Joan of Arc Timeline 1412-1431

Joan of ArcBorn – 6th January 1412
Died – 30th May 1431 (executed)
 – Jacques d’Arc (1380 – 1440)
Mother – Isabelle Romée (1377 – 1458)
Spouse – Not married
Children – No children


1412 (6th January)
Joan of Arc was born to Jacques d’Arc and Isabelle Romee in Domrémy, France. Domrémy was a small village close to the Burgundian border. Although Burgundy was pro-England, Joan’s parents were loyal to the King of France.
1415 (25th October)
Battle of Agincourt
The English defeated a much larger French force in this pivotal battle of the Hundred Years’ War.
1420 (21st May)
Treaty of Troyes
After Agincourt, the English had made significant gains and the French were forced to sue for peace. The peace treaty signed at Troyes provided that:
King Henry V of England should become regent of France during King Charles VI’s lifetime but that Charles would retain the crown. Henry was to marry Charles VI’s daughter, Catherine of Valois and their children would inherit the French crown on Charles’s death. Charles VI’s own son, the Dauphin, was disinherited.
1422 (31st August)
King Henry V of England died from dysentery at the Castle of Bois-de-Vincennes, France. He was succeeded by his infant son, Henry VI. Under the terms of the Treaty of Troyes signed in 1420 the young English king became heir to the French throne.
1422 (21st October)
Charles VI of France died. Under the terms of the Treaty of Troyes signed in 1420 Henry VI of England became King of France.
1422 (after 21st October)
France was ruled by the Duke of Bedford, regent for the young King Henry VI. However, the French were not happy and wanted the English out of France.
1425 (Summer)
Joan began to have visions where she heard the voice of God telling her to drive the English out of France and to take the Dauphin Charles to Reims for his coronation.
1428 (May)
Joan went to Vaucouleurs and asked to speak to the garrison commander, Robert de Baudricourt. She told him that she wanted to join the Dauphin but he didn’t believe her story and she was sent away.
1428 (October)
The English placed the town of Orleans under siege.
1429 (January)
Joan went to Vaucouleurs a second time and asked Robert de Baudricourt to let her join the Dauphin. She was accepted after she revealed details about the French defeat in the battle of the Herrings at Orleans before official messengers arrived with the same information.
1429 (13th February)
Joan dressed in men’s clothing and began the journey to meet Charles at Chinon. It was considered a crime for women to dress in men’s clothes.
1429 (6th March)
Joan reached Chinon.
1429 (7th March)
Joan had an audience with the Dauphin Charles and asked to be allowed to help fight the English. Her manner, confidence and conviction persuaded the Dauphin that she genuinely had God on her side.
1429 (mid March)
Charles ordered that Joan be physically examined to prove that she was a girl and also interrogated by Church officials to determine the truth of her visions.
1429 (22nd March)
Joan sent a letter to the English demanding that they leave France.
1429 (early April)
Charles gave Joan command of a small armed force. She was presented with a suit of armour and a banner. Joan declared that a sword was waiting for her in the church of Saint Catherine de Fierbois, it was found in the place she described and brought to her.
1429 (24th April)
Joan joined her army at Blois.
1429 (27th April)
Joan and her troops successfully relieved French forces at the siege of Orleans.
1429 (4th May)
The French commander, Lord Dunois launched an assault against the English at Saint Loup. The assault failed and the French fell back. However, Joan led a new attack on the English and captured the fortress of Saint Loup.
1429 (5th May)
Joan sent another letter to the English at Tourelles telling them to leave France.
1429 (6th May)
Joan and her troops took St Jean de Blanc then launched a successful attack on Les Augustins.
1429 (7th May)
Joan led French troops to battle at Les Tourelles. She predicted that she would be injured during the battle. During the battle she was struck by an arrow and fell causing the French to retreat. However, after removing the arrow herself she led the French on a new, successful assault.
1429 (8th May)
The English withdrew from Orleans.
1429 (9th May)
Joan went to Tours where she told the Dauphin to go to Reims and be crowned King of France.
1429 (10th June)
Joan of Arc and her force left Orleans to launch a new campaign in the Loire Valley.
1429 (11th – 12th June)
The town of Jargeau was captured from the English.
1429 (15th June)
Joan and her troops took the town of Meung-sur-Loire giving them control of the bridge across the Loire.
1429 (16th – 17th June)
The town of Beaugency was taken.
1429 (18th June)
Joan led the French troops to a decisive victory over the English led by Lord Talbot at Patay.
1429 (24th June)
Joan of Arc and the Dauphin Charles, accompanied by the French army, began the journey to Reims.
1429 (5th July)
Joan and her troops placed Troyes under siege.
1429 (9th July)
The city of Troyes surrendered to the French
1429 (14th July)
The town of Chalons-sur-Marne surrendered to Joan and her army.
1429 (16th July)
The city of Reims welcomed Joan of Arc and Charles the Dauphin.
1429 (17th July)
The Dauphin was crowned King Charles VII of France in the Cathedral at Reims. Joan stood by his side holding her banner.
1429 (17th July)
Joan wrote a letter to the Duke of Burgundy asking him to make an alliance with King Charles VII.
1429 (21st July)
Joan of Arc, King Charles VII and the French army began to march towards Paris.
1429 (23rd July)
The French army led by Joan liberated Soissons from the English.
1429 (29th July)
Joan, Charles VII and the French army liberated the Chateau-Thierry.
1429 (15th August)
Joan fought a minor skirmish with the forces of the Duke of Bedford at Montepilloy. The English withdrew.
1429 (25th August)
Joan went to St Denis to look at the defences around Paris.
1429 (28th August)
Burgundy and France agreed a four-month truce.
1429 (8th September)
The French troops marched on Paris. Joan was hit in the leg with a crossbow bolt. She refused to retire and though badly injured she urged the French to continue the attack. However, she was carried from the battle and the French withdrew.
1429 (9th September)
Joan wanted to launch a new attack on Paris but Charles insisted that the French army withdraw to Gien-sur-Loire.
1429 (21st September)
The French army reached Gien-sur-Loire and was disbanded by Charles.
1429 (4th November)
Joan led a small force to take the town of Saint-Pierre-le-Moutier.
1429 (late November)
Joan placed the town of La Charite-sur-Loire under siege.
1429 (25th December)
La Charite-sur-Loire fell to the French.
1429 (29th December)
Joan and her family were made members of the French nobility.
1430 (January to March)
Joan was resident at the court of Charles VII.
1430 (29th March)
Joan left the court of Charles to join the French army at Lagny.
1430 (17th April)
Joan liberated the town of Melun.
1430 (15th May)
Joan of Arc marched to relieve the siege of Compiegne.
1430 (23rd May)
Joan was captured outside the town by a Burgundian force.
1430 (November)
The Burgundians sold Joan to the English who charged her with 70 offences including witchcraft, heresy and dressing as a man. She was held in a prison cell shackled to the bed.
1431 (9th January)
Joan of Arc’s trial began at Rouen.
1431 (24th May)
Under force, Joan of Arc signed an abjuration that admitted she had not heard voices.
1431 (28th May)
Joan of Arc rejected the abjuration. She was immediately charged with heresy and found guilty.
1431 (30th May)
Joan of Arc was burnt at the stake in Rouen.
1456 (7th July)
A posthumous retrial of Joan of Arc found her not guilty. She was declared a martyr.
1920 (16th May)
Joan of Arc was made a saint by Pope Benedict XV.


First published 2017; Updated and re-published Jan 06 2021 @ 10:56 am – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2017 – 2021). Joan of Arc 1412 – 1431. Last accessed [date]

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