Iraqi insurgents from Diyala in Iraq.
2008 (2nd June)
Danish Embasy in Islamabad Bombing
A car bomb exploded outside the Danish embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan killing 8 people and injuring 24. The attack was carried out by al-Qaeda.
2008 (13th July)
Battle of Wanat
This battle began when a Taliban force attacked NATO troops. Although the Taliban broke through NATO troop defences they were eventually repulsed.
2008 – 2009 (7th August – 28th February)
Battle of Bajau
This was a long battle where the forces of Pakistan fought to free the Bajaur region of Pakistan from control of the Taliban. Although the Pakistan forces were successful in removing the Taliban and destroying the al-Qaeda command centre the leaders of both groups managed to escape.
2008 (17th September)
American Embassy in Yemen Attack
An attack on the American Embassy in Yemen by Yemeni Islamic extremists killed 6 and injured 12 people.
2008 (26th – 29th November)
Mumbai Attacks
Twelve shooting and bombing attacks were made on the city of Mumbai, India, killing 166 people and injuring more than 600. The attacks were carried out by Pakistani Islamic extremists.
2009 (30th January)
War in Somalia ended
Ethiopian troops withdrew from Somalia ending the conflict that had begun in 2006.
2009 (February)
Civil War in Somalia began
War began between Somali Government forces supported by the African Union peacekeeping troops and militant extremist Islamist groups in Somalia.
2009 (26th April – 15th July)
Operation Black Thunderstorm
This was an armed operation carried out by Pakistan forces to free the north of Pakistan from Taliban control. The mission was successful and the region returned to government control.
2009 (22nd July)
Osama bin Laden’s son, Saad bin Laden, was killed by a United States drone strike.
2009 (26th July – present)
Boko Haram Insurgency
Conflict began in Nigeria between the government and the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram.
2009 (1st September – 30th November)
Khyber Pass Offensive
This was a campaign by the Pakistan military to clear the Khyber Pass region of Taliban forces. The Pakistan military were successful.
2009 (17th September)
Noordin Mohammed Top, leader of al-Qaeda in Malaysia, was killed in Java, Indonessia.
2009 (5th November)
Fort Hood Shooting
Former US army major, Nidal Hasan, opened fire on the American military base killing 13 and injuring 30 people. Hasan was caught, tried and sentenced to death. Despite Hasan’s admission that he was acting as an Islamist, the United States have not officially recognised the shooting as an act of terror.
2009 (1st December)
President Obama announced that 30,000 additional US troops would be sent to Afghanistan.
2010 (1st February)
Extremist group Al-Shabab announced its alliance with al-Qaeda.
2011 (2nd May)
Taliban leader, Osama bin Laden was killed by United States special forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
2011 (27th May – 10th September)
Battle of Zinjibar
Islamic extremists attacked and captured Zinjibar, Yemen.
2011 (3rd June)
Leader of Jarkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami, Ilyas Kashmiri, was among 8 militant extremists killed in South Waziristan, Pakistan.
2011 (22nd June)
President Obama announced a gradual withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan with power being handed over to Afghanistan by 2014.
2011 (18th December)
Iraq War ended
All United States forces, apart from a 10,800 force, withdrew from Iraq ending the war that had begun in 2003.
2012 (16th January)
Northern Mali Conflict
War began in Mali between the Mali government and Islamic extremists affiliated to al-Qaeda.
2012 (8th March)
Sokoto Hostage Rescue Attempt
An attempt to rescue a British and Italian hostage in Sokoto, Nigeria, from Boko Haram, failed and the two men were murdered by their captors.
2012 (11th September)
Benghazi Attack
Islamist extremists attacked the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, killing the US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and Sean Smith, Foreign Service Information Management Officer.
2013 (13th January)
French troops were sent to support the Mali government.
2013 (16th – 19th January)
IN Amenas Hostage Crisis
In Algeria, a group of extremists with links to al-Qaeda took hostage international workers at the Tigantourine gas facility. Algerian forces made an assault on the facility to break the crisis. 39 hostages lost their lives during the crisis.
2013 (15th April)
Boston Marathon Bombing
Two brothers planted two bombs near the finish line of the marathon. 3 people died and 183 were injured.
2013 (11th May)
Reyhanli Bombings
Two car bombs exploded in Reyhanli, Turkey near the border with Syria killing 51 people and injuring 140. No group claimed responsibility for the attacks but it is believed they were carried out by members of ISIL.
2013 (4th – 19th August)
Latakia Offensive
Militant extremists were prevented from taking control of Latakia, Syria.
