Leaders of Plaid Cymru 1925 – Present

Adam Price leader Plaid CymruThis timeline details Leaders of Plaid Cymru

See also: Leaders of the Conservative Party UK
Leaders of the Labour Party UK


1925 – 1926
Lewis Valentine
British Prime Ministers: Stanley Baldwin (Conservative Party)
1926 – 1939
Saunders Lewis
British Prime Ministers: Stanley Baldwin (Conservative Party) 1926 – 29
Ramsay MacDonald (Labour Party) 1929 – 31
Ramsay MacDonald (Labour Party led Coalition) 1931 – 35
Stanley Baldwin (Conservative Party led Coalition) 1935 – 37
Neville Chamberlain (Conservative Party led Coalition) 1937 – 39
1939 – 1943
John Edward Daniel
British Prime Ministers: Neville Chamberlain (Conservative Party led Coalition) 1939 – 1940
Winston Churchill (Conservative Party led War Coalition) 1940 – 43
1943 – 1945
Abi Williams
British Prime Minister: Winston Churchill (Conservative Party – War Coalition) 1943 – 45
1945 – 1981
Gwynfor Evans
British Prime Ministers: Clement Atlee (Labour Party) 1945 – 1951
Winston Churchill (Conservative Party) 1951 – 55
Anthony Eden (Conservative Party) 1955 – 57
Harold MacMillan (Conservative Party) 1957 – 1963
Alec Douglas Home (Conservative Party) 1963 – 64
Harold Wilson (Labour Party) 1964 – 1970
Edward Heath (Conservative Party) 1970 – 1974
Harold Wilson (Labour Party) 1974 – 1976
James Callaghan (Labour Party) 1976 – 1979
Margaret Thatcher (Conservative Party) 1979 – 81
1981 – 1984
Dafydd Wigley
British Prime Minister: Margaret Thatcher (Conservative Party)
1984 – 1991
Dafydd Elis-Thomas
British Prime Minister: Margaret Thatcher (Conservative Party) 1984 – 1990
John Major (Conservative Party) 1990 – 91
1991 – 2000
Dafydd Wigley (second time)
British Prime Ministers: John Major (Conservative Party) 1991 – 97
Tony Blair (Labour Party) 1997 – 2000
2000 – 2012
Ieuan Wyn Jones
British Prime Minister: Tony Blair (Labour Party) 2000 – 2007
Gordon Brown (Labour Party) 2007 – 2010
David Cameron (Conservative Party) 2010 – 12
2012 – 2018
Leanne Wood
British Prime Ministers: David Cameron (Conservative Party) 2012 – 2016
Theresa May (Conservative Party) 2016 – 18
2018 – Present
Adam Price
British Prime Ministers: Theresa May (Conservative Party) 2018 – 19
Boris Johnson (Conservative Party) 2019 – Present


Published Apr 06, 2020 @ 11:41 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020 – 2022). Leaders of Plaid Cymru 1925 to Present Day https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/leaders-of-plaid-cymru-1925-present-day Last accessed [date]


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