Edexcel A Level History

EdExcel A Level History Timelines

Timelines relevant to the Edexcel A Level History specification are a useful way of learning about events, recognising cause and effect, seeing change over time as well as understanding things that are happening at the same time.

Across TheTimelineGeek we have a huge number of timelines relevant to UK exam topics. Some have been produced specifically for a particular exam while others offer relevant and/or background information.

Listed below each topic are the timelines that are relevant for that subject


Edexcel A Level History Timelines for Paper 1 Topics

1A – The Crusades, 1095–1204
King Richard I – 1157 – 1199

1B – England, 1509–1603: authority, nation and religion
The Tudors 1485 – 1603
King Henry VIII
Queen Elizabeth I

1C – Britain, 1625–1701: conflict, revolution and settlement
The Stuarts 1603 – 1714

1D – Britain, c1785–c1870: democracy, protest and reform

1E – Russia, 1917–91: from Lenin to Yeltsin
Tsarist Russia
Stalin’s Russia

1F – In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917–96
The American Dream United States of America 1915 – 1988

1G – Germany and West Germany, 1918–89
Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918 – 1945

1H – Britain transformed, 1918–97
Britain 1930 – 1997


Edexcel A Level History Timelines for Paper 2

2A1 Anglo-Saxon England and the Anglo-Norman Kingdom, c1053–1106
The Norman Conquest 1064 – 1077
Harold Godwinson 1022 – 1066
King William I (Conqueror) 1027 – 1087
King William II (Rufus) 1057 – 1100

2A2 – England and the Angevin Empire in the reign of Henry II, 1154–89
King Henry II 1133 – 1189

2B1 – Luther and the German Reformation, c1515–55
The Reformation 1517 – 1648
Martin Luther 1483 – 1546

2B2 – The Dutch Revolt, c1563–1609

2C1 – France in Revolution, 1774–99
The French Revolution Causes and Events 

2C2 – Russia in revolution, 1894–1924
The Russian Revolution 1905 Causes and Events
The Russian Revolution 1917 Causes and Events
Tsarist Russia 1855 – 1922
Tsar Nicholas II 1868 – 1918
Vladimir Lenin 1870 – 1924

2D1 – The unification of Italy, c1830–70

2D2 – The unification of Germany, c1840–71

2E1 – Mao’s China 1949–76
Mao Zedong 1893 – 1976

2E2 – The German Democratic Republic, 1949–90

2F1 – India, c1914–48: the road to independence

2F2 – South Africa, 1948–94: from apartheid state to ‘rainbow nation’

2G1 – The rise and fall of fascism in Italy, c1911–46

2G2 – Spain, 1930–78: republicanism, Francoism and the re-establishment of democracy

2H1 – The USA, c1920–55: boom, bust and recovery
The American Dream 1915 – 1988

2H2 – The USA, 1955–92: conformity and challenge
The American Dream 1915 – 1988


Edexcel A Level History Timelines for Paper 3

30 – Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII, 1399–1509
The Wars of the Roses Causes and Events
King Henry VII 1457 – 1509

31 – Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors, 1485–1603
The Tudors 1485 – 1603
King Henry VIII 1491 – 1603
The Pilgrimage of Grace 1536 – 1537
Queen Elizabeth I 1558 – 1603

32 – The Golden Age of Spain, 1474–1598
King Philip II 1527 – 1598

33  -The witch craze in Britain, Europe and North America, c1580–c1750

34 1 – Industrialisation and social change in Britain, 1759–1928: forging a new society
The Industrial Revolution 1708 – 1918

34 2 – Poverty, public health and the state in Britain, c1780–1939

35 1 The British experience of warfare, c1790–1918

35 2 – Britain: losing and gaining an empire, 1763–1914

36 1 – Protest, agitation and parliamentary reform in Britain, c1780–1928

36 2 – Ireland and the Union, c1774–1923
The Irish Rebellion 1798 Causes and Events

37 1 – The changing nature of warfare, 1859–1991: perception and reality

37 2 – Germany, 1871–1990: united, divided and reunited
Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918 – 1945

38 1 – The making of modern Russia, 1855–1991
Tsarist Russia
Stalin’s Russia

38 2 – The making of modern China, 1860–1997
Mao Zedong 1893 – 1976

39 1 – Civil rights and race relations in the USA, 1850–2009
American Civil Rights Movement 1865 – 1968

39 2 – Mass media and social change in Britain, 1882–2004


Published Sept 24, 2020 @ 1:41 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

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