2013 (21st – 24th September)
Westgate Shopping Mall Attack
Armed gunmen began shooting people in the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya killing 67 people and injuring 175. The attacks were carried out by members of the Al-Shabaab extremist Islamic group.
2014 (21st March – 15th June)
Latakia Offensive
Militant extremists were prevented from taking control of Latakia, Syria for the second time.
2014 (June)
The Islamic extremist group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) also known as Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) changed its name to Islamic State (IS).
2014 (4th – 29th June)
Islamic extremists succeeded in taking control of northern Iraq including the city of Baiji.
2014 (23rd July – 28th August)
Islamic extremists took control of eastern Syria.
2014 (5th August)
The United States began supplying Iraqi Kurds with weapons to fight IS.
2014 (8th August)
Galgala Campaign
The government of the Puntland region in Somalia, drove al-Shabaab insurgents from the Galgala hills.
2014 (1st September)
A US drone strike killed Ahmed Abdi Godane, leader of al-Shabaab, and 6 other terrorists.
2014 (5th September)
International Coalition against ISIL
Nine countries – United States, United Kingdom, Turkey, Italy, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada and Australia agreed to support anti ISIL forces in Iraq and Syria with supplies and/or air support.
2014 (15th September)
Siege of Kobani
ISIL forces lay siege to Kobani in Syria. The city fell in October 2014.
2014 (22nd September)
The United States, United States, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates began making air strikes on known targets of IS.
2014 (27th October)
The last British troops left Afghanistan.
2014 (29th October)
Battle of Baiji
The city of Baiji was taken from ISIL.
2014 (16th December)
Peshawar School Massacre
Gunmen affiliated with the Taliban attacked the army school in Peshawar, Pakistan killing 149 people of whom most were children, and injuring 114.
2014 (31st December)
Although President Obama had stated that US troops would withdraw from Afghanistan by the end of 2014 he changed this and a residual force was left to help train Afghan soldiers.
2015 (7th January)
Charlie Habdo Attack
Two al-Qaeda terrorists stormed the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris killing 11 people and injuring 11 more.
2015 (9th January)
Porte de Vincennes Attack
An extremist supporter of IS and friend of the perpetrators of the Charlie Hebdo attack, entered a kosher suprette in Porte de Vincennes and took the occupants hostage. 4 people were killed and 9 injured during the attack.
2015 (27th January)
Corinthia Hotel Attack
A number of gunmen affiliated to IS detonated a car bomb then entered the Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli, Libya. 10 people were killed in the attack.
2015 (14th – 15th February)
Copenhagen Shootings
Two separate shootings in Copenhagen, Denmark by Islamic extremists left 3 people dead and 5 injured.
2015 (15th February)
A video was released by IS depicting the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians in Libya. The Egyptian Airforce was mobilised and attacked ISIL camps in Libya.
2015 (18th March)
Bardo Museum Tunisia Attack
Three IS extremists attacked the Bardo National Museum in Tunis, Tunisia and took people hostage. 24 people were killed and 50 injured.
2015 (20th March)
Sana’a Mosque Bombings
Four IS suicide bomb attacks in Sana’a, Yemen killed 142 and injured 351 people.
2015 (3rd May)
Curtis Culwell Center Attack
Two terrorists opened fire at the Curtis Culwell Center in protest at cartoons of Mohammed. The two were killed by an off-duty police officer.
2015 (31st May)
Western al-Hasakah Offensive
Main towns in western al-Hasakah region of Syria were freed from ISIL control.
2015 (26th June)
2015 Ramadan Attacks
A series of attacks in France, Kuwait, Syria, Somalia and Tunisia by IS and the Islamic extremist group Al-Shabaab, left more than 400 people dead and more than 330 injured.
In France several people were injured when an IS extremist beheaded his employer before driving a vehicle into a gas factory causing an explosion.
In Kuwait a suicide bomber with links to IS entered a mosque. The explosion killed 27 people and injured more than 225.
In Syria ISIL extremists attacked Kobani, Syria. Suicide bombs and shootings left 230 people dead.
In Somalia al-Shabaab extremists killed 70 soldiers
In Sousse, Tunisia a single gunman linked to IS shot tourists on the beach and in two hotels. 33 people died and 39 were injured.
2015 (30th September)
Russia began air support for the Syrian government.
2015 (7th – 11th October)
United States and Afghan forces destroyed a large al-Qaeda camp in Kandahar province, Afghanistan.
