Vortimer Timeline d. 450

Vortimer, likeness unknown


Father – Vortigern (d. c455)
Mother – Sevira
Spouse – Unknown
Children – Unknown


date unknown
Vortimer was born the eldest son of Vortigern and his wife, Sevira. There is no evidence as to when or where he was born. He had a younger brother, Catigern.
425 (around)
Vortimer’s father, Vortigern became a leader of the Britons after taking the position from Constans, young son of Constantine II. He may have murdered Constans or arranged for his death. Constans’ younger brothers, Aurelius Ambrosius and Uther Pendragon were taken to Brittany by a relative. It is believed that Vortigern was a title rather than his actual name. He may have been named Vitalinus before taking the title.
437 (during)
Battle of Guoloph (Nether Wallop)
Aurelius Ambrosius returned to Britain and fought Vortigern for control of Briton. Vortimer had been given the position of commander of the army and fought in this battle. It is thought that Ambrosius won this battle.
441 (during)
The Franks invaded Gaul and Ambrosius was called upon to help defend Gaul. He left Britain and Vortigern regained control.
449 (around)
Vortigern was facing attacks on the northern border from Picts and Scots. He called for assistance from the Jutish chieftans Hengist and Horsa to help him fight off the invaders.
449 (during)
Hengist and Horsa landed at Wippidsfleet (Ebbsfleet) in Kent. They brought with them a number of armed Angles and Saxons.
449 (during)
Hengist and Horsa joined forces with King Vortigern and supported him fighting the Picts in the north.
450 (around)
Vortimer’s father, Vortigern married Hengist’s daughter, Rowena.
450 (around)
King Vortigern gave Hengist and Horsa the Isle of Thanet.
450 (around)
Vortimer, was unhappy about his father’s marriage and the fact that he had given land to the Saxons, and led a rebellion against him. It is not known whether his brother Catigern supported him. Vortimer was killed during the rebellion. Some sources claim that Vortimer was poisoned by his step-mother, Rowena.


Published Mar 30, 2020 @ 7:11 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2020). Vortimer son of Vortigern d 455. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/vortimer-d-450. Last accessed [date]


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