Judith of France and Flanders Timeline 843-870

Judith of France


Father – Charles the Bald of France
Mother – Ermengarde of Orleans
Spouse – King Aethelwulf of Wessex (795 – 858), King Aethelbald of Wessex (834 – 860), Baldwin of Flanders
Children – Charles, Baldwin, Raoul


843 (around)
Judith of France and Flanders, was born to Charles, King of the Franks and Ermentrude of Orleans.
855 (during)
King Aethelwulf of Wessex went on a pilgrimage to Rome. On the way he stayed at the home of Charles, King of the Franks. It is likely that the two kings discussed an alliance between Wessex and the Franks to deal with the Vikings.
856 (July)
Judith was betrothed to Aethelwulf King of Wessex.
856 (1st October)
Judith married Aethelwulf King of Wessex.
856 (October)
Judith travelled to Wessex with Aethelwulf. Aethelwulf’s sons were probably not happy with their father’s marriage since any child born would displace them from the throne.
858 (13th January)
Judith’s husband, Aethelwulf died. He was succeeded by his son, Aethelbald.
860 (during)
Church elders and the ealdormen were shocked when Judith married her stepson King Aethelbald married Judith married her stepson, King Aethelbald.
860 (20th December)
King Aethelbald died in Sherbourne. He was succeeded by his brother Aethelbert.
861 (during)
Judith sold her properties in Wessex and returned to France but her father placed her in a convent.
861 (December)
Judith escaped the convent and eloped with Baldwin, a count.
862 (during)
Judith married Baldwin, probably in a monastery at Senlis where they took refuge.
862 (during)
Judith’s father was furious that she had married without his consent and ordered his bishops to excommunicate her and her husband.
862 (during)
The Pope declared that Judith’s marriage to Baldwin was valid.
863 (13th December)
Judith and Baldwin were officially married at Auxerre. Judith’s father grudgingly accepted the marriage and granted Baldwin land known as Flanders and made him Count.
864 (during)
A son, Charles, was born to Judith and Baldwin of Flanders.
865 (during)
A son, Baldwin, was born to Judith and Baldwin of Flanders.
867 (during)
A son, Raoul, was born to Judith and Baldwin of Flanders.
870 (during)
Judith died.


Published Jan 31, 2018 @ 8:41 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2018 – 2020). Judith of France and Flanders 843 – 870. https://www.thetimelinegeek.com/judith-of-france-and-flanders-843-870. Last accessed [date]

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