2015 (12th November)
Beirut Bombings
Two suicide bombers with links to IS caused explosions in Beirut, Lebanon resulting in 43 deaths and 240 injured.
2015 (13th November)
Paris Attacks
A number of extremists linked to IS made a number of attacks across the city of Paris, France. 130 people were killed and 370 injured.
A number of explosions occurred outside the Stade de France killing 1 person. A security guard had prevented the bomber from entering the Stadium
Shootings took place in the rue Bichat, the rud de la Fontaine au Roi, the Rue de Charonne and the boulevard Voltaire.
Three gunmen entered the Bataclan theatre and began killing occupants. Others were taken hostage until the gunmen were overpowered two hours later. 139 people were killed and 352 injured.
2015 (20th November)
Bamako Hotel Attack
A number of Islamist extremists with links to al-Qaeda stormed the Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, Mali killing 22 and injuring 7.
2015 (2nd December)
San Bernardino Inland Regional Center Shootings
14 people were killed and 22 injured after a couple opened fire on employees at the San Bernardino Inland Regional Center in California. The couple were killed by police four hours later.
2016 (14th January)
Jakarta Attacks
A number of explosions and shootings happened near the Sarinah shopping mall in Jakarta, Indonesia carried out by extremists with links to ISIL. 8 people died and 24 were injured.
2016 (22nd March)
Brussels Bombings
Suicide bombers with links IS attacked Brussels Airport and the metro in Brussels causing the deaths of 32 people and injuring 340.
2016 (12th June)
Orlando Nightclub Shooting
A lone gunman opened fire on people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. 49 people were killed and 53 injured.
2016 (1st July)
Dhaka Attack
5 militant extremists opened fire on the Holey Artisan Bakery and took hostages. 29 people were killed in the attack.
2016 (14th July)
Nice Attack
A lone extremist who was inspired by IS drove a truck into crowds in Nice France killing 86 people and injuring 202.
2016 (23rd July)
Kabul Bombings
Two bombs exploded in Kabul, Afghanistan killing 97 and injuring 260 people.
2016 (30th July)
Parts of Nangarhar province in Afghanistan were taken from ISIL
2016 (19th September)
New York Bomb
An explosion in New York injured 29 people. The home made bomb was planted by an Islamist extremist. A second bomb was discovered before it exploded.
2016 (19th December)
A Tunisian Islamic extremist hijacked an articulated lorry and drove it into people and stalls at the Berlin Christmas market. 12 people died and 50 were injured.
2016 (19th December)
Coalition forces retook Sirte in Libya from ISIL. Sirte was ISIL’s last stronghold in Libya.
2017 (1st January)
Istanbul Nightclub Attack
An extremist gunman killed 39 and injured 70 people in a nightclub in Istanbul Turkey.
2017 (27th January)
New US President, Donald Trump, signed an order preventing Syrian refugees and immigrants from Libya, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Syria or Yemen from entering the United States. The order also applied to those with valid visas or permanent residency orders.
2017 (13th February)
Sehwan Suicide Bombing
A suicide bomber at the Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan killed 88 and injured 350 people.
2017 (22nd March)
Westminster Bridge Attack
An Islamic extremist drove a car at high speed into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge killing six people and injuring 49 others. After crashing the car into Westminster railings he left the vehicle brandishing a large knife and stabbed and killed PC Keith Palmer before he was shot dead.
2017 (3rd April)
St Petersburg Metro Attack
14 people were killed and around 70 people injured when an Islamic extremist suicide bomber detonated explosives on the St Petersburg Metro.
2017 (7th April)
Stockholm Attack
An Islamic extremist from Uzbekistan drove a truck into a pedestrian shopping area and a department store in Stockholm, Sweden. Five people lost their lives in the attack.
2017 (9th April)
Egypt Coptic Bombing
An Islamic extremist suicide bomber detonated outside a Coptic church in Egypt. 16 people were killed and 66 injured in the attack.
2017 (11th April)
Three bombs exploded close to a bus carrying the Borussia Dortmund football team injuring two people.
2017 (20th April)
Champs Elysee Gunman
An Islamic terrorist wielding an assault rifle shot and killed a policeman in the Champs Elysee, Paris, France. The terrorist was shot dead as he tried to escape the scene.
2017 (22nd May)
Manchester Arena Bombing
A lone suicide bomber detonated explosives in the foyer of Manchester Arena at the end of a concert by US singer Ariana Grande. 22 people, including children, were killed and 116 injured.
