Mary Tudor, The French Queen Timeline 1496-1533

Mary Tudor sister of Henry VIIIBorn – 18th March 1496
Died – 25th June 1533
FatherKing Henry VII (1457 – 1509)
MotherElizabeth of York (1466 – 1503)
Spouse – m. 1514 – King Louis XII of France (1462 – 1515), m. 1515 – Charles Brandon (1484 – 1545)
Children – Henry (1516 – 1522), Frances (1517 – 1559), Eleanor (1519 – 1547), Henry (1523 – 1534)


1496 (18th March)
Mary Tudor was born to Elizabeth of York and Henry VII at Richmond Palace.
1498 (during)
A son, Edward was born to Mary’s parents, Elizabeth and Henry VII.
1499 (during)
Mary’s brother, Edward died.
1499 (21st February)
Mary’s brother, Edmund was born to Elizabeth of York and Henry VII, at Greenwich Palace.
1499 (July)
A peace was agreed between England and Scotland to be sealed with the marriage of Mary’s elder sister, Princess Margaret to James IV of Scotland.
1499 (23rd November)
The pretender, Perkin Warbeck, who had claimed to be Elizabeth’s brother, Richard of York, was executed.
1500 (19th June)
Mary’s brother, Edmund, died at the Old Palace, Hatfield.
1501 (during)
Mary Tudor began her education. She was taught French, Latin, music, needlework and dancing.
1501 (14th November)
Mary’s brother, Arthur, married Catherine of Aragon at St Paul’s Cathedral.
1502 (24th January)
A treaty of perpetual peace was agreed with Scotland to be sealed with the marriage of Mary’s sister Margaret to James IV of Scotland.
1502 (25th January)
Mary’s sister, Margaret married King James IV of Scotland by proxy at Richmond Palace. The Earl of Bothwell, Patrick Hepburn, stood proxy for James IV.
1502 (2nd April)
Mary’s brother, Arthur, died at Ludlow Castle.
1503 (2nd February)
Mary’s sister, Katherine, was born to Elizabeth of York and Henry VII, in the Tower of London.
1503 (11th February)
Mary’s mother, Elizabeth, died from complications following the birth of her daughter, Katherine. The baby died shortly afterwards.
1503 (24th February)
Mary’s mother, Elizabeth of York, was buried in Westminster Abbey.
1503 (27th June)
Mary’s sister, Margaret, began her journey north to marry James IV of Scotland.
1503 (8th August)
Mary’s sister, Margaret married James IV of Scotland in Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh.
1507 (21st December)
Mary Tudor was betrothed to Charles, son of Philip of Spain.
1509 (21st April)
Mary’s father, Henry VII of England, died at Richmond Palace. Her brother, Henry became King Henry VIII.
1509 (11th June)
Mary’s brother, Henry VIII, married Catherine of Aragon at the Church of Observant Friars, Greenwich Palace.
1509 (29th June)
Mary’s paternal grandmother, Margaret Beaufort, died at Westminster.
1513 (during)
Mary’s brother, King Henry VIII of England, invaded France. The French King asked for Scotland’s support under the terms of the Auld Alliance. James prepared to invade England.
1513 (9th September)
Battle of Flodden Field
Mary’s brother-in-law James IV was killed in this battle between the Scots and the English
1513 (late)
Mary’s betrothal to Charles, son of Philip of Spain, was broken off by Henry who was negotiating a peace with France.
1514 (during)
Peace was made with France. Under the agreement 18 year old Mary was to marry 52 year old King Louis XII of France. Mary was furious with her brother for arranging the marriage and only agreed on condition that next time ‘she should marry whom she liked.’
1514 (13th August)
Mary Tudor was married to Louis XII of France by proxy at Greyfriars Church, Greenwich Palace.
1514 (2nd September)
Mary Tudor was married to Louis XII of France by proxy at the Church of the Celestines, Paris. Claude d’Orleans stood proxy for King Louis.
1514 (early October)
Mary left England for France. Among her entourage were Mary and Anne Boleyn and Edward Seymour.
1514 (9th October)
Mary married to Louis XII of France at Abbeville Cathedral.
1514 (5th November)
Mary Tudor was crowned Queen of France at St Denis’ Cathedral, Paris.
1515 (1st January)
Mary’s husband, King Louis of France died.
1515 (2nd January)
As was custom in France, Mary was placed into seclusion to mourn her husband for 40 days. This was also French custom because if she proved to be pregnant then there would be no doubt as to the father of the child.
