King Edward the Martyr of England Timeline 962-978

Edward the Martyr Born – 962
Died – 18th March 978
FatherKing Edgar (943 – 975)
MotherAethelflaed the Fair (d. c964)
Spouse – Unmarried
Children – No children
King of England – 975 – 978
PredecessorKing Edgar – 959 – 975
SuccessorKing Aethelred the Unready – 978 – 1016


962 (during)
Edward the Martyr was born to King Edgar and his first wife, Aethelflaed. The exact date of Edward’s birth if not known.
964 (around)
Edward’s mother, Aethelflaed was either divorced or died.
964 (during)
Edward’s father, King Edgar married Aelfthryth, daughter of the Ealdorman of Devon.
965 (during)
Edward’s half-brother Edmund was born to Edgar and Aelfthryth.
966 (during)
Edward’s half-brother, Aethelred was born to Edgar and Aelfthryth.
970 (during)
Edward’s half-brother, Edmund, died.
973 (during)
Edgar and his wife Aelfthryth were crowned at Bath by Dunstan, Archbishop of Canterbury. This was likely a second coronation and celebration of Edgar’s rule.
973 (during)
King Edgar received the submission of eight kings of the North, including the Kings of Scotland and Strathclyde at Chester thus strengthening his position.
975 (8th July)
Edgar died at Winchester. Edward was nominated by his father to become King. This was supported by Archbishop of Canterbury, Dunstan but many nobles and the dowager Queen believed that Edgar’s younger son, Aethelred was the rightful King.
975 (after July)
Edward was crowned by Archbishop Dunstan at Kingston upon Thames
976 (during)
The dowager Queen and her faction continued to work against Edward.
978 (18th March)
Edward rode to Corfe Castle to pay his half-brother and stepmother a visit. As it was a family visit he was only escorted by a small retinue. He was met at the gates to the castle by a group of Aelfthryth’s retainers. Before he could dismount, Edward was stabbed several times and died very quickly. He was succeeded by his half-brother Aethelred who became known as the Unready.


Published 2016; re-published Jul 24 @ 4:30 pm – Updated – [last-modified]

Harvard Reference for this page:

Heather Y Wheeler. (2016 – 2020). King Edward the Martyr of England 962 – 978. Last accessed [date]

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