19th Century Wars Timeline

Napoleon in RussiaThis timeline details all the main wars that happened during the 19th Century


late 1799 to 25th March 1802
War of the Second Coalition (Part of the Napoleonic Wars)
Fought between: France against Austria, Russia, Turkey, United Kingdom, Portugal, Naples
Location: Europe, Middle East, Caribbean Sea
Result: French victory
May 1803 to October 1806
War of the Third Coalition (Part of the Napoleonic Wars)
Fought between: France against United Kingdom, Russia, Holy Roman Empire, Sweden
Location: Central Europe, Italy, Atlantic
Result: French victory
October 1806 to July 1807
War of the Fourth Coalition (Part of the Napoleonic Wars)
Fought between: France against Prussia, United Kingdom, Russia, Saxony, Sweden, Sicily
Location: Central Europe, Wallachia, Moldavia
Result: French victory
2nd May 1808 to 17th April 1814
Peninsular War (Part of the Napoleonic Wars)
Fought between: France against Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom
Location: Iberian peninsula
Result: French defeat
10th April 1809 to 14th October 1809
War of the Fifth Coalition (Part of the Napoleonic Wars)
Fought between: France against Austria, United Kingdom, Spain, Sicily, Sardinia, Brunswick
Location: Central Europe, Netherlands
Result: French victory
18th September 1810 to 5th April 1818
Chilean War of Independence (Part of the South American Wars of Independence)
Fought between Spain and Chile
Location: Chile
Result: Chile gained independence from Spain
20th June 1811 to 9th December 1824
Peruvian War of Independence (Part of the South American Wars of Independence)
Fought between: Spain and Peruvian Royalists and a United Liberating Army made up of Argentines, Chileans, Peruvians, Colombians
Location: Peru
Result: Peru gained independence from Spain
5th July 1811 to October 1823
Venezuelan War of Independence (Part of the South American Wars of Independence)
Fought between: Venezuela, Gran Colombia, New Grenada against Spain
Location: Venezuela, New Grenada (Colombia, Ecuador, Panama)
Result: Venezuela gained independence from Spain
Autumn 1811 to 5th April 1818
Argentine War of Independence (Part of the South American Wars of Independence)
Fought between: Argentine Patriots against Spain and Argentine Royalists
Location: Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia
Result: Independence for Argentina
January 1812 to April 1814
War of the Sixth Coalition (Part of the Napoleonic Wars)
Fought between: France against Austria, Prussia, Russia, United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain, Portugal, Sardinia, Sicily
Location: Central Europe, Eastern Europe, France
Result: French defeat
18th June 1812 to 18th February 1815
The War of 1812
Fought between: Britain, Canada, Native American allies against United States, Native American allies
Location: North America, Atlantic, Pacific
Result: Inconclusive
24th June 1812 to 14th December 1812
French invasion of Russia (Patriotic War of 1812) (Part of the Napoleonic Wars)
Fought between: France against Russia
Location: Eastern Europe
Result: Russian victory
June 1814 to 1880
Argentine Civil Wars
Fought between: Federalist Party and the White Party against the Unitarian Party and the Colorado Party
Location: Argentina
Result: Argentina became a federal state with Buenos Aires as the capital city.
Late 1816 to Spring 1818
First Seminole War
Fought between: United States against Seminole, Runaway Slaves
Location: Florida
Result: United States victory
7th September 1822 to early 1824
Brazilian War of Independence
Fought between: Brazil and Portugal
Location: Brazil
Result: Brazil gained independence from Portugal.
10th December 1825 to 27th August 1828
Cisplatine War/ Brazil War
Fought between: Brazil and the United Provinces of the Rio Plata
Location: South Brazil, Uruguay
Result: Uruguay gained independence and Brazil gained rights to the Plata river for 15 years.
May 1832 to August 1832
Black Hawk War (Beginning of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Sauk and Meskwakis tribes
Location: Illinois, Michigan
Result: United States victory
December 1835 to Autumn 1842
Second Seminole War (Part of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Seminole tribe
Location: Florida
Result: 4,000 Seminoles sent to Indian Territory
April 1839 to October 1842
First Afghan War
Fought between: British Empire against Afghanistan
Location: Afghanistan
Result: Afghan victory
18th March 1839 to 29th August 1842
First Opium War
Fought between: Britain, British India against China
Location: China
Result: British victory – Britain gained Hong Kong
17th June 1843 to February 1872
New Zealand Wars (Maori Wars)
Fought between: British Empire against Maori
Location: New Zealand
Result: Maori defeat – land lost to New Zealand
18th December 1845 to 9th March 1846
First Anglo-Sikh War
Fought between: British Empire against Sikh Empire
Location: Mudki, India
Result: British victory, Kashmir annexed by East India Company
25th April 1846 to 2nd February 1848
Mexican-American War (US – Mexican War)
Fought between: United States against Mexico
Location: Mexico, California, Texas
Result: American victory
23rd March 1848 to March 24th 1849
First Italian War of Independence
Fought between: Sardinia, Tuscany against Austria
Location: Northern Italy
Result: Austrian victory
June 1848 to 11th March 1849
Second Anglo-Sikh War
Fought between: Britain (East India Company) against Sikh Empire
Location: Punjab region of India
Result: East India Company victory, Punjab region annexed by East India Company
