OCR A Level History

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Timelines relevant to the OCR A Level History specification are a useful way of learning about events, recognising cause and effect, seeing change over time as well as understanding things that are happening at the same time.

Across TheTimelineGeek we have a huge number of timelines relevant to UK exam topics. Some have been produced specifically for a particular exam while others offer relevant and/or background information.

Listed below each topic are the timelines that are relevant for that subject


OCR A Level History Timelines for Unit Group 1 Topics

Y101 Alfred and the Making of England 871–1016
(Enquiry topic: Alfred the Great)
Anglo Saxon England 410 – 1066
King Alfred the Great 849 – 899

Y102 – Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107
(Enquiry topic: Norman England 1087–1107)
Anglo Saxon England 410 – 1066
King Alfred the Great 849 – 899
The Norman Conquest 1064 – 1077
King William I – 1027 – 1087
King William II 1057 – 1100

Y103 England 1199–1272
(Enquiry topic: King John 1199–1216)
King John 1166 – 1216

Y104 England 1377–1455
(Enquiry topic: Richard II 1377–1399)
King Richard II
King Henry IV

Y105 England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII
(Enquiry topic: Wars of the Roses 1445–1461)
The Wars of the Roses Causes and Events
King Henry VII 1457 – 1509
King Richard III 1452 – 1485

Y106 England 1485—1558: the early Tudors
(Enquiry topic: Mid Tudor Crises 1547–1558)
The Tudors 1485 – 1603
King Henry VIII 1491 – 1547
King Edward VI 1537 – 1553
Lady Jane Grey 1537 – 1554
Queen Mary I 1516 – 1558

Y106 England 1547—1603: the later Tudors
(Enquiry topic: Mid Tudor Crises 1547–1558)
The Tudors 1485 – 1603
King Edward VI 1537 – 1553
Lady Jane Grey 1537 – 1554
Queen Mary I 1516 – 1558
Queen Elizabeth I 1533 – 1603

Y108 The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603—1660
(Enquiry topic: The Execution of Charles I and the
Interregnum 1646–1660)
The Stuarts 1603 – 1714
King Charles I 1600 – 1649
The English Civil War Causes and Events 1625 – 1649
Oliver Cromwell 1599 – 1658

Y109 – The Making of Georgian Britain 1678–c.1760
(Enquiry topic: The Glorious Revolution 1678–1689)
King William III 1650 – 1702

Y110 – From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853
(Enquiry topic: Peel and the Age of Reform 1832–1853)

Y111 Liberals, Conservatives and the Rise of Labour 1846–1918
(Enquiry topic: England and a New Century c.1900–1918)

Y112 Britain 1900–1951
(Enquiry topic: England and a New Century c.1900–1918)

Y113 Britain 1930—1997
(Enquiry topic: Churchill 1930–1951)
Britain 1930 – 1997
Winston Churchill 1874 – 1965


OCR A Level History Timelines for Unit Group 2 Topics

Y201 The Rise of Islam c.550–750

Y202 – Charlemagne 768–814

Y203 – The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192
King Richard I 1157 – 1199

Y204 – Genghis Khan and the Explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405
Genghis Khan 1162 – 1227

Y205 – Exploration, Encounters and Empire 1445–1570
Christopher Columbus 1451 – 1506

Y206 – Spain 1469–1556

Y207 – The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559

Y208 – Philip II 1556–1598
King Philip II 1527 – 1598

Y209 – African Kingdoms c.1400–c.1800: four case studies

Y210 – Russia 1645–1741

Y211 – The Rise and Decline of the Mughal Empire in India 1526–1739
East India Company 1600 – 1873

Y212 – The American Revolution 1740–1796
The American War of Independence Causes and Events
George Washington 1732 – 1799
John Adams 1735 – 1826
Thomas Jefferson 1743 – 1826

Y213 – The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774—1815
The French Revolution Causes and Events 1789 – 1799
Napoleon Bonaparte 1769 – 1821

Y214 – France 1814–1870

Y215 – Italy and Unification 1789–1896

Y216 – The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890
The American West 1830 – 1892

Y217 – Japan 1853–1937

Y218 – International Relations 1890–1941
Peace and War: International Relations 1900 – 1939
World War One Causes 1878 – 1914

Y219 – Russia 1894—1941
Tsarist Russia 1855 – 1922
Russian Revolution of 1905
Russian Revolution of 1917
Stalin’s Russia 1922 – 1953

Y220 – Italy 1896–1943

Y221 – Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919—1963
Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918 – 1945

Y222 – The Cold War in Asia 1945—1993

Y223 – The Cold War in Europe 1941—1995
International Relations: The Cold War 1945 – 1991

Y224 Apartheid and Reconciliation: South African Politics 1948–1999


OCR A Level History Timelines for Unit Group 3

Y301 – The Early Anglo-Saxons c.400–800
Anglo Saxon England 400 – 1066

Y302 – The Viking Age c.790–1066
The Viking Age 789 – 1066

Y303 – English Government and the Church 1066–1216
King William I 1027 – 1087
King William II 1057 – 1100
King Henry I 1068 – 1135
King Stephen 1097 – 1154
King Henry II 1133 – 1189
Thomas Becket 1119 – 1170
King Richard I 1157 – 1199
King John 1166 – 1216

Y304 – The Church and Medieval Heresy c.1100–1437

Y305 – The Renaissance c.1400–c.1600

Y306 – Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603
The Tudors 1485 – 1603
The Pilgrimage of Grace 1536 – 1537

Y307 – Tudor Foreign Policy 1485–1603

Y308  – The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610

Y309 – The Ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606

Y310 – The Development of the Nation State: France 1498–1610

Y311 – The Origins and Growth of the British Empire 1558–1783

Y312 – Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries

Y313 – The Ascendancy of France 1610–1715

Y314 The Challenge of German Nationalism 1789–1919

Y315 The Changing Nature of Warfare 1792–1945

Y316 Britain and Ireland 1791–1921
Irish Rebellion 1798 Causes and events

Y317 China and its Rulers 1839–1989
Mao Zedong 1893 – 1976

Y318 – Russia and its Rulers 1855–1964
Tsarist Russia 1855 – 1922
Tsar Nicholas II 1868 – 1918
Vladimir Lenin 1870 – 1924
Stalin’s Russia 1922 – 1953
Joseph Stalin 1878 – 1953

Y319 – Civil Rights in the USA 1865–1992
Amerivan Civil Rights Movement 1865 – 1968

Y320 From Colonialism to Independence: The British Empire 1857–1965

Y321 The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring


Published Sept 24, 2020 @ 3:41 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

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