2017 (3rd June)
London Bridge Attacks
Eight people died and 48 were injured in a terror attack that began with a white van hitting pedestrians on London Bridge. Three men armed with knives got out of the van and began randomly stabbing people in nearby Borough Market. All three were shot dead by police.
2017 (7th June)
Tehran Attacks
ISIL extremists attacked the Iranian Parliament building and the Mausoleum of Ruhollah Khomeini in Tehran, Iran. 18 people were killed and 52 injured.
2017 (19th June)
Finsbury Park Mosque Attack
One person was killed and 11 injured when a Welsh man drove a hire van into Muslims leaving the Finsbury Park mosque in London in the early hours of the morning. The attack was declared a terror attack on the Muslim population.
2017 (19th June)
Champs Elysee Crash
A car containing a rifle, guns and gas deliberately crashed into a police van in the Champs Elysee, Paris, France and burst into flames. The only casualty was the driver who was killed.
2017 (mid July)
Battle of Mosul
Coalition forces liberated Mosul from ISIS control.
2017 (27th July)
Hurghada Attack
Three people were killed and three injured when a knife man stabbed tourists in Hurghada, Egypt.
2017 (28th July)
Hamburg Attack
One person was killed and six injured when a failed Islamist asylum seeker stabbed people in a shop in Hamburg.
2017 (17th August)
Barcelona Attacks
15 people were killed and around 130 injured after a van was deliberately driven into crowds in the Las Ramblas region of Barcelona in Spain. A few hours later a car was driven into pedestrians in the Spanish town of Cambrils injuring 7 people. Five suspects were shot dead in Cambrils.
2017 (18th August)
Turku Attack
2 people were killed and 8 injured after being stabbed by a knife wielding terrorist in Turku, Finland. The terrorist was shot in the leg and detained by police.
2017 (21st August)
Operation Khyber
Pakistani forces succeeded in returning the region to government control.
2017 (15th September)
Parsons Green Station Attempted Bombing
30 people were injured when a botched bomb exploded at Parsons Green Station, London, UK. The bomb had been planted by an 18 year old Iraqi refugee.
2017 (1st October)
Marseilles Attacks
Two women were killed in Marseilles France by a knife-wielding illegal immigrant from Tunisia.
2017 (14th October)
Mogadishu Bombing
A truck packed with explosives detonated in Mogadishu, Somalia, killing around 275 and injuring more than 300 people.
2017 (17th October)
Battle of Raqqa
The city of Raqqa in Syria was liberated from ISIL forces who had used the city as its headquarters in Syria.
2017 (31st October)
Manhattan Attack
A truck was driven into people in Lower Manhattan, New York killing at least 8 people and injuring at least 12.
2017 (24th November)
Sinai Mosque Attack
Around 40 gunmen burst into the mosque during prayers and opened fire. 311 people were killed and 122 injured.
2017 (17th December)
Eastern Syria Campaign
Pro-Syrian forces removed ISIL from eastern Syria.
2018 (January)
President Trump signed an Executive Order to keep Guantanamo detention center open indefinitely.
2018 (23rd March)
Carcasonne Attack
Four people were killed and fifteen injured when an Islamic terrorist ran riot in the French towns of Carcasonne and Trebes with a knife and a gun.
2018 (12th May)
Paris Stabbing
One person was killed and four injured after being stabbed in Paris, France by a knife wielding-immigrant.
2018 (29th May)
Lieges Attack
Four people were killed and four injured after a prisoner on leave ran amok in Lieges, Belgium with a knife and a gun.
2018 (31st August)
Amsterdam Attack
Two American tourists were injured in Amsterdam Central Station by an Afghan teenager.
2018 (11th December)
Strasbourg Shooting
A gunman shot and killed 3 people and left 12 more seriously injured in a Christmas market in Strasbourg.
2019 (28th January)
Talks were held between the United States and Taliban leaders to find an agreement which would allow the withdrawal of the remaining troops in Afghanistan.
2019 (23rd March)
ISIL was driven out of Syria.
2019 (21st April)
Sri Lanka Bombings
Members of a Jihadist group placed suicide bombers in churches and hotels in Colombo. 259 people were killed and more than 500 injured.
2019 (26th – 27th October)
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIL, was killed during a raid in Idlib, Syria.
2021 (31st August)
The last American soldiers left Afghanistan.


First published 2016; Updated and republished Sept 18 2020 @ 6:35 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2016 – 2020). War on Terror 2001 – Present. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/war-on-terror-2001-present. Last accessed [date]


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