5th April 1852 to 20th December 1852
Second Anglo-Burmese War
Fought between: Britain (East India Company) against Burma
Location: Burma (Myanmar)
Result: East India Company victory
October 1853 to February 1856
Fought between: British, French, Turkish against Russia
Location: Crimean Peninsula, Balkans, Black Sea
Result: Russian defeat
December 1855 to May 1858
Third Seminole War (Part of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Seminole Tribe
Location: Florida
Result: American victory, US gained control of Florida
October 1856 to August 1860
Second Opium War (Arrow War)
Fought between: Britain, France against China
Location: China
Result: British/French victory
29th April 1859 to 11th July 1859
Second War of Italian Independence
Fought between: France, Sardinia against Austria
Location: Northern Italy
Result: Austrian defeat
12th April 1861 to 9th May 1865
American Civil War
Fought between: United States (Union) against Confederate States
Location: America
Result: Union victory – abolition of slavery
17th August 1862 to December 1862
Dakota War (Little Crow’s War) (Part of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Sioux Tribe
Location: Minnesota, Dakota
Result: United States victory
1863 to 1865
Colorado War (Part of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Cheyenne, Arapaho, Sioux Tribes
Location: Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska
Result: Inconclusive
12th October 1864 to March 1870
Paraguayan War
Fought between: Paraguay against Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay
Location: Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina
Result: Paraguayan defeat, land was ceded to Brazil and Argentina.
April 1865, April to September 1872
Black Hawk’s War (Part of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Ute, Paiute, Navajo, Apache Tribes
Location: Utah, Arizona, Colorado
Result: United States victory
Summer 1866 to Autumn 1868
Red Cloud’s War (Part of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Lakota, Cheyenne, Arapaho Tribes
Location: Powder River, Wyoming
Result: Native American victory
14th June 1866 to 23rd August 1866
Austro-Prussian War (Seven Weeks’ War)
Fought between: Austrian Empire against Prussia
Location: Bohemia (Czech Republic), Germany, Italy
Result: Prussian victory
16th June 1866 to 3rd October 1866
Third War of Italian Independence
Fought between: Italy against Austria
Location: Northern Italy
Result: Italian victory
3rd January 1868 to 18th May 1869
Boshin War
Fought between: Imperial Japan against Shogunate Japan
Location: Japan
Result: Imperial victory
19th July 1870 to 10th May 1871
Franco-Prussian War
Fought between: France against Prussia, North German Confederation
Location: Prussia, France
Result: German victory, Germany unified
June 1874 to Spring 1875
Red River War (Part of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne, Arapaho Tribes
Location: Southern Plains
Result: United States victory
8th February 1876 to April 1877
The Great Sioux War (Part of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Lakota, Cheyenne, Arapaho Tribes
Result: United States victory
30th June 1876 to 28th February
Serbo-Turkish War
Fought between: Serbia against Ottoman Empire
Location: Serbia
Result: Serbian victory, Serbia gained independence
24th April 1877 to 3rd March 1878
Russo-Turkish War
Fought between: Russia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro against Ottoman Empire
Result: Ottoman Empire defeat
June 1877 to December 1877
Nez Percé War (Part of the Indian Wars)
Fought between: United States against Nez Percé Tribe
Location: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Wyoming
Result: United States victory
September 1878 to September 1880
Second Anglo-Afghan War
Fought between: British Empire against Afghanistan
Location: Afghanistan, Pakistan
Result: British victory
11th January 1879 to 4th July 1879
Anglo-Zulu War
Fought between: British Empire against Zulu Kingdom
Location: South Africa
Result: British victory
1879, 14th February to 1883, 20th October
War of the Pacific/ Saltpeter War
Fought between: Peru and Bolivia against Chile
Location: Peru, Bolivia
Result: Chilean victory resulted in land gains and Bolivia became land-locked
20th December 1880 to 23rd March 1881
First Boer War
Fought between: British Empire against South Africa Republic
Location: South Africa
Result: South African Republic victory
April 1883 to June 1885
Tonkin War (Sino-French War)
Fought between: China, North Vietnam against France
Location: South-east China, North Vietnam, Taiwan
Result: Stalemate
November 1883 to September 1898
Mahdist War
Fought between: Mahdist Sudan against British Empire, Egypt, Belgium, Italy, Ethiopia
Location: Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda
Result: Sudan defeat
1st August 1894 to 17th April 1895
First Sino-Japanese War
Fought between: China against Japan
Location: Korea, Manchuria, Taiwan
Result: Japanese victory
25th April 1898 to 12th August 1898
Spanish-American War
Fought between: United States, Cuba against Spain
Location: Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines
Result: United States victory
11th October 1899 to 31st May 1902
Second Boer War (South African War)
Fought between: British Empire against South African Republic, Orange Free State
Location: South Africa
Result: British victory


First published 2015; updated and republished Oct 28 2021 @ 4:36 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2015 – 2021). 19th Century Wars Timeline.

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