Robert the Magnificent Duke of Normandy Timeline 1000-1035

Robert the MagnificentFather – Richard II of Normandy (d. 1026)
Mother – Judith of Brittany (982 – 1017)
Mistress – Herleva
Children – William of Normandy (1027 – 1087), Adelaide


1000 (22nd June)
Robert the Magnificent was born to Richard II, Duke of Normandy and Judith of Brittany. He was the couple’s second son, his elder brother Richard had been born around 998.
1013 (December)
Robert’s aunt, Emma of Normandy, her husband Aethelred the Unready and their children Edward, Alfred and Godgifu were given shelter by Richard II Duke of Normandy after Sweyn Forkbeard took the throne of England.
1014 (Autumn)
Robert’s aunt, Emma of Normandy, her husband Aethelred the Unready and their children Edward, Alfred and Godgifu returned to England after Sweyn Forkbeard died.
1016 (December)
Edward, Alfred and Godgifu, Robert’s cousins,  returned to the Norman court after King Cnut took the throne of England.
1017 (2nd July)
Robert’s aunt, Emma of Normandy, married King Cnut of England.
1026 (August)
Robert’s father, Richard, died. Robert became Count of Hiemois while his elder brother became Duke of Normandy.
1026 (Autumn)
Robert rebelled against his brother’s rule in Normandy. He was defeated.
1027 (6th August)
Robert’s elder brother, Richard, died. There were rumours that Robert may have been responsible but they were not proven and Robert became Duke of Normandy.
1027 (Autumn)
Robert began making raids on the lands of his uncle, Robert, Archbishop of Rouen, in retaliation for his uncle’s stand against him. The archbishop was exiled.
1028 (around)
A son, William, was born illegitimately to Robert and his mistress, Herleva.
1028 (during)
Robert’s uncle, Archbishop of Rouen, who had been exiled, excommunicated Robert and Normandy. He agreed to lift the excommunication on his return to Rouen.
1030 (around)
A daughter, Adeleide, was born illegitimately to Robert and probably his mistress, Herleva.
1030 (during)
Robert agreed to provide military support to Baldwin IV of Flanders who had been driven out of his lands by his son who was supported by the King of France. Robert’s action persuaded Robert junior to make peace with his father.
1030 (around)
King Henry I of France was being challenged by his mother and Henry’s younger brother. Robert chose to support Henry I. After Henry retained his kingdom he gave Robert the land known as The Vexin as a sign of his gratitude.
1032 (around)
Alan III Duke of Brittany, Robert’s cousin, made a series of raids on Normandy around Mont Saint-Michel. Robert managed to stop the raids and the two agreed a peace.
1034 (around)
Some sources state that Robert, Duke of Normandy, attempted to invade England in support of Edward’s claim to the English throne, but failed to land when his force was blown off course.
1035 (early)
Robert made his son, William, heir to Normandy.
1035 (during)
Robert left Normandy to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
1035 (2nd July)
Robert died at Nicaea.


Published Feb 20, 2018 @ 13:30 – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2018 – 2020). Robert the Magnificent Duke of Normandy 1000 – 1035.

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