Assassination of President Kennedy Timeline

President Kennedy Assassination Timeline

This President Kennedy Assassination Timeline details the events leading up to and immediately after the killing of President John F Kennedy.


1963 (5th June)
John F Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and John Connally, Governor of Texas agreed a second presidential visit to Texas later in the year.
1963 (25th September)
It was announced that President Kennedy would visit Texas on November 21st and 22nd and that the itinerary would include a visit to Dallas.
1963 (3rd October)
Lee Harvey Oswald travelled to Dallas from Mexico City.
1963 (15th October)
Lee Harvey Oswald secured a position at the Texas School Book Depository as a temporary clerk.
1963 (28th October)
President Kennedy’s advance man, Jerry Bruno, began a 4 day visit to Texas to evaluate the proposed schedule for the President’s upcoming visit.
1963 (4th November)
Gerald Behn, senior secret service special agent for the White House asked his counterpart in Dallas to carry out a detailed survey of all buildings Kennedy was scheduled to visit.
1963 (6th November)
It was announced that First Lady, Jackie Kennedy would accompany the President on his visit.
1963 (13th November)
Secret Service Agents re-examined the schedule for Kennedy’s visit to Texas.
1963 (15th November)
It was announced that President Kennedy would deliver a lunchtime speech at the Dallas Trade Mart and that there would be a motorcade procession through the streets of Dallas.
1963 (19th November)
The timetable of events for Kennedy’s visit to Texas was officially announced.
1963 (21st November)
President Kennedy arrived at San Antonio, Texas. He made a speech at Brooks Air Force Base.
1963 (21st November)
John F Kennedy visited the Rice Hotel in Houston where the League of United Latin American Citizens were holding a dinner. Kennedy spoke to the diners and afterwards First Lady Jackie Kennedy made a speech in Spanish.
1963 (21st November)
The Kennedy party travelled to the Sam Houston Coliseum, Houston where they attended a dinner honouring Congressman Albert Thomas.
1963 (21st November)
After dinner the President flew to Dallas in the Presidential plane, Air Force One.
1963 (21st November 21 11.07pm)
Air Force One landed at Carswell Air Force Base, Fort Worth, Texas.
1963 (21st November, 11.35pm)
John and Jackie Kennedy reached the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth. Along the way they had been cheered by people lining the route.
1963 (22nd November, 8.45am)
President Kennedy made a speech in a square in Eighth Street.
1963 (22nd November, 9.10am)
President Kennedy arrived at the Grand Ballroom ahead of his scheduled speech. Jackie Kennedy arrived 15 minutes late to rapturous applause.
1963 (22nd November, 11.38am)
The Presidential party touched down in Love Field after taking a short flight from Carswell Air Base.
1963 (22nd November, 11.53am)
The motorcade left Love Field later than scheduled. It was comprised of 5 cars, several press cars and 4 motorcycles. President Kennedy, First Lady Jackie Kennedy, Governor Connally and his wife travelled in the second car while Vice President Lyndon Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson and Senator Yarborough were in the fourth car.
1963 (22nd November 12.29pm)
The motorcade entered Dealey Plaza and travelled a short distance before turning left at the Texas School Book Depository into Elm Street.
1963 (22nd November 12.31pm)
Shots were heard and the president was hit in the back by a bullet that exited through his throat. He as then hit again in the head. Governor Connally was also hit. The Presidential car sped along Elm Street.
1963 (22nd November 12.33pm)
Lee Harvey Oswald left the Texas School Book Depository.
1963 (22nd November 12.35pm)
The car carrying John Kennedy reached Parkland Hospital.
1963 (22nd November 1pm)
President John F Kennedy was pronounced dead.
1963 (22nd November 1pm)
Lee Harvey Oswald arrived at his lodging house but left 3 or 4 minutes later.
1963 (22nd November 1.15pm)
Oswald fatally shot police officer Tippit. The shooting was witnessed by 13 people.
1963 (22nd November 1.33pm)
It was officially announced that President John F Kennedy was dead.
1963 (22nd November 1.35pm)
Lee Harvey Oswald hid in Brewer’s Store when he heard sirens approaching.
1963 (22nd November 1.39pm)
Oswald entered the Texas Theatre.
1963 (22nd November 1.40pm)
Cinema attendant Julie Postal notified the police that Oswald was inside.
1963 (22nd November 1.50pm)
Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested inside the Texas Theatre.
1963 (22nd November 2pm)
The President’s body was taken from the hospital to Air Force One at Love Field.
1963 (22nd November 2.38pm)
Vice President Lyndon B Johnson was sworn in as President of the United States.
1963 (22nd November 6pm)
Air Force One carrying the body of John F Kennedy landed at Andrews Air Force Base, Washington. Robert F Kennedy boarded the plane when it landed and he and Jackie Kennedy accompanied the casket to Bethesda Naval Hospital. Jackie Kennedy had refused to change clothes wanting the world to see her husband’s blood for themselves.
1963 (22nd November 7.05pm)
Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the murder of Officer J D Tippit.
1963 (22nd November 11.26pm)
Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the murder of President J F Kennedy.
1963 (24th November 11.21am)
Lee Harvey Oswald was fatally shot by nightclub owner Jack Ruby.
1963 (24th November 1.07pm)
Lee Harvey Oswald was pronounced dead.
1963 (25th November)
After a service at St Matthew’s Cathedral, the body of John F Kennedy was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia.


Published July 25, 2022 @ 7:06 pm – Updated -[last-modified]

Harvard Reference for President Kennedy Assassination Timeline:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2022). President Kennedy Assassination Timeline Last accessed [date]


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