1515 (27th January)
Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, arrived in Paris. He had been sent by Henry VIII to negotiate the return of Mary’s plate and jewels. He had promised Henry that he would maintain a professional relationship with Mary.
1515 (February)
Mary had an audience with the new French King, Francis I. Francis was keen to maintain the alliance with England and suggested suitable French dukes as marriage possibilities. Mary refused and confessed her love for Charles Brandon.
1515 (1st March)
The French King summoned Charles Brandon to a meeting where he suggested that he and Mary marry in Paris.
1515 (1st March)
Mary told Brandon that if he did not marry her immediately they would never marry.
1515 (3rd March)
Mary secretly married Charles Brandon at the chapel in the Palais de Cluny, Paris. The new King of France, Francis I, witnessed the marriage.
1515 (April)
Charles Brandon wrote to Thomas Wolsey to tell him that he and Mary had secretly married. He asked Wolsey to help break the news to the King.
1515 (April)
Henry VIII was furious when he learned that Mary had married Charles Brandon without permission.
1515 (16th April)
Mary and Charles Brandon left Paris for Calais, which was English. there Mary wrote to Henry stating that she would not return to England unless Henry gave permission for her marriage to Charles Brandon to stand.
1515 (early May)
Henry VIII agreed that Mary and Brandon could return to England providing that they repay the cost of Mary’s marriage to the French King.
1515 (13th May)
Mary and Charles Brandon were publicly married at Grey Friar’s Church, Greenwich, in the presence of King Henry VIII. The couple made their home at Westhorpe Hall, Suffolk.
1515 (Summer)
Mary insisted that Brandon’s two daughters by his previous marriage, Anne and Mary, join them at Westhorpe Hall.
1516 (18th February)
A daughter, Mary, was born to Mary’s brother, Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon.
1516 (11th March)
A son, Henry, was born to Mary and Charles Brandon.
1517 (13th during)
Mary accompanied Catherine of Aragon on a pilgrimage.
1517 (16th July)
A daughter, Frances, was born to Mary and Charles Brandon.
1518 (during)
Mary Tudor and Charles Brandon were present at court to witness the betrothal of Princess Mary to Francis, the infant son of Francis I of France.
1519 (during)
A daughter, Eleanor, was born to Mary and Charles Brandon.
1520 (June)
Mary and Charles Brandon were part of Henry VIII’s entourage that travelled to France for the summit meeting between Henry and Francis I known as the Field of the Cloth of Gold.
1522 (during)
Mary and Charles’ son, Henry, died.
1523 (during)
A son, Henry, was born to Mary and Charles Brandon.
1525 (during)
Mary’s stepdaughter, Anne, married Edward Grey.
1525 (Summer)
Mary and Charles’ son, Henry, was created Earl of Lincoln.
1526 (during)
Mary was at court for a function that was laid on for a number of European ambassadors.
c. 1526 (during)
Mary’s stepdaughter Mary, married Thomas Stanley, Baron Monteagle.
1527 (during)
Mary Tudor was dismayed to learn that her brother, Henry VIII, wanted his marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled. Mary was good friends with Catherine and this upset her greatly.
1528 (1st March)
The heiress Catherine Willoughby became a ward of Mary’s husband, Charles Brandon, and joined their household.
1528 (Summer)
Mary was taken ill with sweating sickness. She survived but it left her in poor health.
1533 (March)
Mary’s daughter, Eleanor, was betrothed to Henry Clifford.
1533 (Spring)
Mary’s daughter, Frances Brandon, married Henry Grey at Suffolk Place.
1533 (1st June)
Mary was deeply upset when her brother, Henry VIII, married Anne Boleyn.
1533 (25th June)
Mary Tudor died at Westhorpe Hall, Suffolk.
1533 (22nd July)
Mary was buried at the abbey of Bury St Edmunds.
1538 (during)
During the Dissolution of the Monasteries Mary’s body was removed from the abbey and taken to St Mary’s Church, Bury St Edmunds.


Published Dec 13, 2017 @ 1:03 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2020). Mary Tudor, The French Queen 1496 – 1533. Available: http://www.thetimelinegeek Last accessed [date]


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