Matilda of Flanders Timeline 1032-1083

Matilda of FlandersBorn – c.1032
Died – 2nd November 1083
FatherBaldwin V of Flanders (1012 – 1067)
Mother – Adela of France (1009 – 1079)
Spouse –  m. c.1050 – William I (Conqueror) (1027 – 1087)
ChildrenRobert Curthose (1052 – 1134), Richard of Normandy (1054 – 1070), Adeliza (b. c.1055), Cecilia (1056 – 1126), King William II (1057 – 1100), Constance (c. 1061 – 1090), Agatha (1064 – 1073), Adela (1067 – 1137), King Henry I (1068 – 1135)
Known to History – Wife of William I – Queen consort of England


1032 (around)
Matilda of Flanders, was born to Baldwin V of Flanders and his wife Adela, daughter of Robert of France.
1040 (around)
Matilda spent her childhood in Northern France.
1044 (around)
It was rumoured that Matilda had fallen in love with the English ambassador to Flanders, Brictric, son of Algar. Matilda was furious when he refused her proposal.
1049 (around)
William Duke of Normandy proposed marriage to Matilda. At first she refused stating he was too low born but legend states that after William rode to Flanders and dragged her off her horse by her hair she changed her mind.
1049 (around)
The Pope stated that Matilda and William could not marry because they were too closely related (they were fifth cousins). The pair decided to marry anyhow.
1050 (around)
Matilda married William Duke of Normandy at the Cathedral of Notre Dame d’Eu in Normandy.
1052 (around)
A son, Robert was born to Matilda and William in Normandy. He was known as Robert Curthose.
1053 (during)
Henry I of France was concerned that William was becoming too powerful and allied himself with William’s enemy William, Count of Arques.
1053 (during)
A second son, Richard was born to Matilda and William in Normandy.
1054 (during)
A daughter, Cecilia was born to Matilda and William in Normandy.
1055 (during)
A second daughter, Adeliza was born to Matilda and William in Normandy
1056 (during)
A third son, William was born to Matilda and William in Normandy.
1057 (during)
A third daughter, Constance was born to Matilda and William in Normandy
1059 (during)
Pope Nicholas II lifted the ban on the marriage of Matilda and William by issuing a dispensation.
1060 (during)
Matilda founded an abbey, Sainte-Trinite in Caen.
1062 (during)
A fourth daughter, Adela, was born to Matilda and William,
1064 (during)
A fifth daughter, Agatha was born to Matilda and William.
1066 (5th January)
Edward the Confessor, King of England died. William believed that he had been promised the crown by Edward and that Harold Godwinson had promised to support his claim.
1066 (6th January)
In England, the Witan decided that Harold Godwinson should be King. He was crowned the same day.
1066 (Spring)
When William learned that Harold had been crowned he was furious that Harold had broken his oath. William decided he had no choice but to invade and take the crown for himself. He petitioned the Pope who gave his blessing to William’s planned invasion.
1066 (late Spring)
Matilda paid for a ship, the Mora, to be built for William’s invasion of England. A likeness of their youngest son, William, was fixed to the front of the ship.
1066 (18th June)
Matilda’s daughter, Cecilia entered the abbey of the Holy Trinity in Caen as a novice
1066 (28th September)
Matilda’s husband, William, Duke of Normandy had left Matilda as regent in Normandy and set sail for England in the ship his wife had given him, the Mora. He landed at Pevensey on the South coast of England
1066 (14th October)
Matilda’s husband, William, won the Battle of Hastings.
1066 (25th December)
Matilda’s husband, William, was crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey.
1067 (March)
William returned to Normandy. He took with him Edgar Aetheling, Edwin, Morcar and other prominent English nobles. Odo of Bayeux and William FitzOsbern were left as regents of England.
1068 (Spring)
Matilda travelled to England to join her husband.M
1068 (11th May)
Matilda was crowned Queen of England in Westminster Abbey by the Archbishop of York.
1068 (September)
A fourth son, Henry, was born to Matilda and William at Selby, Yorkshire. He was the first of their children to be born in England.
1072 (during)
Matilda returned to Normandy to help her son, Robert, put down unrest in the region.
1073 (early)
Matilda sent word for William to return to Normandy to deal with unrest in the Maine that had been stirred up by the King of France.
1073 (30th March)
William defeated Count Fulk of Anjou
1075 (during)
Matilda’s son, Richard, died following a hunting accident in the New Forest.
1077 (during)
Matilda’s eldest son, Robert Curthose, was annoyed that his father would not grant him ruler of Normandy. He led a revolt to take Rouen but failed and was forced to flee to Gerberoi.
1081 (late)
William I returned to Normandy to deal with a new conflict with Count Fulk of Anjou.
1083 (July)
Matilda’s health had begun to deteriorate.
1083 (2nd November)
Matilda died. She was buried in her abbey at La Trinite in Caen.


Published Dec 27, 2017 @ 13:05 – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2019). Matilda of Flanders 1032 – 1083 Timeline. Last accessed [date]


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